# If using Windows, add the MODULE_COMPILE define if(WIN32) add_definitions(-DMODULE_COMPILE) endif(WIN32) macro(build_modules SRC) if(NOT ${SRC} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} AND EXISTS "${SRC}/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory("${SRC}") else(NOT ${SRC} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} AND EXISTS "${SRC}/CMakeLists.txt") file(GLOB MODULES_SRCS "${SRC}/*") foreach(MODULE_SRC ${MODULES_SRCS}) if(IS_DIRECTORY "${MODULE_SRC}") build_modules("${MODULE_SRC}") else(IS_DIRECTORY "${MODULE_SRC}") string(REGEX MATCH "\\.c$" ANOPE18MODULE ${MODULE_SRC}) if(ANOPE18MODULE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Anope 1 modules are not compatible with Anope 2!\nOffending module: ${MODULE_SRC}") endif(ANOPE18MODULE) string(REGEX MATCH "\\.cpp$" CPP ${MODULE_SRC}) if(CPP) set_source_files_properties(${MODULE_SRC} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX COMPILE_FLAGS "${CXXFLAGS}") file(RELATIVE_PATH FNAME ${SRC} ${MODULE_SRC}) # Convert the real source file extension to have a .so extension string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.cpp$" ".so" SO ${FNAME}) # Temporary variable for the current source's include directories set(TEMP_INCLUDES) # Calculate the header file dependencies for the given source file calculate_depends(${MODULE_SRC} TEMP_INCLUDES) # If there were some extra include directories, add them to the list if(TEMP_INCLUDES) append_to_list(EXTRA_INCLUDES ${TEMP_INCLUDES}) endif(TEMP_INCLUDES) # Reset linker flags set(TEMP_LDFLAGS) # Reset extra dependencies set(TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) # Calculate the library dependencies for the given source file calculate_libraries(${MODULE_SRC} TEMP_LDFLAGS TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) # Reset has_function set(HAS_FUNCTION) # Check the function dependencies for the given source file check_functions(${MODULE_SRC} HAS_FUNCTION) # Only continue if this module has all of the required functions if(HAS_FUNCTION) # For Visual Studio only, include win32_memory static library, required to override Visual Studio's overrides of the new/delete operators if(MSVC) set(WIN32_MEMORY win32_memory) else(MSVC) set(WIN32_MEMORY) endif(MSVC) # Generate the module and set its linker flags, also set it to depend on the main Anope executable to be built beforehand add_library(${SO} MODULE ${MODULE_SRC}) # Windows requires this because it's weird if(WIN32) set(WIN32_NO_LIBS "/nodefaultlib:\"libcmt.lib\" /OPT:NOREF") else(WIN32) set(WIN32_NO_LIBS) endif(WIN32) set_target_properties(${SO} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX PREFIX "" SUFFIX "" LINK_FLAGS "${TEMP_LDFLAGS} ${WIN32_NO_LIBS}" INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH ON BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH ON) add_dependencies(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME}) if(GETTEXT_FOUND) add_dependencies(${SO} module_language) endif(GETTEXT_FOUND) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${TEMP_DEPENDENCIES}) # For Windows only, have the module link to the export library of Anope as well as wsock32 and Ws2_32 libraries (most of the modules probably don't need this, but this is to be on the safe side), also set its version if(WIN32) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME} wsock32 Ws2_32 ${WIN32_MEMORY}) set_target_properties(${PROGRAM_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION "${VERSION_DOTTED}") else(WIN32) if(APPLE) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME}) endif(APPLE) endif(WIN32) # Set the module to be installed to the module directory under the data directory install(TARGETS ${SO} DESTINATION ${LIB_DIR}/modules) endif(HAS_FUNCTION) endif(CPP) endif(IS_DIRECTORY "${MODULE_SRC}") endforeach(MODULE_SRC ${MODULES_SRCS}) endif(NOT ${SRC} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} AND EXISTS "${SRC}/CMakeLists.txt") endmacro(build_modules) macro(build_subdir) file(GLOB_RECURSE MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "*.cpp") sort_list(MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(FOLDER_NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME) set(SO "${FOLDER_NAME}.so") # Set all the files to use C++ as well as set their compile flags (use the module-specific compile flags, though) set_source_files_properties(${MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX COMPILE_FLAGS "${CXXFLAGS}") set(HAS_FUNCTION TRUE) # Iterate through the source files in the subdirectory foreach(SRC ${MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS}) if(HAS_FUNCTION) # Temporary variable for the current source's include directories set(TEMP_INCLUDES) # Calculate the header file dependencies for the given source file calculate_depends(${SRC} TEMP_INCLUDES) # If there were some extra include directories, add them to the list if(TEMP_INCLUDES) include_directories(${TEMP_INCLUDES}) endif(TEMP_INCLUDES) # Reset linker flags set(TEMP_LDFLAGS) # Reset extra dependencies set(TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) # Calculate the library dependencies for the given source file calculate_libraries(${SRC} SKIP_LIBRARIES MODULE TEMP_LDFLAGS TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) # Check the function dependencies for the given source file check_functions(${SRC} HAS_FUNCTION) # Append this source file's linker flags to the subdirectoy's linker flags, if there are any to append if(TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) append_to_list(SUBDIR_EXTRA_DEPENDS ${TEMP_DEPENDENCIES}) endif(TEMP_DEPENDENCIES) endif(HAS_FUNCTION) endforeach(SRC ${MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS}) # Continue if library and function requirements are met if(HAS_FUNCTION) # Remove duplicates from the linker flags if(SUBDIR_LDFLAGS) remove_list_duplicates(SUBDIR_LDFLAGS) endif(SUBDIR_LDFLAGS) # Remove duplicates from the extra dependencies if(SUBDIR_EXTRA_DEPENDS) remove_list_duplicates(SUBDIR_EXTRA_DEPENDS) endif(SUBDIR_EXTRA_DEPENDS) # For Visual Studio only, include win32_memory static library, required to override Visual Studio's overrides of the new/delete operators if(MSVC) set(WIN32_MEMORY win32_memory) else(MSVC) set(WIN32_MEMORY) endif(MSVC) # Generate the module and set it's linker flags, also set it to depend on the main Anope executable to be built beforehand add_library(${SO} MODULE ${MODULES_SUBDIR_SRCS}) set_target_properties(${SO} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX PREFIX "" SUFFIX "" LINK_FLAGS "${SUBDIR_LDFLAGS}" INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH ON BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH ON) add_dependencies(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME}) if(GETTEXT_FOUND) add_dependencies(${SO} module_language) endif(GETTEXT_FOUND) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${SUBDIR_EXTRA_DEPENDS}) # For Windows only, have the module link to the export library of Anope as well as wsock32 and Ws2_32 libraries (most of the modules probably don't need this, but this is to be on the safe side), also set it's version if(WIN32) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME} wsock32 Ws2_32 ${WIN32_MEMORY}) set_target_properties(${PROGRAM_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION "${VERSION_DOTTED}") else(WIN32) if(APPLE) target_link_libraries(${SO} ${PROGRAM_NAME}) endif(APPLE) endif(WIN32) # Set the module to be installed to the module directory under the data directory install(TARGETS ${SO} DESTINATION ${LIB_DIR}/modules) endif(HAS_FUNCTION) endmacro(build_subdir) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) build_modules(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})