query = $opts->query; $this->page = $opts->page; $this->opts = $opts; $url = $this->get_request_url(); if ($url) { $this->ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($this->ch, $opts->curl_settings); curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch); } } public function get_request_url(){ return ""; } public function successful() { return curl_getinfo($this->ch)['http_code'] == '200'; } abstract function get_results(); static public function print_results($results){} } function load_opts() { $opts = require "config.php"; $opts->query = trim($_REQUEST["q"] ?? ""); $opts->type = (int) ($_REQUEST["t"] ?? 0); $opts->page = (int) ($_REQUEST["p"] ?? 0); $opts->theme = trim(htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["theme"] ?? "dark")); $opts->safe_search = isset($_COOKIE["safe_search"]); $opts->disable_special = isset($_COOKIE["disable_special"]); $opts->disable_frontends = isset($_COOKIE["disable_frontends"]); $opts->language ??= trim(htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["language"])); $opts->number_of_results ??= trim(htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["number_of_results"])); foreach (array_keys($opts->frontends ?? array()) as $frontend) { $opts->frontends[$frontend]["instance_url"] = $_COOKIE[$frontend] ?? ""; } echo "
        echo "
"; return $opts; } function init_search($opts, $mh) { switch ($opts->type) { case 1: require "engines/qwant/image.php"; return new QwantImageSearch($opts, $mh); case 2: require "engines/invidious/video.php"; return new VideoSearch($opts, $mh); case 3: if ($opts->disable_bittorent_search) { echo "

The host disabled this feature! :C

"; break; } require "engines/bittorrent/merge.php"; return new TorrentSearch($opts, $mh); case 4: if ($opts->disable_hidden_service_search) { echo "

The host disabled this feature! :C

"; break; } require "engines/ahmia/hidden_service.php"; return new TorSearch($opts, $mh); default: require "engines/text/text.php"; return new TextSearch($opts, $mh); } } function fetch_search_results($opts, $do_print) { $start_time = microtime(true); $mh = curl_multi_init(); $search_category = init_search($opts, $mh); $running = null; do { curl_multi_exec($mh, $running); } while ($running); $results = $search_category->get_results(); // TODO test if no results here and fallback if (!$do_print) return $results; print_elapsed_time($start_time); $search_category->print_results($results); return $results; } ?>