#!/bin/sh echo "[PREPARE] docker/server/prepare.sh'" # Load all environment variables from 'attributes.sh' using the command 'source /path/attributes.sh' source "docker/attributes.sh" export OPEN_SEARCH_HOST_FOR_NGINX="$(echo "${OPEN_SEARCH_HOST}" | cut -d "/" -f 3 | cut -d ":" -f 1)" # The lines below will replace the environment variables in the templates with the corresponding variables listed above. To accomplish this, the GNU 'envsubst' package will be used # Although not recommended (if you do not know what you are doing), you still have the option to add new substitution file templates using any required environment variables if [[ ! -s ${CONFIG_NGINX_TEMPLATE} ]]; then cp "docker/server/fastcgi.conf" /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf cp "docker/server/nginx.conf" /etc/nginx/http.d/librey.conf # To address issues with 'nginx.conf', the following lines will ensure that these configurations remain executable chmod u+x "/etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf" chmod u+x "/etc/nginx/http.d/librey.conf" cat 'docker/server/nginx.conf' | envsubst '${OPEN_SEARCH_HOST_FOR_NGINX}' > ${CONFIG_NGINX_TEMPLATE}; fi