pub mod events; pub mod factory; pub mod format; pub mod irc_command; pub mod system; pub mod system_params; pub mod utils; use std::{ any::TypeId, collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}, io::ErrorKind, net::ToSocketAddrs, path::Path, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use async_native_tls::TlsStream; use factory::Factory; use irc_command::IrcCommand; use log::{debug, info, trace, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use system::{IntoSystem, Response, StoredSystem, System}; use tokio::{ fs::File, io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, ReadHalf, WriteHalf}, net::TcpStream, sync::{mpsc, RwLock}, }; pub(crate) const MAX_MSG_LEN: usize = 512; #[derive(Default)] pub enum Stream { Plain(TcpStream), Tls(TlsStream), #[default] None, } impl Stream { pub async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::result::Result { match self { Stream::Plain(stream) =>, Stream::Tls(stream) =>, Stream::None => panic!("No stream."), } } pub async fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::result::Result { match self { Stream::Plain(stream) => stream.write(buf).await, Stream::Tls(stream) => stream.write(buf).await, Stream::None => panic!("No stream."), } } } pub struct FloodControl { last_cmd: SystemTime, } impl Default for FloodControl { fn default() -> Self { Self { last_cmd: SystemTime::now(), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct IrcPrefix<'a> { pub nick: &'a str, pub user: Option<&'a str>, pub host: Option<&'a str>, } impl<'a> From<&'a str> for IrcPrefix<'a> { fn from(prefix_str: &'a str) -> Self { let prefix_str = &prefix_str[1..]; let nick_split: Vec<&str> = prefix_str.split('!').collect(); let nick = nick_split[0]; // we only have a nick if nick_split.len() == 1 { return Self { nick, ..Default::default() }; } let user_split: Vec<&str> = nick_split[1].split('@').collect(); let user = user_split[0]; // we don't have an host if user_split.len() == 1 { return Self { nick: nick, user: Some(user), ..Default::default() }; } Self { nick: nick, user: Some(user), host: Some(user_split[1]), } } } pub struct IrcMessage<'a> { prefix: Option>, command: IrcCommand, parameters: Vec<&'a str>, } impl<'a> From<&'a str> for IrcMessage<'a> { fn from(line: &'a str) -> Self { let mut elements = line.split_whitespace(); let tmp =; if tmp.chars().next().unwrap() == ':' { return Self { prefix: Some(tmp.into()), command:, parameters: elements.collect(), }; } Self { prefix: None, command: tmp.into(), parameters: elements.collect(), } } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct IrcConfig { host: String, port: u16, ssl: bool, nick: String, channels: HashSet, user: String, real: String, nickserv_pass: Option, nickserv_email: Option, cmdkey: String, flood_interval: f32, owner: String, admins: Vec, } // TODO: /* split Irc into two structs, one for the context, which is Send + Sync to be usable in tasks one for the comms. */ pub struct Context { config: IrcConfig, identified: bool, send_queue: VecDeque, systems: HashMap, interval_tasks: Vec<(Duration, StoredSystem)>, factory: Arc>, } impl Context { pub fn privmsg(&mut self, channel: &str, message: &str) { debug!("sending privmsg to {} : {}", channel, message); self.queue(&format!("PRIVMSG {} :{}", channel, message)); } fn queue(&mut self, msg: &str) { let mut msg = msg.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", ""); if msg.len() > MAX_MSG_LEN - "\r\n".len() { let mut i = 0; while i < msg.len() { let max = (MAX_MSG_LEN - "\r\n".len()).min(msg[i..].len()); let mut m = msg[i..(i + max)].to_owned(); m = m + "\r\n"; self.send_queue.push_back(m); i += MAX_MSG_LEN - "\r\n".len() } } else { msg = msg + "\r\n"; self.send_queue.push_back(msg); } } pub fn identify(&mut self) { if self.config.nickserv_pass.is_none() || self.identified { return; } self.privmsg( "NickServ", &format!("IDENTIFY {}", self.config.nickserv_pass.as_ref().unwrap()), ); } pub fn register(&mut self) { info!( "Registering as {}!{} ({})", self.config.nick, self.config.user, self.config.real ); self.queue(&format!( "USER {} 0 * {}", self.config.user, self.config.real )); self.queue(&format!("NICK {}", self.config.nick)); } fn is_owner(&self, prefix: &IrcPrefix) -> bool { self.is_admin(prefix, &self.config.owner) } fn is_admin(&self, prefix: &IrcPrefix, admin: &str) -> bool { let admin = ":".to_owned() + &admin; let admin_prefix: IrcPrefix = admin.as_str().into(); if (admin_prefix.nick == prefix.nick || admin_prefix.nick == "*") && (admin_prefix.user == prefix.user || admin_prefix.user == Some("*")) && ( == || == Some("*")) { return true; } false } fn join(&mut self, channel: &str) { info!("Joining {channel}"); self.queue(&format!("JOIN {}", channel)); self.config.channels.insert(channel.to_owned()); } fn join_config_channels(&mut self) { for i in 0..self.config.channels.len() { let channel = self.config.channels.iter().nth(i).unwrap(); info!("Joining {channel}"); self.queue(&format!("JOIN {}", channel)) } } fn update_nick(&mut self, new_nick: &str) { self.config.nick = new_nick.to_owned(); self.queue(&format!("NICK {}", self.config.nick)); } pub fn privmsg_all(&mut self, message: &str) { for i in 0..self.config.channels.len() { let channel = self.config.channels.iter().nth(i).unwrap(); debug!("sending privmsg to {} : {}", channel, message); self.queue(&format!("PRIVMSG {} :{}", channel, message)); } } pub fn add_system System + Send + Sync + 'static>( &mut self, name: &str, system: impl for<'a> IntoSystem, ) -> &mut Self { .insert(name.to_owned(), Box::new(system.into_system())); self } pub fn add_interval_task System + Send + Sync + 'static>( &mut self, duration: Duration, system_task: impl for<'a> IntoSystem, ) -> &mut Self { self.interval_tasks .push((duration, Box::new(system_task.into_system()))); self } pub async fn add_resource(&mut self, res: R) -> &mut Self { self.factory .write() .await .resources .insert(TypeId::of::(), Box::new(res)); self } pub async fn run_system<'a>( &mut self, prefix: &'a IrcPrefix<'a>, arguments: Vec<&'a str>, name: &str, ) -> Response { let system =;, &arguments, &mut *self.factory.write().await) } pub async fn run_interval_tasks(&mut self, tx: mpsc::Sender>) { for (task_duration, mut task) in std::mem::take(&mut self.interval_tasks) { let fact = self.factory.clone(); let task_tx = tx.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { tokio::time::sleep(task_duration).await; let resp = &IrcPrefix { nick: "", user: None, host: None, }, &[], &mut *fact.write().await, ); if resp.0.is_none() { continue; } task_tx.send(resp.0.unwrap()).await.unwrap() } }); } } } pub trait AsyncReadWrite: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin {} impl AsyncReadWrite for T {} pub struct Irc { context: Arc>, flood_controls: HashMap, stream: Option>, partial_line: String, } impl Irc { pub async fn from_config(path: impl AsRef) -> std::io::Result { let mut file = File::open(path).await?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents).await?; let config: IrcConfig = serde_yaml::from_str(&contents).unwrap(); let context = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Context { config, identified: false, send_queue: VecDeque::new(), systems: HashMap::default(), interval_tasks: Vec::new(), factory: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Factory::default())), })); Ok(Self { context, stream: None, flood_controls: HashMap::default(), partial_line: String::new(), }) } pub async fn add_system System + Send + Sync + 'static>( &mut self, name: &str, system: impl for<'a> IntoSystem, ) -> &mut Self { { let mut context = self.context.write().await; context.add_system(name, system); } self } pub async fn add_interval_task System + Send + Sync + 'static>( &mut self, duration: Duration, system: impl for<'a> IntoSystem, ) -> &mut Self { { let mut context = self.context.write().await; context.add_interval_task(duration, system); } self } pub async fn add_resource(&mut self, res: R) -> &mut Self { { let mut context = self.context.write().await; context.add_resource(res).await; } self } pub async fn connect(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { let context =; let domain = format!("{}:{}",, context.config.port); info!("Connecting to {}", domain); let mut addrs = domain .to_socket_addrs() .expect("Unable to get addrs from domain {domain}"); let sock = addrs .next() .expect("Unable to get ip from addrs: {addrs:?}"); let plain_stream = TcpStream::connect(sock).await?; if context.config.ssl { let stream = async_native_tls::connect(, plain_stream) .await .unwrap(); = Some(Box::new(stream)); return Ok(()); } = Some(Box::new(plain_stream)); Ok(()) } async fn is_flood(&mut self, channel: &str) -> bool { let mut flood_control = match self.flood_controls.entry(channel.to_owned()) { std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => o.into_mut(), std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(v) => { v.insert(FloodControl { last_cmd: SystemTime::now(), }); return false; } }; let elapsed = flood_control.last_cmd.elapsed().unwrap(); if elapsed.as_secs_f32() < { warn!("they be floodin @ {channel}!"); return true; } flood_control.last_cmd = SystemTime::now(); false } pub async fn handle_commands(&mut self, mut lines: VecDeque) { while lines.len() != 0 { let owned_line = lines.pop_front().unwrap(); let line = owned_line.as_str(); trace!("<< {:?}", line); let message: IrcMessage = line.into(); self.handle_message(&message).await; } } async fn handle_message<'a>(&mut self, message: &'a IrcMessage<'a>) { match message.command { IrcCommand::PING => self.event_ping(&message.parameters[0]).await, IrcCommand::RPL_WELCOME => self.event_welcome(&message.parameters[1..].join(" ")).await, IrcCommand::ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE => self.event_nicknameinuse().await, IrcCommand::KICK => { self.event_kick( &message.parameters[0], &message.parameters[1], &message.prefix.as_ref().unwrap().nick, &message.parameters[2..].join(" "), ) .await } IrcCommand::QUIT => self.event_quit(message.prefix.as_ref().unwrap()).await, IrcCommand::INVITE => { self.event_invite( message.prefix.as_ref().unwrap(), &message.parameters[1][1..], ) .await } IrcCommand::PRIVMSG => { self.event_privmsg( message.prefix.as_ref().unwrap(), &message.parameters[0], &message.parameters[1..].join(" ")[1..], ) .await } IrcCommand::NOTICE => { self.event_notice( message.prefix.as_ref(), &message.parameters[0], &message.parameters[1..].join(" ")[1..], ) .await } _ => {} } } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { self.connect().await?; info!("Ready!"); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::>(512); { let mut context = self.context.write().await; context.register(); context.run_interval_tasks(tx).await; } let stream =; let (mut reader, mut writer) = tokio::io::split(stream); let cloned_ctx = self.context.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { handle_rx(&mut rx, &cloned_ctx).await; } }); let cloned_ctx = self.context.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { send(&mut writer, &cloned_ctx).await.unwrap(); } }); loop { let lines = recv(&mut reader, &mut self.partial_line).await?; self.handle_commands(lines.into()).await; } } } async fn handle_rx(rx: &mut mpsc::Receiver>, arc_context: &RwLock) { while let Some(data) = rx.recv().await { let mut context = arc_context.write().await; for line in data { context.privmsg_all(&line); } } } async fn send( writer: &mut WriteHalf, arc_context: &RwLock, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut len; { let context =; len = context.send_queue.len(); } while len > 0 { let mut context = arc_context.write().await; let msg = context.send_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); len -= 1; trace!(">> {}", msg.replace("\r\n", "")); let bytes_written = match writer.write(msg.as_bytes()).await { Ok(bytes_written) => bytes_written, Err(err) => match err.kind() { ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { return Ok(()); } _ => panic!("{err}"), }, }; if bytes_written < msg.len() { context .send_queue .push_front(msg[bytes_written..].to_owned()); } } Ok(()) } async fn recv( reader: &mut ReadHalf, partial_line: &mut String, ) -> std::io::Result> { let mut buf = [0; MAX_MSG_LEN]; let mut lines = vec![]; let bytes_read = match buf).await { Ok(bytes_read) => bytes_read, Err(err) => match err.kind() { ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { return Ok(lines); } _ => panic!("{err}"), }, }; if bytes_read == 0 { return Ok(lines); } let buf = &buf[..bytes_read]; *partial_line += String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).into_owned().as_str(); let new_lines: Vec<&str> = partial_line.split("\r\n").collect(); let len = new_lines.len(); for (index, line) in new_lines.into_iter().enumerate() { if index == len - 1 && &buf[buf.len() - 3..] != b"\r\n" { *partial_line = line.to_owned(); break; } lines.push(line.to_owned()); } Ok(lines) }