# Copyright (c) 2010 Alex Barrett # # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified # copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long # as the name is changed. # # DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE # TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION # # 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. # 2016-08-02, wowaname # v0.3: add -x, fork to prismx.py # 2015-11-16, wowaname # v0.2.9: wrote an actual parser rather than regex # 2014-09-03, Matthew Martin # v0.2.8: add color reset to the end of the output # 2013-11-26, Seganku # v0.2.7: add -c switch for the option to pass output to a command # 2013-07-19, Sebastien Helleu # v0.2.6: use buffer received in command callback instead of current buffer # 2013-05-04, Rylai # v0.2.5: add -e switch for the option to destroy the eyes of all # who have the misfortune of seeing your text # 2013-04-26, Biohazard # v0.2.4: add support for using the command through keybindings # 2013-03-12, R1cochet # v0.2.3: add -b switch for backwards/reverse text # 2013-01-29, SuperT1R: # v0.2.2: add -m switch to append /me to the beginning of the output import weechat as w import random import re SCRIPT_NAME = "prismx" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Alex Barrett " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.3" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "WTFPL" SCRIPT_DESC = "Taste the rainbow." # red, lightred, brown, yellow, green, lightgreen, cyan, # lightcyan, blue, lightblue, magenta, lightmagenta ncolors = [5, 4, 7, 8, 3, 9, 10, 11, 2, 12, 6, 13] xcolors = [ 16,28,40,52,64,65,53,41,29,17,18,30,42,54,66,67,55,43,31,19,20,32,44, 56,68,69,57,45,33,21,22,34,46,58,70,71,59,47,35,23,24,36,48,60,72,73, 61,49,37,25,26,38,50,62,74,75,63,51,39,27] xxcolors = range(100) # we set this later color_count = 0 # keeping a global index means the coloring will pick up where it left off color_index = 0 # spaces don't need to be colored and commas cannot be because mIRC is dumb chars_neutral = " ," chars_control = "\x01-\x1f\x7f-\x9f" regex_chars = "[^%(n)s%(s)s][%(n)s%(s)s]*" % { 'n': chars_neutral, 's': chars_control } regex_words = "[^%(n)s]+[%(n)s%(s)s]*" % { 'n': chars_neutral, 's': chars_control } if w.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""): w.hook_command("prism", SCRIPT_DESC, "[-rwmbe] text|-c[wbe] text", " -r: randomizes the order of the color sequence\n" " -w: color entire words instead of individual characters\n" " -m: append /me to beginning of output\n" " -b: backwards text (entire string is reversed)\n" " -e: eye-destroying colors (randomized background colors)\n" " -c: specify a separator to turn on colorization\n" " eg. -c : /topic :howdy howdy howdy\n" " -x: extended color set, requires 256color terminal\n" " -s: stretch to fit text\n" " text: text to be colored", "-r|-w|-m|-b|-e|-c", "prism_cmd_cb", "") def prism_cmd_cb(data, buffer, args): global color_index color_local = color_index color_index += 1 input = args.decode("UTF-8") input_method = "command" if not input or (input[0] == '-' and input.find(' ') == -1): input = (input + ' ' if input else '') + w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "input") input = input.decode("UTF-8") input_method = "keybinding" if not input: return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK optstop = input and input[0] == '-' and input.find(' ') opts = input[1:optstop] if optstop else '' cmdstop = 'c' in opts and input.find(' ', optstop+1) cmd = '' if 'm' in opts: cmd = '/me ' if 'c' in opts: find = input[optstop+1:cmdstop] where = input.find(find, cmdstop+1) cmd = input[cmdstop+1:where] input = input[where+len(find):] else: input = input[optstop+bool(optstop):] regex = regex_words if 'w' in opts else regex_chars inc = 'r' not in opts bs = 'e' in opts stretch = 's' in opts colors = ncolors if 'x' not in opts else (xxcolors if bs or not inc else xcolors) color_count = len(colors) input = input[::-1] if 'b' in opts else input output = u"" tokens = re.findall(regex, input) for token in tokens: # prefix each token with a color code c1 = unicode(colors[color_local % color_count]).rjust(2, "0") if bs: c2 = random.randint(1, color_count - 1) % color_count c2 = unicode(colors[c2 + 1 if c2 == color_local % color_count else c2]).rjust(2,"0") output += u'\x03' + c1 + ',' + c2 + token else: output += u"\x03" + c1 + token # select the next color or another color at # random depending on the options specified if not inc: color_local += random.randint(1, color_count - 1) else: color_local += inc output += u'\x0f' # output starting with a / will be executed as a # command unless we escape it with a preceding / # Commands should use the -c flag if len(output) > 0 and output[0] == "/": output = "/" + output if len(cmd) > 0: output = cmd + output if input_method == "keybinding": w.buffer_set(buffer, "input", output.encode("UTF-8")) else: w.command(buffer, output.encode("UTF-8")) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK