From d1e0893a138d6cd49e7a22df479153215fd72f08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wowaname Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 06:35:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] actually included an alias.conf file... --- conf/alias.conf | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+) diff --git a/conf/alias.conf b/conf/alias.conf index e69de29..d9454b7 100644 --- a/conf/alias.conf +++ b/conf/alias.conf @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# +# weechat -- alias.conf +# + +[cmd] +> = "msg * 3>$1-" +a = "exec -nosw -o cat /home/wowaname/ascii/*/"$*"" +AAWAY = "allserv /away" +action = "msg * \x01ACTION $*\x01" +ame = "allchan me $* [AME]" +amsg = "allchan msg * $* [AMSG]" +ascii = "exec -nosw -o cat "/home/wowaname/ascii/$*"" +ascii-to = "exec -o -nosw sed 's/^/$1: /' "ascii/$2-"" +asl = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/bin/asl/" +autocmd = "eval -s ${irc.server.$server.command}" +b = "buffer" +b64d = "exec -nosw -sh echo '$1-' | base64 -d" +b64e = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo '$1-' | base64" +best = "say best $* in town;say best $* around" +buttranged = "say you've just been HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED go drink ur moms bredt milk u fart commander i bet u hav a fetish FOR MEN LMAO ur just so made all the time its 2 easy 23 own u "i ilk to drinkj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - u" +c = "connect" +chan = "msg chanserv $1 $channel $2-" +clear = "buffer clear" +cnotice = "notice $channel" +cowsay = "exec -o cowsay" +ctopic = "topic" +cuntpunt = "/prism -c \ /$1 $2 cuntpunt \\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/" +dbad = "say" +dc = "disconnect" +dc_full = "exec -nosw -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 4 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 1 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 2 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 3 + $4 ))$3\; done'" +dc_half = "exec -nosw -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 64 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 16 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 32 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 48 ))$3\; done'" +diagonal = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'import sys\;j="$*"\;[sys.stdout.write(" "*i + j[i] + "\n") for i in xrange(len(j))]'" +dongers = "say ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ" +dyk = "/m $channel 8(!) 1Did you know...;/m $channel 11/14=11\ ;/m $channel 11\ / $*" +e = "/say 14╓13 $nick@weechat;/say 14╙─╴ $ $*;/exec -nosw -sh -o $*\;EXIT=$?\;[ $EXIT != 0 ] && echo 4Exited with code $EXIT!" +ext = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/" +fakelag = "exec -o -nosw figlet -Fborder -Fgay -fterm Please disable Fakelag, $1!\;echo\;echo "Some clients limit commands sent at once so they don't get disconnected."\;echo 'This is often undesired as Good IRC Networks can handle flooding.'\;echo 'Certain clients allow easy removal of fakelag:'\;echo 'irssi :: /set cmd_queue_speed 0msec'\;echo '  /set cmds_max_at_once 0'\;echo '  /reconnect'\;echo 'WeeChat :: /set irc.server_default.anti_flood_prio_high 0'\;echo '  /save'\;echo 'HexChat :: /set net_throttle 0'\;echo 'ChatZilla :: /evals CIRCServer.prototype.MS_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0'\;echo 'ZNC :: /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodburst $me $network 0'\;echo '  /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodrate $me $network 0'" +figfonts = "exec -nosw -n ls /usr/share/figlet" +figlet = "exec -nosw -o figlet -w100 -Fcrop $*" +flip = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo $* | flip" +fuck = "python load;python load" +full = "figlet -f wideterm" +ganja = "/me is away (4,4__8,8__3,3__14,1 SmOkInG ThE GaNjA 4,4__8,8__3,3__)" +geg = "exec -o python -c 'input="$*".replace(" ","1,1X")+"1,1"\;print input+("X"*(300-len(input)))'" +gentoo = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo install `(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-z' | head -c 1) 2> /dev/null`entoo" +gnu = "say I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as $2-, is in fact, $1/$2-, or as I've recently taken to calling it, $1 plus $2-." +gnulinux = "gnu GNU Linux" +grease = "/m $channel Grease and trolls, peace and war, is all that goes through my head. Blame me,;/m $channel I'm not clean anymore, the grease monkeys rise again, I'll have my time. My body;/m $channel starts gettin greasy, I'll have my mind, I'm going to drink grease. Clean news,;/m $channel grease food, all that flows in my heart. I dont use the bed in my dumpster, I;/m $channel dont wanna drop my guard. Clean me, I wont understand. I'm greasy, only half a;/m $channel monkey. Clean me, and I'll take your land. I'll have my time, grease monkeys;/m $channel rise again." +hop = "cycle" +image = "exec -nosw -o -sh wget -O "/home/wowaname/.cacaimage" "$2-" 2>/dev/null && img2txt -W$1 "/home/wowaname/.cacaimage"" +J = "join" +jargon = "exec -nosw -o /home/wowaname/" +K = "kick" +kb = "kickban2" +loljk = "say lol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JK" +M = "msg" +merge = "buffer merge" +mirc = "say 0000010102020303040405050606070708080909101011111212131314141515" +mv = "buffer move" +n = "notice" +nctcp = "notice $1 $2-" +nickmsg = "/exec -pipe /nick for i in $*\; do echo $i\; done" +offend = "msg * $1: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read" +opa = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '&' | sed s/^/11/;mode +a" +oph = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '%' | sed s/^/13/;mode +h" +opo = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '@' | sed s/^/09/;mode +o" +opq = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '~' | sed s/^/04/;mode +q" +opv = "exec -o figlet -fgeorgia11 '+' | sed s/^/8/;mode +v" +oslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with $2-." +p = "part" +popart = "repeat $1 exec -nosw -o bash -c 'echo "$(( $RANDOM % 16 ))$2-"'" +pre = "$1 $2$channel $3-" +Q = "query" +qadd = "query_blocker add" +qls = "query_blocker list" +qrm = "query_blocker del" +questions = "say $1$2-" +r-pair = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs}\;$1=$2-"" +r-word = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words}\;$1=$2-"" +rascii = "exec -nosw -pipe /prism sed 's/^/ /'< "ascii/$*"" +raw = "quote" +rc = "reconnect" +REDRAW = "window refresh" +remove = "/quote remove $channel $1 :$2-" +reverse = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'print "$*"[::-1]'" +rot13 = "exec -nosw -o -sh echo "$*" | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M" +rslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large 4r7a8i3n12b2o6w 7t8r3o12u2t6." +s = "buffer server.$1" +sa = "eval /set irc.server.$server.addresses ${irc.server.$server.addresses},$1" +sadmac = "say سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ" +savechan = "autojoin --run" +say = "msg $channel" +sc = "eval /set irc.server.$server.addresses" +set_append = "/eval /set $1 "\${$1},$2-"" +sj = "server jump" +slap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout." +sln = "ison q w e r t y u i o p { };print [ ] q w e r t y u i o p { };ison a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];print [ ] a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];ison z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |;print [ ] z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |" +space = "exec -nosw -o python -c 'print " ".join("$*")'" +split = "/bar hide nicklist;/window splitv" +spy = "eval can $server see what i do on my computer" +style = "/eval -s /set plugins.var.python.embellish.fgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_fgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.bgs "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_bgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.pre "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_pre}"\;/set plugins.var.python.embellish.suf "\${plugins.var.python.embellish.$1_suf}"" +sv = "squery sv" +t = "topic" +think = "/me .oO( $1- )" +timeout = "buffer notify none; wait 60m /buffer notify reset" +tmyk = "say 2The 12More 6You 13Know 5=7=8=9=11=12=2=8☆" +topicflood = "exec -nosw -pipe "/raw TOPIC $channel :" -sh cat "/home/wowaname/ascii/$1-"" +tr = "translate" +train = "kick $1 ran over with a train 4/2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]4\" +UB = "unban" +UMODE = "mode $nick" +unfuck = "python unload text_replace;python unload embellish" +unsplit = "/bar show nicklist;/window merge" +urgay = "ascii-to $1 pp4l/youaregay" +urslow = "exec -o head -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; head -n33 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | tail -n16 | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; tail -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /" +v = "ctcp $1 version" +W = "who" +wc = "buffer close" +WI = "whois" +WII = "whois $1 $1" +wv = "command core version" +WW = "whowas" +xyzzy = "print Nothing happens" +yop = "/squery sv raw :sv mode $channel +y $nick" + +[completion]