#include #include "gfx/xbox/nx/render.h" #include "gfx/xbox/p_nxparticleGlowRibbonTrail.h" extern DWORD PixelShader1; namespace Nx { /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail() { } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail( uint32 checksum, int max_particles, uint32 texture_checksum, uint32 blendmode_checksum, int fix, int num_segments, float split, int history ) { m_checksum = checksum; m_max_particles = max_particles; m_num_particles = 0; m_mid_time = -1.0f; m_num_segments = num_segments; m_segment_step = 360.0f / m_num_segments; m_history = history; m_split = split; mp_particle_array = new CParticleEntry[max_particles]; // Allocate vertex buffer. mp_vertices = new float*[( history + 1)]; for( int lp = 0; lp < ( history + 1 ); lp++ ) { mp_vertices[lp] = new float[max_particles * 3]; } m_num_vertex_buffers = history + 1; // Create the engine representation. mp_engine_particle = new NxXbox::sParticleSystem( max_particles, NxXbox::PARTICLE_TYPE_GLOWRIBBONTRAIL, texture_checksum, blendmode_checksum, fix, num_segments, history ); // Default color. m_start_color = new Image::RGBA[m_num_vertex_buffers + 3]; m_mid_color = new Image::RGBA[m_num_vertex_buffers + 3]; m_end_color = new Image::RGBA[m_num_vertex_buffers + 3]; for ( int lp = 0; lp < ( m_num_vertex_buffers + 3 ); lp++ ) { m_start_color[lp].r = 128; m_start_color[lp].g = 128; m_start_color[lp].b = 128; m_start_color[lp].a = 128; m_mid_color[lp].r = 128; m_mid_color[lp].g = 128; m_mid_color[lp].b = 128; m_mid_color[lp].a = 128; m_end_color[lp].r = 128; m_end_color[lp].g = 128; m_end_color[lp].b = 128; m_end_color[lp].a = 128; } } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::~CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail() { delete [] mp_particle_array; for ( int lp = 0; lp < m_num_vertex_buffers; lp++ ) { delete [] mp_vertices[lp]; } delete [] mp_vertices; delete [] m_start_color; delete [] m_mid_color; delete [] m_end_color; delete mp_engine_particle; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_get_position( int entry, int list, float * x, float * y, float * z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; *x = p_v[0]; *y = p_v[1]; *z = p_v[2]; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; p_v[0] = x; p_v[1] = y; p_v[2] = z; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_add_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; p_v[0] += x; p_v[1] += y; p_v[2] += z; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ int CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_get_num_particle_colors( void ) { return m_num_vertex_buffers + 3; } int CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_get_num_vertex_lists( void ) { return m_num_vertex_buffers; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_sr( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].r = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_sg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].g = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_sb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].b = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_sa( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].a = value >> 1; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_mr( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].r = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_mg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].g = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_mb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].b = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_ma( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].a = value >> 1; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_er( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].r = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_eg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].g = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_eb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].b = value; } void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_set_ea( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].a = value >> 1; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CXboxParticleGlowRibbonTrail::plat_render( void ) { // Draw the particles. if( m_num_particles > 0 ) { int lp; CParticleEntry *p_particle; float *p_v0, *p_v1; // Used to figure the right and up vectors for creating screen-aligned particle quads. D3DXMATRIX *p_matrix = (D3DXMATRIX*)&NxXbox::EngineGlobals.view_matrix; // Concatenate p_matrix with the emmission angle to create the direction. Mth::Vector up( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); // Get the 'right' vector as the cross product of camera 'at and world 'up'. Mth::Vector at( p_matrix->m[0][2], p_matrix->m[1][2], p_matrix->m[2][2] ); Mth::Vector screen_right = Mth::CrossProduct( at, up ); Mth::Vector screen_up = Mth::CrossProduct( screen_right, at ); Image::RGBA color[3]; Image::RGBA *p_col0; Image::RGBA *p_col1; // Obtain push buffer lock. DWORD *p_push; DWORD dwords_per_particle = ( 36 * m_num_segments ) + ( 24 * ( m_num_vertex_buffers - 1 )); DWORD dword_count = dwords_per_particle * m_num_particles; // Submit particle material. mp_engine_particle->mp_material->Submit(); // Set up correct vertex and pixel shader. NxXbox::set_vertex_shader( D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE ); NxXbox::set_pixel_shader( PixelShader1 ); // The additional number (+5 is minimum) is to reserve enough overhead for the encoding parameters. It can safely be more, but no less. p_push = D3DDevice_BeginPush( dword_count + 32 ); // Note that p_push is returned as a pointer to write-combined memory. Writes to write-combined memory should be // consecutive and in increasing order. Reads should be avoided. Additionally, any CPU reads from memory or the // L2 cache can force expensive partial flushes of the 32-byte write-combine cache. p_push[0] = D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_SET_BEGIN_END, 1 ); p_push[1] = D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST; p_push += 2; // Set up loop variables here, since we be potentially enetering the loop more than once. lp = 0; p_particle = mp_particle_array; p_v0 = mp_vertices[0]; p_v1 = mp_vertices[(m_num_vertex_buffers - 1)]; while( dword_count > 0 ) { int dwords_written = 0; // NOTE: A maximum of 2047 DWORDs can be specified to D3DPUSH_ENCODE. If there is more than 2047 DWORDs of vertex // data, simply split the data into multiple D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_INLINE_ARRAY ) sections. p_push[0] = D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_NOINCREMENT_FLAG | D3DPUSH_INLINE_ARRAY, ( dword_count > 2047 ) ? ((int)( 2047 / dwords_per_particle )) * dwords_per_particle: dword_count ); ++p_push; for( ; lp < m_num_particles; lp++, p_particle++, p_v0 += 3, p_v1 += 3 ) { // Check to see if writing another particle will take us over the edge. if(( dwords_written + dwords_per_particle ) > 2047 ) { break; } // Calculate the interpolator ( 1.0f / particle_life ). float terp = p_particle->m_time * ReciprocalEstimateNR_ASM( p_particle->m_life ); Mth::Vector pos[2]; p_v0 = &mp_vertices[0][lp*3]; pos[0].Set( p_v0[0] + m_pos[X], p_v0[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v0[2] + m_pos[Z] ); p_v0 = &mp_vertices[1][lp*3]; pos[1].Set( p_v0[0] + m_pos[X], p_v0[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v0[2] + m_pos[Z] ); Mth::Vector part_vec = pos[1] - pos[0]; Mth::Vector perp_vec = Mth::CrossProduct( part_vec, at ); perp_vec.Normalize(); float w = p_particle->m_sw + (( p_particle->m_ew - p_particle->m_sw ) * terp ); float h = p_particle->m_sh + (( p_particle->m_eh - p_particle->m_sh ) * terp ); Mth::Vector tmp[4]; if( m_mid_time >= 0.0f ) { if( terp < m_mid_time ) { p_col0 = &m_start_color[3]; p_col1 = &m_mid_color[3]; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = terp / m_mid_time; } else { p_col0 = &m_mid_color[3]; p_col1 = &m_end_color[3]; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = ( terp - m_mid_time ) / ( 1.0f - m_mid_time ); } } else { // No mid color specified. p_col0 = &m_start_color[3]; p_col1 = &m_end_color[3]; } Image::RGBA start = *p_col0++; Image::RGBA end = *p_col1++; // Interpolate and swap red and blue here. Use fixed point math to avoid _ftol2 calls. int f_terp = Ftoi_ASM( terp * 4096.0f ); color[0].b = ((((int)start.r ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.r - (int)start.r ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[0].g = ((((int)start.g ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.g - (int)start.g ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[0].r = ((((int)start.b ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.b - (int)start.b ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[0].a = ((((int)start.a ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.a - (int)start.a ) * f_terp )) / 4096; tmp[0] = pos[0] + ( perp_vec * w * m_split ); tmp[1] = pos[0] - ( perp_vec * w * m_split ); for( int c = 1; c < m_num_vertex_buffers; c++ ) { start = *p_col0++; end = *p_col1++; // Interpolate and swap red and blue here. Use fixed point math to avoid _ftol2 calls. color[1].b = ((((int)start.r ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.r - (int)start.r ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[1].g = ((((int)start.g ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.g - (int)start.g ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[1].r = ((((int)start.b ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.b - (int)start.b ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[1].a = ((((int)start.a ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.a - (int)start.a ) * f_terp )) / 4096; if ( c > 1 ) { p_v0 = &mp_vertices[c][lp*3]; pos[1].Set( p_v0[0] + m_pos[X], p_v0[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v0[2] + m_pos[Z] ); part_vec = pos[1] - pos[0]; perp_vec = Mth::CrossProduct( part_vec, at ); perp_vec.Normalize(); } tmp[2] = pos[1] + ( perp_vec * w * m_split ); tmp[3] = pos[1] - ( perp_vec * w * m_split ); // First tri. p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[0] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[0] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; // Second tri. p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[0] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; color[0] = color[1]; pos[0] = pos[1]; tmp[0] = tmp[2]; tmp[1] = tmp[3]; } // Now draw the glow. p_v0 = &mp_vertices[0][lp*3]; pos[0].Set( p_v0[0] + m_pos[X], p_v0[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v0[2] + m_pos[Z] ); Mth::Vector ss_right, ss_up; ss_right = screen_right * w; ss_up = screen_up * h; if( m_mid_time >= 0.0f ) { if( terp < m_mid_time ) { p_col0 = m_start_color; p_col1 = m_mid_color; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = terp / m_mid_time; } else { p_col0 = m_mid_color; p_col1 = m_end_color; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = ( terp - m_mid_time ) / ( 1.0f - m_mid_time ); } } else { // No mid color specified. p_col0 = m_start_color; p_col1 = m_end_color; } // Swap red and blue here. for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) { Image::RGBA start = *p_col0++; Image::RGBA end = *p_col1++; // Interpolate and swap red and blue here. Use fixed point math to avoid _ftol2 calls. color[c].b = ((((int)start.r ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.r - (int)start.r ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[c].g = ((((int)start.g ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.g - (int)start.g ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[c].r = ((((int)start.b ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.b - (int)start.b ) * f_terp )) / 4096; color[c].a = ((((int)start.a ) * 4096 ) + (((int)end.a - (int)start.a ) * f_terp )) / 4096; } // We know that sin( 0 ) = 0, and cos( 0 ) = 1, so we can optimise the first iteration. tmp[0] = pos[0]; tmp[0] += ss_right * 0.0f * m_split; tmp[0] += ss_up * 1.0f * m_split; tmp[2] = pos[0]; tmp[2] += ss_right * 0.0f; tmp[2] += ss_up * 1.0f; for ( int lp2 = 0; lp2 < m_num_segments; lp2++ ) { float rt = sinf( Mth::DegToRad( m_segment_step * ( lp2 + 1 ))); float up = cosf( Mth::DegToRad( m_segment_step * ( lp2 + 1 ))); tmp[1] = pos[0]; tmp[1] += ss_right * rt * m_split; tmp[1] += ss_up * up * m_split; tmp[3] = pos[0]; tmp[3] += ss_right * rt; tmp[3] += ss_up * up; // First tri. p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&pos[0][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&pos[0][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&pos[0][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[0] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; // Second tri. p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[0][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[2] ); p_push += 4; // Third tri. p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[1][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[1] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[2][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[2] ); p_push += 4; p_push[0] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][X] ); p_push[1] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][Y] ); p_push[2] = *((DWORD*)&tmp[3][Z] ); p_push[3] = *((DWORD*)&color[2] ); p_push += 4; tmp[0] = tmp[1]; tmp[2] = tmp[3]; } dwords_written += dwords_per_particle; dword_count -= dwords_per_particle; } } p_push[0] = D3DPUSH_ENCODE( D3DPUSH_SET_BEGIN_END, 1 ); p_push[1] = 0; p_push += 2; D3DDevice_EndPush( p_push ); } } } // Nx