//**************************************************************************** //* MODULE: Gfx //* FILENAME: p_nxParticle.cpp //* OWNER: Paul Robinson //* CREATION DATE: 3/27/2002 //**************************************************************************** #include #include "gfx/Ngc/nx/render.h" #include #include #include "gfx/Ngc/nx/mesh.h" #include "gfx/ngc/nx/nx_init.h" #include "sys/ngc/p_gx.h" #include "gfx/Ngc/p_nxparticleLine.h" namespace Nx { /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CNgcParticleLine::CNgcParticleLine() { } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CNgcParticleLine::CNgcParticleLine( uint32 checksum, int max_particles, uint32 texture_checksum, uint32 blendmode_checksum, int fix, int num_segments, float split, int history ) { m_checksum = checksum; m_max_particles = max_particles; m_num_particles = 0; mp_particle_array = new CParticleEntry[max_particles]; // Allocate vertex buffers. mp_vertices = new float*[( history + 1)]; for ( int lp = 0; lp < ( history + 1 ); lp++ ) { mp_vertices[lp] = new float[max_particles * 3]; } m_num_vertex_buffers = history + 1; // // Create the engine representation. // mp_engine_particle = new NxNgc::sParticleSystem( max_particles, texture_checksum, blendmode_checksum, fix ); // // Get the texture. Nx::CTexture *p_texture; Nx::CNgcTexture *p_Ngc_texture; mp_engine_texture = NULL; p_texture = Nx::CTexDictManager::sp_particle_tex_dict->GetTexture( texture_checksum ); p_Ngc_texture = static_cast( p_texture ); if ( p_Ngc_texture ) { mp_engine_texture = p_Ngc_texture->GetEngineTexture(); } // Set blendmode. m_blend = (uint8)get_texture_blend( blendmode_checksum ); m_fix = fix; // Default color. m_start_color = new GXColor[m_num_vertex_buffers]; m_mid_color = new GXColor[m_num_vertex_buffers]; m_end_color = new GXColor[m_num_vertex_buffers]; for ( int lp = 0; lp < m_num_vertex_buffers; lp++ ) { m_start_color[lp].r = 128; m_start_color[lp].g = 128; m_start_color[lp].b = 128; m_start_color[lp].a = 128; m_mid_color[lp].r = 128; m_mid_color[lp].g = 128; m_mid_color[lp].b = 128; m_mid_color[lp].a = 128; m_end_color[lp].r = 128; m_end_color[lp].g = 128; m_end_color[lp].b = 128; m_end_color[lp].a = 128; } m_mid_time = -1.0f; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ CNgcParticleLine::~CNgcParticleLine() { delete [] mp_particle_array; for ( int lp = 0; lp < m_num_vertex_buffers; lp++ ) { delete [] mp_vertices[lp]; } delete [] mp_vertices; // delete mp_engine_particle; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CNgcParticleLine::plat_get_position( int entry, int list, float * x, float * y, float * z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; *x = p_v[0]; *y = p_v[1]; *z = p_v[2]; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; p_v[0] = x; p_v[1] = y; p_v[2] = z; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CNgcParticleLine::plat_add_position( int entry, int list, float x, float y, float z ) { float* p_v = &mp_vertices[list][entry*3]; p_v[0] += x; p_v[1] += y; p_v[2] += z; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ int CNgcParticleLine::plat_get_num_particle_colors( void ) { return 2; } int CNgcParticleLine::plat_get_num_vertex_lists( void ) { return m_num_vertex_buffers; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_sr( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].r = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_sg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].g = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_sb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].b = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_sa( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_start_color[entry].a = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_mr( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].r = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_mg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].g = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_mb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].b = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_ma( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_mid_color[entry].a = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_er( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].r = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_eg( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].g = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_eb( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].b = value; } void CNgcParticleLine::plat_set_ea( int entry, uint8 value ) { m_end_color[entry].a = value; } /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ void CNgcParticleLine::plat_render( void ) { NxNgc::sMaterialHeader mat; NxNgc::sMaterialPassHeader pass; // Header. mat.m_checksum = 0xa9db601e; // particle mat.m_passes = 1; mat.m_alpha_cutoff = 1; mat.m_flags = (1<<1); // 2 sided. // mat.m_shininess = 0.0f; // Pass 0. pass.m_texture.p_data = mp_engine_texture; pass.m_flags = ( mp_engine_texture ? (1<<0) : 0 ) | (1<<5) | (1<<6); // textured, clamped. pass.m_filter = 0; pass.m_blend_mode = (unsigned char)m_blend; pass.m_alpha_fix = (unsigned char)m_fix; pass.m_k = 0; pass.m_color.r = 128; pass.m_color.g = 128; pass.m_color.b = 128; pass.m_color.a = 255; NxNgc::multi_mesh( &mat, &pass, true, true ); GX::SetTexCoordGen( GX_TEXCOORD0, GX_TG_MTX2x4, GX_TG_TEX0, GX_FALSE, GX_PTIDENTITY ); GX::SetCurrMtxPosTex03( GX_PNMTX0, GX_IDENTITY, GX_IDENTITY, GX_IDENTITY, GX_IDENTITY ); // Draw the particles. int lp; CParticleEntry *p_particle; float *p_v0; float *p_v1; GXColor color[2]; GXColor *p_col0; GXColor *p_col1; GX::SetVtxDesc( 2, GX_VA_POS, GX_DIRECT, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_DIRECT ); if ( m_num_particles > 0 ) GX::Begin( GX_LINES, GX_VTXFMT0, m_num_particles * 2 ); for ( lp = 0, p_particle = mp_particle_array, p_v0 = mp_vertices[0], p_v1 = mp_vertices[(m_num_vertex_buffers-1)]; lp < m_num_particles; lp++, p_particle++, p_v0 += 3, p_v1 += 3 ) { float terp = p_particle->m_time / p_particle->m_life; if ( m_mid_time >= 0.0f ) { if ( terp < m_mid_time ) { p_col0 = m_start_color; p_col1 = m_mid_color; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = terp / m_mid_time; } else { p_col0 = m_mid_color; p_col1 = m_end_color; // Adjust interpolation for this half of the color blend. terp = ( terp - m_mid_time ) / ( 1.0f - m_mid_time ); } } else { // No mid color specified. p_col0 = m_start_color; p_col1 = m_end_color; } for ( int c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) { GXColor start = *p_col0++; GXColor end = *p_col1++; color[c].r = start.r + (uint8)(( ((float)( end.r - start.r )) * terp )); color[c].g = start.g + (uint8)(( ((float)( end.g - start.g )) * terp )); color[c].b = start.b + (uint8)(( ((float)( end.b - start.b )) * terp )); color[c].a = start.a + (uint8)(( ((float)( end.a - start.a )) * terp )); } // Todo: Move hook to matrix/emitter code to cut down on per particle calculation. Mth::Vector pos0( p_v0[0] + m_pos[X], p_v0[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v0[2] + m_pos[Z] ); Mth::Vector pos1( p_v1[0] + m_pos[X], p_v1[1] + m_pos[Y], p_v1[2] + m_pos[Z] ); GX::Position3f32( pos0[X], pos0[Y], pos0[Z] ); GX::Color1u32( *((uint32*)&color[0]) ); GX::Position3f32( pos1[X], pos1[Y], pos1[Z] ); GX::Color1u32( *((uint32*)&color[1]) ); } if ( m_num_particles > 0 ) GX::End(); } } // Nx