#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # MiRCARTCanvas.py -- XXX # Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # from MiRCARTCanvasBackend import MiRCARTCanvasBackend from MiRCARTCanvasJournal import MiRCARTCanvasJournal from MiRCARTCanvasStore import MiRCARTCanvasStore, haveMiRCARTToPngFile, haveUrllib from MiRCARTColours import MiRCARTColours import wx class MiRCARTCanvas(wx.Panel): """XXX""" parentFrame = None canvasMap = canvasPos = canvasSize = None brushColours = brushPos = brushSize = None canvasBackend = canvasCurTool = canvasJournal = canvasStore = None # {{{ _commitPatch(self, patch): def _commitPatch(self, patch): self.canvasMap[patch[0][1]][patch[0][0]] = patch[1:] # }}} # {{{ _dispatchInput(self, eventDc, patches, tmpDc): XXX def _dispatchInput(self, eventDc, patches, tmpDc): self.canvasBackend.drawCursorMaskWithJournal( \ self.canvasJournal, eventDc, tmpDc) cursorPatches = []; undoPatches = []; newPatches = []; for patchDescr in patches: patchIsCursor = patchDescr[0] for patch in patchDescr[1]: if self.canvasBackend.drawPatch(eventDc, patch, tmpDc) == False: continue else: patchDeltaCell = self.canvasMap[patch[0][1]][patch[0][0]] if patchIsCursor == True: cursorPatches.append([list(patch[0]), *patchDeltaCell.copy()]) else: undoPatches.append([list(patch[0]), *patchDeltaCell.copy()]) newPatches.append(patch) self._commitPatch(patch) if len(cursorPatches): self.canvasJournal.pushCursor(cursorPatches) if len(undoPatches): self.canvasJournal.pushDeltas(undoPatches, newPatches) # }}} # {{{ onPanelClose(self, event): XXX def onPanelClose(self, event): self.Destroy() # }}} # {{{ onPanelKeyboardInput(self, event): XXX def onPanelKeyboardInput(self, event): eventDc, tmpDc = self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) tool = self.canvasCurTool; mapPoint = self.brushPos; keyModifiers = event.GetModifiers() if keyModifiers != wx.MOD_NONE \ and keyModifiers != wx.MOD_SHIFT: event.Skip() else: patches = tool.onKeyboardEvent( \ event, mapPoint, self.brushColours, self.brushSize, \ chr(event.GetUnicodeKey())) if len(patches): self._dispatchInput(eventDc, patches, tmpDc) self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate() # }}} # {{{ onPanelMouseInput(self, event): XXX def onPanelMouseInput(self, event): eventDc, tmpDc = self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) tool = self.canvasCurTool self.brushPos = mapPoint = \ self.canvasBackend.xlateEventPoint(event, eventDc) patches = tool.onMouseEvent( \ event, mapPoint, self.brushColours, self.brushSize, \ event.Dragging(), event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown()) if len(patches): self._dispatchInput(eventDc, patches, tmpDc) self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate() self.parentFrame.onCanvasMotion(event, mapPoint) # }}} # {{{ onPanelFocus(self, event): XXX def onPanelFocus(self, event): if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW: eventDc, tmpDc = \ self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) self.canvasBackend.drawCursorMaskWithJournal( \ self.canvasJournal, eventDc, tmpDc) self.parentFrame.onCanvasMotion(event) # }}} # {{{ onPanelPaint(self, event): XXX def onPanelPaint(self, event): if self.canvasBackend.canvasBitmap != None: eventDc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.canvasBackend.canvasBitmap) # }}} # {{{ onStoreUpdate(self, newCanvasSize, newCanvas=None): def onStoreUpdate(self, newCanvasSize, newCanvas=None): self.resize(newCanvasSize=newCanvasSize) self.canvasBackend.reset(self.canvasSize, self.canvasBackend.cellSize) self.canvasJournal.resetCursor(); self.canvasJournal.resetUndo(); self.canvasMap = [[[(1, 1), 0, " "] \ for x in range(self.canvasSize[0])] \ for y in range(self.canvasSize[1])] eventDc, tmpDc = self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) for numRow in range(self.canvasSize[1]): for numCol in range(self.canvasSize[0]): if newCanvas != None \ and numRow < len(newCanvas) \ and numCol < len(newCanvas[numRow]): self._commitPatch([ \ [numCol, numRow], *newCanvas[numRow][numCol]]) self.canvasBackend.drawPatch(eventDc, \ ([numCol, numRow], \ *self.canvasMap[numRow][numCol]), tmpDc) wx.SafeYield() # }}} # {{{ popRedo(self): def popRedo(self): eventDc, tmpDc = self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) patches = self.canvasJournal.popRedo() for patch in patches: if self.canvasBackend.drawPatch(eventDc, patch, tmpDc) == False: continue else: self._commitPatch(patch) self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate() # }}} # {{{ popUndo(self): def popUndo(self): eventDc, tmpDc = self.canvasBackend.getDeviceContexts(self) patches = self.canvasJournal.popUndo() for patch in patches: if self.canvasBackend.drawPatch(eventDc, patch, tmpDc) == False: continue else: self._commitPatch(patch) self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate() # }}} # {{{ resize(self, newCanvasSize): def resize(self, newCanvasSize): if newCanvasSize != self.canvasSize: winSize = [a*b for a,b in \ zip(newCanvasSize, self.canvasBackend.cellSize)] self.SetSize(*self.canvasPos, *winSize) for numRow in range(self.canvasSize[1]): for numNewCol in range(self.canvasSize[0], newCanvasSize[0]): self.canvasMap[numRow].append([[1, 1], 0, " "]) for numNewRow in range(self.canvasSize[1], newCanvasSize[1]): self.canvasMap.append([]) for numNewCol in range(newCanvasSize[0]): self.canvasMap[numNewRow].append([[1, 1], 0, " "]) self.canvasSize = newCanvasSize self.canvasBackend.reset(self.canvasSize, \ self.canvasBackend.cellSize) self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate() # }}} # # _init__(self, parent, parentFrame, canvasPos, canvasSize, cellSize): initialisation method def __init__(self, parent, parentFrame, canvasPos, canvasSize, cellSize): super().__init__(parent, pos=canvasPos, \ size=[w*h for w,h in zip(canvasSize, cellSize)]) self.parentFrame = parentFrame self.canvasMap = None; self.canvasPos = canvasPos; self.canvasSize = canvasSize; self.brushColours = [4, 1]; self.brushPos = [0, 0]; self.brushSize = [1, 1]; self.canvasBackend = MiRCARTCanvasBackend(canvasSize, cellSize) self.canvasCurTool = None self.canvasJournal = MiRCARTCanvasJournal() self.canvasStore = MiRCARTCanvasStore(parentCanvas=self) # Bind event handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onPanelClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.onPanelFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.onPanelFocus) self.parentFrame.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onPanelKeyboardInput) for eventType in( \ wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, wx.EVT_MOTION, wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN): self.Bind(eventType, self.onPanelMouseInput) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPanelPaint) # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120