asciiblaster documentation

Tips on using the keyboard

[                                   Decrease brush size
]                                   Increase brush size
<Alt> + <LMB> on canvas             Fill brush with sampled color
<Alt> + <Shift> + <LMB> on canvas   Copy canvas to brush
<Ctrl> + <LMB> on brush             Erase brush cell
<Ctrl> + <LMB> on canvas            Draw with background color
<Shift> + <LMB> on canvas           Draw line from last position
<Shift> + <LMB> on character box    Switch to next character set
<Shift> + <LMB> on stored brush     Delete stored brush
<LMB> on brush                      Fill brush cell
<RMB> on brush                      Erase brush cell
<RMB> on palette                    Set background color (when drawing with a letter)

Notate bene

Characters not forming part of the initial set in the character box beneath the colour palette encode to, assuming UTF-8, 2-3 bytes in total vs. one (1) byte for those part of the initial set (e.g. 0-9, A-Z, a-z, etc.)

Internet Explorer is explicitly unsupported.

Repeating patterns of alternating back- and foreground colours, and vice versa, are encoded using a single (1) byte in mIRC format (video reverse) and as such save space, especially with large numbers of repetitions or alternations.