#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Canvas.py # Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # from CanvasExportStore import CanvasExportStore from CanvasImportStore import CanvasImportStore from CanvasJournal import CanvasJournal class Canvas(): # {{{ _commitPatch(self, patch) def _commitPatch(self, patch): self.map[patch[1]][patch[0]] = patch[2:] # }}} # {{{ dispatchPatch(self, isCursor, patch, commitUndo=True) def dispatchPatch(self, isCursor, patch, commitUndo=True): patchDeltaCell = self.map[patch[1]][patch[0]]; patchDelta = [*patch[0:2], *patchDeltaCell]; if isCursor: self.journal.pushCursor(patchDelta) else: if commitUndo: if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas(patch, patchDelta) self._commitPatch(patch) # }}} # {{{ resize(self, newSize, commitUndo=True) def resize(self, newSize, commitUndo=True): if newSize != self.size: self.dirtyJournal = False if self.map == None: self.map, oldSize = [], [0, 0] else: oldSize = self.size deltaSize = [b - a for a, b in zip(oldSize, newSize)] self.journal.resetCursor() if commitUndo: undoPatches, redoPatches = ["resize", *oldSize], ["resize", *newSize] if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas(redoPatches, undoPatches) if deltaSize[0] < 0: for numRow in range(oldSize[1]): if commitUndo: for numCol in range((oldSize[0] + deltaSize[0]), oldSize[0]): if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas(None, [numCol, numRow, *self.map[numRow][numCol]]) del self.map[numRow][-1:(deltaSize[0]-1):-1] else: for numRow in range(oldSize[1]): self.map[numRow].extend([[1, 1, 0, " "]] * deltaSize[0]) for numNewCol in range(oldSize[0], newSize[0]): if commitUndo: if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas([numNewCol, numRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], None) self.dispatchPatch(False, [numNewCol, numRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], False) if deltaSize[1] < 0: if commitUndo: for numRow in range((oldSize[1] + deltaSize[1]), oldSize[1]): for numCol in range(oldSize[0] + deltaSize[0]): if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas(None, [numCol, numRow, *self.map[numRow][numCol]]) del self.map[-1:(deltaSize[1]-1):-1] else: for numNewRow in range(oldSize[1], newSize[1]): self.map.extend([[[1, 1, 0, " "]] * newSize[0]]) for numNewCol in range(newSize[0]): if commitUndo: if not self.dirtyJournal: self.journal.pushDeltas([], []); self.dirtyJournal = True; self.journal.updateCurrentDeltas([numNewCol, numNewRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], None) self.dispatchPatch(False, [numNewCol, numNewRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], False) self.size = newSize return True else: return False # }}} # {{{ update(self, newSize, newCanvas=None) def update(self, newSize, newCanvas=None): for numRow in range(self.size[1]): for numCol in range(self.size[0]): if (newCanvas != None) \ and (numRow < len(newCanvas)) \ and (numCol < len(newCanvas[numRow])): self._commitPatch([numCol, numRow, *newCanvas[numRow][numCol]]) # }}} # # __init__(self, size): initialisation method def __init__(self, size): self.dirtyJournal, self.dirtyCursor, self.map, self.size = False, False, None, size self.exportStore, self.importStore, self.journal = CanvasExportStore(), CanvasImportStore(), CanvasJournal() # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120