#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # ToolCircle.py # Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # from Tool import Tool import wx class ToolCircle(Tool): name = "Circle" TS_NONE = 0 TS_ORIGIN = 1 def _drawCircle(self, brushColours, canvas, mapPoint, originPoint, radius): cells, patches = [], [] for brushY in range(-radius, radius + 1): cells += [[]] for brushX in range(-radius, radius + 1): if ((brushX ** 2) + (brushY ** 2) < (((radius ** 2) + radius) * 0.8)): cells[-1] += [[mapPoint[i] + int(originPoint[i] + o) for i, o in zip((0, 1,), (brushX, brushY,))]] if cells[-1] == []: del cells[-1] for numRow in range(len(cells)): for numCol in range(len(cells[numRow])): point = cells[numRow][numCol] if (point[0] >= 0) and (point[1] >= 0): if ((numRow == 0) or (numRow == (len(cells) - 1))) \ or ((numCol == 0) or (numCol == (len(cells[numRow]) - 1))): patch = [*cells[numRow][numCol], brushColours[0], brushColours[0], 0, " "] elif ((numRow > 0) and (cells[numRow][numCol][0] < cells[numRow - 1][0][0])) \ or ((numRow < len(cells)) and (cells[numRow][numCol][0] < cells[numRow + 1][0][0])): patch = [*cells[numRow][numCol], brushColours[0], brushColours[0], 0, " "] elif ((numRow > 0) and (cells[numRow][numCol][0] > cells[numRow - 1][-1][0])) \ or ((numRow < len(cells)) and (cells[numRow][numCol][0] > cells[numRow + 1][-1][0])): patch = [*cells[numRow][numCol], brushColours[0], brushColours[0], 0, " "] elif brushColours[1] == -1: if (cells[numRow][numCol][0] < canvas.size[0]) \ and (cells[numRow][numCol][1] < canvas.size[1]): patch = [cells[numRow][numCol][0], cells[numRow][numCol][1], *canvas.map[cells[numRow][numCol][1]][cells[numRow][numCol][0]]] else: patch = [*cells[numRow][numCol], brushColours[1], brushColours[1], 0, " "] else: patch = [*cells[numRow][numCol], brushColours[1], brushColours[1], 0, " "] patches += [patch] return patches def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown): brushColours, brushSize = [brushColours[1], brushColours[0]] if mouseRightDown else brushColours, brushSize[0] * 2 if self.toolState == self.TS_NONE: originPoint, radius, targetPoint = list(mapPoint), brushSize, (brushSize / 2,) * 2 if (keyModifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL) and (mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown): self.brushColours, isCursor, self.originPoint, self.toolState = brushColours, True, originPoint, self.TS_ORIGIN else: isCursor = not (mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown) elif self.toolState == self.TS_ORIGIN: if mapPoint[0] > self.originPoint[0]: brushSize += (mapPoint[0] - self.originPoint[0]); brushSize = brushSize + (brushSize % 2); brushColours, originPoint, radius, targetPoint = self.brushColours, self.originPoint, brushSize, (brushSize / 2,) * 2 if not (mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown): self.brushColours, isCursor, self.originPoint, self.toolState = None, False, None, self.TS_NONE else: isCursor = True patches = self._drawCircle(brushColours, canvas, originPoint, targetPoint, radius) return True, patches if not isCursor else None, patches if isCursor else None def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args); self.brushColours, self.originPoint, self.toolState = None, None, self.TS_NONE; # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120