var shader = (function(){ var fn_str, fn, lex var exports = {} var animating = false exports.init = function(){ lex = new Lex (0, 0) } = function (fn_str){ try { new_fn = new Function('lex', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 't', fn_str) new_fn(lex, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0) } catch (e) { throw 'Shader execution error' } exports.fn = fn = new_fn return fn } = function(canvas){ var t = +new Date shader.canvas = shader.canvas || canvas var w = shader.canvas.w, h = shader.canvas.h shader.canvas.forEach(function(lex, x, y){ fn(lex, x, y, w, h, t) }) } exports.toggle = function(state){ animating = typeof state == "boolean" ? state : ! animating shader_fps_el.classList.toggle('hidden') return animating } exports.pause = function(){ animating = false shader_fps_el.classList.add('hidden') shader.fps_time = 0 } = function(){ animating = true shader_fps_el.classList.remove('hidden') } exports.animate = function (t){ requestAnimationFrame(exports.animate) if (! animating) { return } if (shader.fps_time){ var ms = - shader.fps_time fps = 1000 / ms shader_fps_el.innerHTML = (fps | 0) + ' fps' } shader.fps_time = } return exports })() var blit = (function(){ var blit = {} blit.and = blit.atop = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.getCell(u+x, v+y) if (cell && lex.opacity > 0) { cell.assign(lex) } }) } blit.or = blit.under = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.getCell(u+x, v+y) if (cell && cell.opacity == 0) { cell.assign(lex) } }) } // copy the region of A beginning at x,y into B blit.copy_from = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.getCell(u+x, v+y) if (cell) { lex.assign(cell) } }) } blit.copy_toroidal_from = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.get(u+x, v+y) if (cell) { lex.assign(cell) } }) } blit.copy_to = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.getCell(u+x, v+y) if (cell) { cell.assign(lex) } }) } blit.invert = function(A, B, x, y){ x = x || 0 ; y = y || 0 B.forEach(function(lex, u, v){ var cell = A.getCell(u+x, v+y) if (cell && lex.opacity > 0) { cell.fg = get_inverse(cell.fg) = get_inverse( } }) } var distance_rect = function(x, y, ratio){ return Math.sqrt((Math.pow(y * ratio, 2)) + Math.pow(x, 2)) } var distance_square = function(x, y, ratio){ return Math.sqrt((Math.pow(y * ratio, 2)) + Math.pow(x * ratio, 2)) } = function(A, lex){ var hw = brush.w/2, hh = brush.h/2 var ratio, distance if (brush.w === brush.h){ distance = distance_square ratio = hw / hh * (brush.w === 3 || brush.w === 5 ? 1.2 : 1.05) } else { distance = distance_rect ratio = hw / hh } A.forEach(function(lex,x,y) { if (distance(x - hw + 0.5, y - hh + 0.5, ratio) > hw){ lex.clear() } }) } blit.cross = function(A, lex){ A.forEach(function(lex,x,y) { if ((x+y)%2) { lex.clear() } }) } blit.inverted_cross = function(A, lex){ // 1x1 brush should still draw something if (A.w == 1 && A.h == 1) { return } A.forEach(function(lex,x,y) { if (!((x+y)%2)) { lex.clear() } }) } blit.square = function(A, lex){ // i.e. no transparency } return blit })()