#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # IrcMiRCARTBot.py -- IRC<->MiRC2png bot (for EFnet #MiRCART) # Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # from getopt import getopt, GetoptError import base64 import os, socket, sys, time import json import IrcClient import requests, urllib.request from MiRCARTCanvasImportStore import MiRCARTCanvasImportStore from MiRCARTImgurApiKey import MiRCARTImgurApiKey from MiRCARTToPngFile import MiRCARTToPngFile class IrcMiRCARTBot(IrcClient.IrcClient): """IRC<->MiRC2png bot""" clientChannelLastMessage = clientChannelOps = clientChannel = None clientChannelRejoin = None imgurApiKey = MiRCARTImgurApiKey.imgurApiKey # {{{ ContentTooLargeException(Exception): Raised by _urlretrieveReportHook() given download size > 1 MB class ContentTooLargeException(Exception): pass # }}} # {{{ _dispatch001(self, message): Dispatch single 001 (RPL_WELCOME) def _dispatch001(self, message): self._log("Registered on {}:{} as {}, {}, {}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort, self.clientNick, self.clientIdent, self.clientGecos)) self._log("Attempting to join {} on {}:{}...".format(self.clientChannel, self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.queue("JOIN", self.clientChannel) # }}} # {{{ _dispatch353(self, message): Dispatch single 353 (RPL_NAMREPLY) def _dispatch353(self, message): if message[4].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower(): for channelNickSpec in message[5].split(" "): if len(channelNickSpec) \ and channelNickSpec[0] == "@" \ and len(channelNickSpec[1:]): self.clientChannelOps.append(channelNickSpec[1:].lower()) self._log("Authorising {} on {}".format(channelNickSpec[1:].lower(), message[4].lower())) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchJoin(self, message): Dispatch single JOIN message from server def _dispatchJoin(self, message): self._log("Joined {} on {}:{}.".format(message[2].lower(), self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.clientNextTimeout = None; self.clientChannelRejoin = False; # }}} # {{{ _dispatchKick(self, message): Dispatch single KICK message from server def _dispatchKick(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower() \ and message[3].lower() == self.clientNick.lower(): self._log("Kicked from {} by {}, rejoining in 15 seconds".format(message[2].lower(), message[0])) self.clientNextTimeout = time.time() + 15; self.clientChannelRejoin = True; # }}} # {{{ _dispatchMode(self, message): Dispatch single MODE message from server def _dispatchMode(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower(): channelModeType = "+"; channelModeArg = 4; channelAuthAdd = ""; channelAuthDel = ""; for channelModeChar in message[3]: if channelModeChar[0] == "-": channelModeType = "-" elif channelModeChar[0] == "+": channelModeType = "+" elif channelModeChar[0].isalpha(): if channelModeChar[0] == "o": if channelModeType == "+": channelAuthAdd = message[channelModeArg]; channelAuthDel = ""; elif channelModeType == "-": channelAuthAdd = ""; channelAuthDel = message[channelModeArg]; channelModeArg += 1 if len(channelAuthAdd) \ and channelAuthAdd not in self.clientChannelOps: channelAuthAdd = channelAuthAdd.lower() self._log("Authorising {} on {}".format(channelAuthAdd, message[2].lower())) self.clientChannelOps.append(channelAuthAdd) elif len(channelAuthDel) \ and channelAuthDel in self.clientChannelOps: channelAuthDel = channelAuthDel.lower() self._log("Deauthorising {} on {}".format(channelAuthDel, message[2].lower())) self.clientChannelOps.remove(channelAuthDel) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchNone(self): Dispatch None message from server def _dispatchNone(self): self._log("Disconnected from {}:{}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.close() # }}} # {{{ _dispatchPing(self, message): Dispatch single PING message from server def _dispatchPing(self, message): self.queue("PONG", message[2]) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchPrivmsg(self, message): Dispatch single PRIVMSG message from server def _dispatchPrivmsg(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower() \ and message[3].startswith("!pngbot "): if (int(time.time()) - self.clientLastMessage) < 5: self._log("Ignoring request on {} from {} due to rate limit: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) return elif message[0].split("!")[0].lower() not in self.clientChannelOps: self._log("Ignoring request on {} from {} due to lack of authorisation: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) return else: self._log("Processing request on {} from {}: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) asciiUrl = message[3].split(" ")[1] asciiTmpFilePath = "tmp.txt"; imgTmpFilePath = "tmp.png"; if os.path.isfile(asciiTmpFilePath): os.remove(asciiTmpFilePath) if os.path.isfile(imgTmpFilePath): os.remove(imgTmpFilePath) try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(asciiUrl, asciiTmpFilePath, IrcMiRCARTBot._urlretrieveReportHook) except IrcMiRCARTBot.ContentTooLargeException: self._log("Download size exceeds quota of 1 MB!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Download size exceeds quota of 1 MB!") return except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: self._log("Download failed with HTTP status code {}".format(err.code)) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Download failed with HTTP status code {}!".format(err.code)) return except urllib.error.URLError as err: self._log("Invalid URL specified!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Invalid URL specified!") return except ValueError as err: self._log("Unknown URL type specified!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Unknown URL type specified!") return canvasStore = MiRCARTCanvasImportStore(inFile=asciiTmpFilePath) numRowCols = 0 for numRow in range(len(canvasStore.outMap)): numRowCols = max(numRowCols, len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow])) for numRow in range(len(canvasStore.outMap)): if len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow]) != numRowCols: for numColOff in range(numRowCols - len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow])): canvasStore.outMap[numRow].append([1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap[numRow].insert(0, [1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap[numRow].append([1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap.insert(0, [[1, 1, 0, " "]] * len(canvasStore.outMap[0])) canvasStore.outMap.append([[1, 1, 0, " "]] * len(canvasStore.outMap[0])) MiRCARTToPngFile(canvasStore.outMap, "DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 11).export(imgTmpFilePath) imgurResponse = self._uploadToImgur(imgTmpFilePath, "MiRCART image", "MiRCART image", self.imgurApiKey) if imgurResponse[0] == 200: self._log("Uploaded as: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "8/!\\ Uploaded as: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.clientLastMessage = int(time.time()) else: self._log("Upload failed with HTTP status code {}".format(imgurResponse[0])) self._log("Message from website: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Upload failed with HTTP status code {}!".format(imgurResponse[0])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Message from website: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) if os.path.isfile(asciiTmpFilePath): os.remove(asciiTmpFilePath) if os.path.isfile(imgTmpFilePath): os.remove(imgTmpFilePath) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchTimer(self): Dispatch single client timer expiration def _dispatchTimer(self): if self.clientChannelRejoin: self._log("Attempting to join {} on {}:{}...".format(self.clientChannel, self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.queue("JOIN", self.clientChannel) self.clientNextTimeout = time.time() + 15; self.clientChannelRejoin = True; # }}} # {{{ _log(self, msg): Log single message to stdout w/ timestamp def _log(self, msg): print(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + msg) # }}} # {{{ _uploadToImgur(self, imgFilePath, imgName, imgTitle, apiKey): Upload single file to Imgur def _uploadToImgur(self, imgFilePath, imgName, imgTitle, apiKey): with open(imgFilePath, "rb") as requestImage: requestImageData = requestImage.read() requestData = { \ "image": base64.b64encode(requestImageData), \ "key": apiKey, \ "name": imgName, \ "title": imgTitle, \ "type": "base64"} requestHeaders = { \ "Authorization": "Client-ID " + apiKey} responseHttp = requests.post("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.json", data=requestData, headers=requestHeaders) responseDict = json.loads(responseHttp.text) if responseHttp.status_code == 200: return [200, responseDict.get("data").get("link")] else: return [responseHttp.status_code, responseHttp.text] # }}} # {{{ _urlretrieveReportHook(count, blockSize, totalSize): Limit downloads to 1 MB def _urlretrieveReportHook(count, blockSize, totalSize): if (totalSize > pow(2,20)): raise IrcMiRCARTBot.ContentTooLargeException # }}} # {{{ connect(self, preferFamily=0, timeout=None): Connect to server and (re)initialise w/ optional timeout def connect(self, preferFamily=0, timeout=None): self._log("Connecting to {}:{}...".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) if super().connect(preferFamily=preferFamily, timeout=timeout): self._log("Connected to {}:{}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self._log("Registering on {}:{} as {}, {}, {}...".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort, self.clientNick, self.clientIdent, self.clientGecos)) self.clientLastMessage = 0; self.clientChannelOps = []; self.clientChannelRejoin = False return True else: return False # }}} # {{{ dispatch(self): Read, parse, and dispatch single line from server def dispatch(self): while True: if self.clientNextTimeout: timeNow = time.time() if self.clientNextTimeout <= timeNow: self._dispatchTimer() self.unqueue() serverMessage = self.readline() if serverMessage == None: self._dispatchNone(); break; elif serverMessage == "": continue elif serverMessage[1] == "001": self._dispatch001(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "353": self._dispatch353(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "JOIN": self._dispatchJoin(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "KICK": self._dispatchKick(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "MODE": self._dispatchMode(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "PING": self._dispatchPing(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "PRIVMSG": self._dispatchPrivmsg(serverMessage) # }}} # # __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"): initialisation method def __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"): super().__init__(serverHname, serverPort, clientNick, clientIdent, clientGecos) self.clientChannel = clientChannel # # Entry point def main(optdict, *argv): _IrcMiRCARTBot = IrcMiRCARTBot(*argv) while True: if "-4" in optdict: preferFamily = socket.AF_INET elif "-6" in optdict: preferFamily = socket.AF_INET6 else: preferFamily = 0 if _IrcMiRCARTBot.connect(preferFamily=preferFamily, timeout=15): _IrcMiRCARTBot.dispatch() _IrcMiRCARTBot.close() time.sleep(15) if __name__ == "__main__": optlist, argv = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "46") optdict = dict(optlist) if len(argv) < 1 or len(argv) > 4: print("usage: {} [-4|-6] " \ " " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] ".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) else: main(optdict, *argv) # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120