#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # RoarAssetsWindow.py # Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # from Canvas import Canvas from GuiFrame import GuiMiniFrame from GuiWindow import GuiWindow import json, os, sys, wx class RoarAssetsWindow(GuiMiniFrame): # {{{ _drawPatch(self, eventDc, isCursor, patch, viewRect) def _drawPatch(self, eventDc, isCursor, patch, viewRect): if not isCursor: self.backend.drawPatch(eventDc, patch, viewRect) # }}} # {{{ _import(self, f, pathName) def _import(self, f, pathName): rc = False self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT)) try: canvas = Canvas((0, 0)) rc, error, newMap, newPathName, newSize = f(canvas, pathName) if rc: self.update(canvas, newSize, newMap) except FileNotFoundError as e: rc, error, newMap, newPathName, newSize = False, str(e), None, None, None self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.NullCursor)) return rc, error, canvas, newMap, newPathName, newSize # }}} # {{{ _importFiles(self, f, wildcard) def _importFiles(self, f, wildcard): resultList = [] with wx.FileDialog(self, "Load...", os.getcwd(), "", wildcard, wx.FD_MULTIPLE | wx.FD_OPEN) as dialog: if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: resultList += [[False, "(cancelled)", None, None, None, None]] else: for pathName in dialog.GetPaths(): resultList += [self._import(f, pathName)] return resultList # }}} # {{{ _load_list(self, pathName) def _load_list(self, pathName): try: with open(pathName, "r") as fileObject: try: for line in fileObject.readlines(): line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if not os.path.isabs(line): line = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pathName), line) def importmIRC(canvas, pathName): rc, error = canvas.importStore.importTextFile(pathName) return (rc, error, canvas.importStore.outMap, pathName, canvas.importStore.inSize) rc, error, canvas, newMap, newPathName, newSize = self._import(importmIRC, line) if rc: self.currentIndex = self.listView.GetItemCount() self.canvasList[self.currentIndex] = [canvas, newPathName] self.listView.InsertItem(self.currentIndex, "") idx = -1 while True: idx = self.listView.GetNextSelected(idx) if idx != -1: self.listView.Select(idx, on=0) else: break self.listView.Select(self.currentIndex, on=1) self.listView.SetFocus() [self.listView.SetItem(self.currentIndex, col, label) for col, label in zip((0, 1), (os.path.basename(newPathName), "{}x{}".format(*newSize)))] [self.listView.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) for col in (0, 1)] else: with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(error), "", wx.CANCEL | wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog: dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal() if dialogChoice == wx.ID_CANCEL: self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.NullCursor)); break; except: self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.NullCursor)) with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(str(sys.exc_info()[1])), "", wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog: dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal() except FileNotFoundError as e: self.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.NullCursor)) with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(str(e)), "", wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog: dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal() # }}} # {{{ _updateScrollBars(self) def _updateScrollBars(self): clientSize = self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize() if (self.panelCanvas.size[0] > clientSize[0]) or (self.panelCanvas.size[1] > clientSize[1]): self.scrollFlag = True; super(wx.ScrolledWindow, self.panelCanvas).SetVirtualSize(self.panelCanvas.size); elif self.scrollFlag \ and ((self.panelCanvas.size[0] <= clientSize[0]) or (self.panelCanvas.size[1] <= clientSize[1])): self.scrollFlag = False; super(wx.ScrolledWindow, self.panelCanvas).SetVirtualSize((0, 0)); # }}} # {{{ drawCanvas(self, canvas) def drawCanvas(self, canvas): panelSize = [a * b for a, b in zip(canvas.size, self.cellSize)] self.panelCanvas.SetMinSize(panelSize); self.panelCanvas.SetSize(wx.DefaultCoord, wx.DefaultCoord, *panelSize); curWindow = self.panelCanvas while curWindow != None: curWindow.Layout(); curWindow = curWindow.GetParent(); self.backend.resize(canvas.size, self.cellSize) viewRect = self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart(); eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize(), self.panelCanvas, viewRect) for numRow in range(canvas.size[1]): for numCol in range(canvas.size[0]): self.backend.drawPatch(eventDc, [numCol, numRow, *canvas.map[numRow][numCol]], viewRect) # }}} # {{{ onPaint(self, event) def onPaint(self, event): self.backend.onPaint(self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize(), self.panelCanvas, self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart()) # }}} # {{{ onPanelLeftDown(self, event) def onPanelLeftDown(self, event): self.panelCanvas.SetFocus() if (self.currentIndex != None): dataText = json.dumps((self.canvasList[self.currentIndex][0].map, self.canvasList[self.currentIndex][0].size,)) textDataObject = wx.TextDataObject(dataText) dropSource = wx.DropSource(event.GetEventObject()) dropSource.SetData(textDataObject) result = dropSource.DoDragDrop(True) event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onPanelPaint(self, event) def onPanelPaint(self, event): self.backend.onPaint(self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize(), self.panelCanvas, self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart()) # }}} # {{{ onPanelSize(self, event) def onPanelSize(self, event): self._updateScrollBars(); event.Skip(); # }}} # {{{ resize(self, canvas, newSize) def resize(self, canvas, newSize): oldSize = [0, 0] if canvas.map == None else canvas.size deltaSize = [b - a for a, b in zip(oldSize, newSize)] if canvas.resize(newSize, False): panelSize = [a * b for a, b in zip(canvas.size, self.cellSize)] self.panelCanvas.SetMinSize(panelSize); self.panelCanvas.SetSize(wx.DefaultCoord, wx.DefaultCoord, *panelSize); curWindow = self.panelCanvas while curWindow != None: curWindow.Layout(); curWindow = curWindow.GetParent(); self.backend.resize(newSize, self.cellSize) viewRect = self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart(); eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize(), self.panelCanvas, viewRect); if deltaSize[0] > 0: for numRow in range(oldSize[1]): for numNewCol in range(oldSize[0], newSize[0]): self._drawPatch(eventDc, False, [numNewCol, numRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], viewRect) if deltaSize[1] > 1: for numNewRow in range(oldSize[1], newSize[1]): for numNewCol in range(newSize[0]): self._drawPatch(eventDc, False, [numNewCol, numNewRow, 1, 1, 0, " "], viewRect) # }}} # {{{ update(self, canvas, newSize, newCanvas=None) def update(self, canvas, newSize, newCanvas=None): self.resize(canvas, newSize); canvas.update(newSize, newCanvas); viewRect = self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart(); viewRect = self.panelCanvas.GetViewStart(); eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.panelCanvas.GetClientSize(), self.panelCanvas, viewRect) for numRow in range(canvas.size[1]): for numCol in range(canvas.size[0]): self.backend.drawPatch(eventDc, [numCol, numRow, *canvas.map[numRow][numCol]], viewRect) # }}} # {{{ onImportAnsi(self, event) def onImportAnsi(self, event): event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onImportFromClipboard(self, event) def onImportFromClipboard(self, event): event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onImportSauce(self, event) def onImportSauce(self, event): event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onChar(self, event) def onChar(self, event): if (event.GetModifiers() == wx.MOD_NONE) \ and (event.GetKeyCode() in (wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_UP)): self.listView.SetFocus() return wx.PostEvent(self.listView, event) else: event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onListViewChar(self, event) def onListViewChar(self, event): index, rc = self.listView.GetFirstSelected(), False if index != -1: keyChar, keyModifiers = event.GetKeyCode(), event.GetModifiers() if (keyChar, keyModifiers) == (wx.WXK_DELETE, wx.MOD_NONE): self.currentIndex, rc = index, True; self.onRemove(None); if not rc: event.Skip() # }}} # {{{ onListViewItemSelected(self, event) def onListViewItemSelected(self, event): self.currentIndex = event.GetItem().GetId() item = [self.listView.GetItem(self.currentIndex, col).GetText() for col in (0, 1)] self.drawCanvas(self.canvasList[self.currentIndex][0]) # }}} # {{{ onListViewRightDown(self, event) def onListViewRightDown(self, event): eventPoint = event.GetPosition() if self.currentIndex == None: index, flags = self.listView.HitTest(eventPoint) if index != wx.NOT_FOUND: self.currentIndex = index if self.currentIndex == None: self.contextMenuItems[4].Enable(False) else: self.contextMenuItems[4].Enable(True) self.PopupMenu(self.contextMenu, eventPoint) # }}} # {{{ onLoad(self, event) def onLoad(self, event): def importmIRC(canvas, pathName): rc, error = canvas.importStore.importTextFile(pathName) return (rc, error, canvas.importStore.outMap, pathName, canvas.importStore.inSize) for rc, error, canvas, newMap, newPathName, newSize in self._importFiles(importmIRC, "mIRC art files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*"): if rc: self.currentIndex = self.listView.GetItemCount() self.canvasList[self.currentIndex] = [canvas, newPathName] self.listView.InsertItem(self.currentIndex, "") idx = -1 while True: idx = self.listView.GetNextSelected(idx) if idx != -1: self.listView.Select(idx, on=0) else: break self.listView.Select(self.currentIndex, on=1) self.listView.SetFocus() [self.listView.SetItem(self.currentIndex, col, label) for col, label in zip((0, 1), (os.path.basename(newPathName), "{}x{}".format(*newSize)))] [self.listView.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) for col in (0, 1)] else: with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(error), "", wx.CANCEL | wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog: dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal() if dialogChoice == wx.ID_CANCEL: break # }}} # {{{ onLoadList(self, event) def onLoadList(self, event): rc = True with wx.FileDialog(self, "Load from list...", os.getcwd(), "", "List files (*.lst)|*.lst|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*", wx.FD_OPEN) as dialog: if dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_CANCEL: pathName = dialog.GetPath() self._load_list(pathName) # }}} # {{{ onRemove(self, event) def onRemove(self, event): del self.canvasList[self.currentIndex]; self.listView.DeleteItem(self.currentIndex); itemCount = self.listView.GetItemCount() if itemCount > 0: for numCanvas in [n for n in sorted(self.canvasList.keys()) if n >= self.currentIndex]: self.canvasList[numCanvas - 1] = self.canvasList[numCanvas]; del self.canvasList[numCanvas]; [self.listView.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) for col in (0, 1)] if (self.currentIndex == 0) or (self.currentIndex >= itemCount): self.currentIndex = 0 if itemCount > 0 else None else: self.currentIndex = self.currentIndex if self.currentIndex < itemCount else None if self.currentIndex != None: self.listView.Select(self.currentIndex, on=1) self.drawCanvas(self.canvasList[self.currentIndex][0]) else: self.currentIndex = None [self.listView.SetColumnWidth(col, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER) for col in (0, 1)] self.drawCanvas(Canvas((0, 0))) # }}} # {{{ onSaveList(self, event) def onSaveList(self, event): rc = True if len(self.canvasList): with wx.FileDialog(self, "Save as list...", os.getcwd(), "", "List files (*.lst)|*.lst|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*", wx.FD_SAVE) as dialog: if dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_CANCEL: with open(dialog.GetPath(), "w") as fileObject: for pathName in [self.canvasList[k][1] for k in self.canvasList.keys()]: print(pathName, file=fileObject) rc = True else: rc, error = False, "no assets currently loaded" if not rc: with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(error), "", wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog: dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal() # }}} # # __init__(self, backend, cellSize, parent, pos=None, size=(400, 400), title="Assets"): initialisation method def __init__(self, backend, cellSize, parent, pos=None, size=(400, 400), title="Assets"): if pos == None: parentRect = parent.GetScreenRect(); pos = (parentRect.x + parentRect.width, parentRect.y); super().__init__(parent, size, title, pos=pos) self.backend, self.canvasList = backend((0, 0), cellSize), {} self.cellSize, self.currentIndex, self.leftDown, self.parent, self.scrollFlag = cellSize, None, False, parent, False self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onChar) self.contextMenu, self.contextMenuItems = wx.Menu(), [] for text, f in ( ("&Load...", self.onLoad), ("Import &ANSI...", self.onImportAnsi), ("Import &SAUCE...", self.onImportSauce), ("Import from &clipboard", self.onImportFromClipboard), ("&Remove", self.onRemove), (None, None), ("Load from l&ist...", self.onLoadList), ("Sa&ve as list...", self.onSaveList),): if (text, f) == (None, None): self.contextMenu.AppendSeparator() else: self.contextMenuItems += [wx.MenuItem(self.contextMenu, wx.NewId(), text)] self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, f, self.contextMenuItems[-1]) self.contextMenu.Append(self.contextMenuItems[-1]) self.listView = wx.ListView(self, -1, size=([int(m / n) for m, n in zip(size, (2, 4))]), style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN | wx.LC_REPORT) [self.listView.InsertColumn(col, heading) for col, heading in ((0, "Name"), (1, "Size"))] self.listView.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onListViewChar) self.listView.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.onListViewItemSelected) self.listView.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.onListViewRightDown) self.panelCanvas = GuiWindow(self, (0, 0), cellSize, (int(size[0] / 2), int(size[1] / 2)), wx.BORDER_SUNKEN) self.panelCanvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onPanelLeftDown) self.panelCanvas.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPanelPaint) self.panelCanvas.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onPanelSize) self._updateScrollBars() self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer.AddMany(((self.listView, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 4), (self.panelCanvas, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 4),)) self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer) self.Show(True) # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120