function Matrix (w,h,f){ this.x = 0 this.y = 0 this.w = w this.h = h this.f = f this.focus_x = 0 this.focus_y = 0 this.initialize() } Matrix.prototype.initialize = function(f){ var w = this.w || 1, h = this.h || 1, f = f || this.f var aa = new Array (h) for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { aa[y] = new Array (w) for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { aa[y][x] = f(x,y) } } this.aa = aa } Matrix.prototype.rebuild = function (){ this.demolish() this.initialize() this.append() this.bind() this.generate && this.generate() this.focus_clamp() check_if_lost_focus() } Matrix.prototype.clone = function () { var base = this var clone = new Matrix(this.w, this.h, function(x,y){ return base.getCell(x,y).clone() }) clone.f = this.f return clone } Matrix.prototype.assign = function (mat) { var base = this this.demolish() this.w = mat.w this.h = mat.h // this.f = function(){} this.initialize(function(x,y){ var el = mat.getCell(x,y).clone() return el }) this.append() this.bind() check_if_lost_focus() return this } Matrix.prototype.bind = function () {} Matrix.prototype.demolish = function (){ this.forEach(function(lex){ lex.demolish() }) while (this.wrapper && this.wrapper.firstChild) { this.wrapper.removeChild(this.wrapper.firstChild); } this.aa.forEach(function(row){ row.length = 0 }) this.aa.length = 0 } Matrix.prototype.forEach = function(f){ this.aa.forEach(function(row, y){ row.forEach(function(lex, x){ f(lex, x, y) }) }) } Matrix.prototype.focus_clamp = function(){ this.focus_x = clamp(this.focus_x, 0, this.w - 1) this.focus_y = clamp(this.focus_y, 0, this.h - 1) } Matrix.prototype.focus_add = function(x, y){ this.focus(this.focus_x + x, this.focus_y + y) } Matrix.prototype.focus = function(x, y){ if (x === undefined) x = this.focus_x if (y === undefined) y = this.focus_y x = mod(x, this.w) y = mod(y, this.h) this.focus_x = x this.focus_y = y //focused_input = this this.aa[y][x].focus() } Matrix.prototype.focusLex = function(y,x){ if (x < 0) { y -= 1 } if (x > this.aa[0].length) { y += 1 } this.aa[mod(y,this.h)][mod(x,this.w)].focus() } Matrix.prototype.clear = function(){ this.forEach(function(lex,x,y){ lex.clear() }) } Matrix.prototype.erase = function(){ this.forEach(function(lex,x,y){ lex.erase() }) } Matrix.prototype.fill = function(lex){ this.fg = lex.fg = this.char = lex.char this.opacity = lex.opacity this.forEach(function(el,x,y){ el.assign(lex) }) } = function(){ this.forEach(function(lex,x,y){ }) } Matrix.prototype.append = function(wrapper){ wrapper = this.wrapper = wrapper || this.wrapper if (! this.wrapper) return this.aa.forEach(function(row, y){ var div = document.createElement("div") row.forEach(function(lex, x) { div.appendChild(lex.span) }) wrapper.appendChild( div ) }) } Matrix.prototype.region = function(w,h,x,y) { w = w || 1 h = h || 1 x = x || 0 y = y || 0 var parent = this var mat = new Matrix(w, h, function(x,y){ return parent.aa[y][x] }) mat.f = this.f return mat } Matrix.prototype.setCell = function(lex,x,y){ this.aa[y] && this.aa[y][x] && this.aa[y][x].assign(lex) } Matrix.prototype.getCell = function(x,y){ if (this.aa[y] && this.aa[y][x]) return this.aa[y][x] else return null } Matrix.prototype.get = function(x,y){ y = floor(mod(y || 0, this.h)) x = floor(mod(x || 0, this.w)) if (this.aa[y] && this.aa[y][x]) return this.aa[y][x] else return null } Matrix.prototype.resize = function(w,h){ w = w || canvas.w h = h || canvas.h var div, row, lex var f = this.f, old_h = this.aa.length, old_w = this.aa[0].length var wrapper = this.wrapper w = max(w, 1) h = max(h, 1) if (h < old_h) { for (var y = old_h; y > h; y--) { row = this.aa.pop() div = row[0].span.parentNode row.forEach(function(lex, x){ lex.demolish() }) div.parentNode.removeChild(div) } } else if (h > old_h) { for (var y = old_h; y < h; y++) { div = document.createElement("div") wrapper.appendChild( div ) this.aa[y] = new Array (w) for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { lex = this.aa[y][x] = f(x,y) div.appendChild(lex.span) } } } if (w < old_w) { this.aa.forEach(function(row, y){ while (row.length > w) { lex = row.pop() lex.demolish() } }) } else if (w > old_w) { this.aa.forEach(function(row, y){ div = row[0].span.parentNode for (var x = row.length; x < w; x++) { lex = row[x] = f(x,y) div.appendChild(lex.span) } }) } this.w = w this.h = h this.bind && this.bind() this.focus_clamp() if (this.wrapper && this.wrapper.parentNode != document.body) { this.resize_wrapper() } } Matrix.prototype.resize_wrapper = function(){ var cell = canvas.aa[0][0].span var cw = cell.offsetWidth var ch = cell.offsetHeight // if (canvas.grid) { ch++ } var width = cw * this.aa[0].length var height = ch * this.aa.length if (canvas.grid) { width++; height++ } = "" = = (width) + "px" = "" } Matrix.prototype.ascii = function () { var lines =, y){ var last, line = "" row.forEach(function(lex, x) { line += lex.ascii() }) return line // .replace(/\s+$/,"") }) var txt = lines.join("\n") return txt } Matrix.prototype.ansi = function (opts) { var lines =, y){ var last, line = "" row.forEach(function(lex, x) { var bg_ = -1, fg_ = -1 if (lex.eqColor(last)) { line += lex.sanitize() } else { [bg_, fg_, line_] = lex.ansi(bg_, fg_) line += line_; last = lex; } }) return line }) var txt = lines.filter(function(line){ return line.length > 0 }).join('\n') return txt } Matrix.prototype.mirc = function (opts) { var cutoff = false var lines =, y){ var last, line = "" row.forEach(function(lex, x) { var bg_ = -1, fg_ = -1 if (lex.eqColor(last)) { line += lex.sanitize() } else { [bg_, fg_, line_] = lex.mirc(bg_, fg_) line += line_; last = lex; } }) if (opts && opts.cutoff && line.length > opts.cutoff) { cutoff = true } return line }) var txt = lines.filter(function(line){ return line.length > 0 }).join('\n') if (cutoff) { txt = new String(txt) txt.cutoff = true } return txt } var undo = (function(){ var max_states = 200; // undotimetotal = 0; var stack = {undo: [], redo: []}; var current_undo = null; var dom = {undo: undo_el, redo: redo_el}; dom.undo.is_visible = dom.redo.is_visible = false var LexState = function(lex){ this.fg = lex.fg; =; this.char = lex.char; this.opacity = lex.opacity; }; var update_dom_visibility = function(type){ var el = dom[type] if (el.is_visible){ if (stack[type].length === 0) { el.classList.add('hidden') el.is_visible = false } } else if (stack[type].length > 0){ el.classList.remove('hidden') el.is_visible = true } } var update_dom = function(){ update_dom_visibility('undo') update_dom_visibility('redo') } // state is an undo or redo state that might contain these props // { lexs: {'0,0': LexState, ...}, // for sparse lex changes (eg brush, fill) // focus: {x:, y: }, // size: {w:, h: }, // rects: [{x:, y:, w:, h:, lexs: [LexState, ...]}, ...] // } var new_state = function(){ var state = {lexs:{}}; save_focus(canvas.focus_x, canvas.focus_y, state) return state } var new_redo = function(){ return new_state() } var new_undo = function(){ current_undo = new_state() stack.redo = [] stack.undo.push(current_undo) if (stack.undo.length > max_states) stack.undo.shift(); update_dom() return current_undo } var save_focus = function(x, y, state){ state = state || current_undo state.focus = {x:x, y:y} } var save_size = function(w, h, state){ state = state || current_undo state.size = {w:w, h:h}; } // the reason for stringifying the x y coords is so that each // coordinate is saved only once in an undo state. // otherwise there would be problems with, eg, a brush stroke // that passed over the same grid cell twice. var save_lex = function(x, y, lex, state){ // var start = state = state || current_undo var lexs = state.lexs; var xy = x + "," + y; if (xy in lexs) return; lexs[xy] = new LexState(lex) // undotimetotal += - start } var save_focused_lex = function(state){ state = state || current_undo var x = canvas.focus_x var y = canvas.focus_y save_lex(x, y, canvas.aa[y][x], state) } var save_rect = function(xpos, ypos, w, h, state){ if (w === 0 || h === 0) return; state = state || current_undo; state.rects = state.rects || [] var aa = canvas.aa; var rect = {x: xpos, y: ypos, w: w, h: h, lexs: []} var lexs = rect.lexs var xlen = xpos + w var ylen = ypos + h for (var y = ypos; y < ylen; y++){ var aay = aa[y] for (var x = xpos; x < xlen; x++){ lexs.push(new LexState(aay[x])) } } state.rects.push(rect) } var save_resize = function(w, h, old_w, old_h, state){ state = state || current_undo save_size(old_w, old_h, state) if (old_w > w){ // .---XX // | XX // |___XX save_rect(w, 0, old_w - w, old_h, state) if (old_h > h){ // .----. // | | // XXXX_| save_rect(0, h, w, old_h - h, state) } } else if (old_h > h){ // .----. // | | // XXXXXX save_rect(0, h, old_w, old_h - h, state) } } var restore_state = function(state){ // all redo states will have a cached undo state on them // an undo state might have a cached redo state // if it doesn't have one, generate one var make_redo = ! ('redo' in state || 'undo' in state); var aa = canvas.aa var lex, lexs; if (make_redo){ state.redo = new_redo() // copy saved rects that intersect with current canvas size // important to do this before resizing canvas if ('rects' in state){ for (var ri=0, rect; rect=state.rects[ri]; ri++){ if (rect.x >= canvas.w || rect.y >= canvas.h) continue; var w = Math.min(rect.w, canvas.w - rect.x) var h = Math.min(rect.h, canvas.h - rect.y) save_rect(rect.x, rect.y, w, h, state.redo) } } if ('size' in state){ save_resize(state.size.w, state.size.h, canvas.w, canvas.h, state.redo) } } if ('size' in state){ canvas.resize(state.size.w, state.size.h, true); } if ('rects' in state){ for (var ri=0, rect; rect=state.rects[ri]; ri++){ lexs = rect.lexs for (var li=0; lex=lexs[li]; li++){ var x = (li % rect.w) + rect.x var y = ((li / rect.w)|0) + rect.y aa[y][x].assign(lex) } } } lexs = state.lexs for (var key in lexs){ var xy = key.split(','); lex = aa[xy[1]][xy[0]] if (make_redo) save_lex(xy[0], xy[1], lex, state.redo) lex.assign(lexs[key]) } if ('focus' in state){ canvas.focus_x = state.focus.x canvas.focus_y = state.focus.y if (current_canvas === canvas){ canvas.focus() } } } var undo = function(){ var state = stack.undo.pop(); if (!state) return; restore_state(state) // now take the applied undo state and store it on the redo state // and push the redo state to the redo stack state.redo.undo = state stack.redo.push(state.redo) delete state.redo update_dom() } var redo = function(){ var state = stack.redo.pop(); if (!state) return; restore_state(state) state.undo.redo = state stack.undo.push(state.undo) delete state.undo update_dom() } return { stack: stack, new: new_undo, // new_redo: new_redo, save_focus: save_focus, save_size: save_size, save_lex: save_lex, save_focused_lex: save_focused_lex, save_rect: save_rect, save_resize: save_resize, undo: undo, redo: redo } })()