#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # MiRC2png.py -- convert ASCII w/ mIRC control codes to monospaced PNG (for EFnet #MiRCART) # Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # from enum import Enum from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import string, sys class MiRC2png: """Abstraction over ASCIIs containing mIRC control codes""" inFilePath = inFile = None; inLines = inColsMax = inRows = None; outFontFilePath = outFontSize = None; outImg = outImgDraw = outImgFont = None; outCurColourBg = outCurColourFg = None; outCurX = outCurY = None; inCurBold = inCurItalic = inCurUnderline = None; inCurColourSpec = None; state = None; inCurCol = inCurDigits = None; # {{{ _ColourMapBold: mIRC colour number to RGBA map given ^B (bold) _ColourMapBold = [ (255, 255, 255, 255), # White (85, 85, 85, 255), # Grey (85, 85, 255, 255), # Light Blue (85, 255, 85, 255), # Light Green (255, 85, 85, 255), # Light Red (255, 85, 85, 255), # Light Red (255, 85, 255, 255), # Pink (255, 255, 85, 255), # Light Yellow (255, 255, 85, 255), # Light Yellow (85, 255, 85, 255), # Light Green (85, 255, 255, 255), # Light Cyan (85, 255, 255, 255), # Light Cyan (85, 85, 255, 255), # Light Blue (255, 85, 255, 255), # Pink (85, 85, 85, 255), # Grey (255, 255, 255, 255), # White ] # }}} # {{{ _ColourMapNormal: mIRC colour number to RGBA map given none of ^[BFV_] (bold, italic, reverse, underline) _ColourMapNormal = [ (255, 255, 255, 255), # White (0, 0, 0, 255), # Black (0, 0, 187, 255), # Blue (0, 187, 0, 255), # Green (255, 85, 85, 255), # Light Red (187, 0, 0, 255), # Red (187, 0, 187, 255), # Purple (187, 187, 0, 255), # Yellow (255, 255, 85, 255), # Light Yellow (85, 255, 85, 255), # Light Green (0, 187, 187, 255), # Cyan (85, 255, 255, 255), # Light Cyan (85, 85, 255, 255), # Light Blue (255, 85, 255, 255), # Pink (85, 85, 85, 255), # Grey (187, 187, 187, 255), # Light Grey ] # }}} # {{{ _State: Parsing loop state class _State(Enum): STATE_CHAR = 1 STATE_COLOUR_SPEC = 2 STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0 = 2 STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT1 = 3 # }}} # {{{ _countChar(): XXX def _countChar(self, char): return True # }}} # {{{ _countColourSpecState(): XXX def _countColourSpecState(self, colourSpec): return 0 # }}} # {{{ _render(): XXX def _render(self): self.outCurX = 0; self.outCurY = 0; for inCurRow in range(0, len(self.inLines)): self.inCurBold = 0; self.inCurItalic = 0; self.inCurUnderline = 0; self.inCurColourSpec = ""; self._State = self._State.STATE_CHAR; self.inCurCol = 0; self.inCurDigits = 0; while self.inCurCol < len(self.inLines[inCurRow]): if self._State == self._State.STATE_CHAR: self._parseAsChar( \ self.inLines[inCurRow][self.inCurCol], \ self._syncChar) elif self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0 \ or self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT1: \ self._parseAsColourSpec( \ self.inLines[inCurRow][self.inCurCol], \ self._syncColourSpecState) self.outCurX = 0; self.outCurY += self.outImgFontSize[1]; # }}} # {{{ _getMaxCols(): Calculate widest row in lines, ignoring non-printable & mIRC control code sequences def _getMaxCols(self, lines): maxCols = 0; for inCurRow in range(0, len(lines)): self.inCurBold = 0; self.inCurItalic = 0; self.inCurUnderline = 0; self.inCurColourSpec = ""; self._State = self._State.STATE_CHAR; self.inCurCol = 0; self.inCurDigits = 0; curRowCols = 0; while self.inCurCol < len(self.inLines[inCurRow]): if self._State == self._State.STATE_CHAR: if self._parseAsChar( \ self.inLines[inCurRow][self.inCurCol], self._countChar): curRowCols += 1 elif self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0 \ or self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT1: self._parseAsColourSpec( \ self.inLines[inCurRow][self.inCurCol], \ self._countColourSpecState) maxCols = max(maxCols, curRowCols) return maxCols # }}} # {{{ _parseAsChar(): Parse single character as regular character and mutate state def _parseAsChar(self, char, fn): if char == "": self._State = self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0; self.inCurCol += 1; return False else: self.inCurCol += 1; return fn(char); # }}} # {{{ _parseAsColourSpec(): Parse single character as mIRC colour control code sequence and mutate state def _parseAsColourSpec(self, char, fn): if self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0 \ and char == ",": self.inCurColourSpec += char; self.inCurCol += 1; self._State = self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT1; self.inCurDigits = 0 return [False] elif self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT0 \ and char in set("0123456789") \ and self.inCurDigits <= 1: self.inCurColourSpec += char; self.inCurCol += 1; self.inCurDigits += 1 return [False] elif self._State == self._State.STATE_CSPEC_DIGIT1 \ and char in set("0123456789") \ and self.inCurDigits <= 1: self.inCurColourSpec += char; self.inCurCol += 1; self.inCurDigits += 1 return [False] else: result = fn(self.inCurColourSpec) self.inCurColourSpec = ""; self._State = self._State.STATE_CHAR; self.inCurDigits = 0 return [True, result] # }}} # {{{ _syncChar(): XXX def _syncChar(self, char): if char == "": self.inCurBold = 0 if self.inCurBold else 1; elif char == "": self.inCurItalic = 0 if self.inCurItalic else 1; elif char == "": self.inCurBold = 0; self.inCurItalic = 0; self.inCurUnderline = 0; self.inCurColourSpec = ""; elif char == "": self.outCurColourBg, self.outCurColourFg = self.outCurColourFg, self.outCurColourBg; elif char == "": self.inCurUnderline = 0 if self.inCurUnderline else 1; elif char == " ": if self.inCurBold: colourBg = self._ColourMapBold[self.outCurColourBg] else: colourBg = self._ColourMapNormal[self.outCurColourBg] self.outImgDraw.rectangle(((self.outCurX, self.outCurY), (self.outCurX + self.outImgFontSize[0], self.outCurY + self.outImgFontSize[1])), fill=colourBg) if self.inCurUnderline: self.outImgDraw.line((self.outCurX, self.outCurY + (self.outImgFontSize[1] - 2), self.outCurX + self.outImgFontSize[0], self.outCurY + (self.outImgFontSize[1] - 2)), fill=colourFg) self.outCurX += self.outImgFontSize[0]; else: if self.inCurBold: colourBg = self._ColourMapBold[self.outCurColourBg] colourFg = self._ColourMapBold[self.outCurColourFg] else: colourBg = self._ColourMapNormal[self.outCurColourBg] colourFg = self._ColourMapNormal[self.outCurColourFg] self.outImgDraw.rectangle(((self.outCurX, self.outCurY), (self.outCurX + self.outImgFontSize[0], self.outCurY + self.outImgFontSize[1])), fill=colourBg) # XXX implement italic self.outImgDraw.text((self.outCurX, self.outCurY), char, colourFg, self.outImgFont) if self.inCurUnderline: self.outImgDraw.line((self.outCurX, self.outCurY + (self.outImgFontSize[1] - 2), self.outCurX + self.outImgFontSize[0], self.outCurY + (self.outImgFontSize[1] - 2)), fill=colourFg) self.outCurX += self.outImgFontSize[0]; return True # }}} # {{{ _syncColourSpecState(): XXX def _syncColourSpecState(self, colourSpec): colourSpec = colourSpec.split(",") if len(colourSpec) == 2: self.outCurColourFg = int(colourSpec[0]) self.outCurColourBg = int(colourSpec[1] or self.outCurColourBg) elif len(colourSpec) == 1: self.outCurColourFg = int(colourSpec[0]) else: self.outCurColourBg = 1; self.outCurColourFg = 15; return True # }}} # # Initialisation method def __init__(self, inFilePath, imgFilePath, fontFilePath="DejaVuSansMono.ttf", fontSize=11): self.inFilePath = inFilePath; self.inFile = open(inFilePath, "r"); self.inLines = self.inFile.readlines() self.inColsMax = self._getMaxCols(self.inLines) self.inRows = len(self.inLines) self.outFontFilePath = fontFilePath; self.outFontSize = int(fontSize); self.outImgFont = ImageFont.truetype(self.outFontFilePath, self.outFontSize) self.outImgFontSize = list(self.outImgFont.getsize(" ")); self.outImgFontSize[1] += 3; self.outImg = Image.new("RGBA", (self.inColsMax * self.outImgFontSize[0], self.inRows * self.outImgFontSize[1]), self._ColourMapNormal[1]) self.outImgDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.outImg) self.outCurColourBg = 1; self.outCurColourFg = 15; self._render() self.inFile.close(); self.outImg.save(imgFilePath); # # Entry point def main(*argv): MiRC2png(*argv[1:]) if __name__ == "__main__": if ((len(sys.argv) - 1) < 2)\ or ((len(sys.argv) - 1) > 4): print("usage: {} " \ " " \ " " \ "[] " \ "[]".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) else: main(*sys.argv) # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120