#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # GuiCanvasWxBackend.py # Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # from ctypes import * from GuiCanvasColours import Colours import math, os, platform, wx class GuiBufferedDC(wx.MemoryDC): # {{{ __del__(self) def __del__(self): self.dc.Blit(0, 0, *self.viewSize, self, 0, 0) self.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) # }}} # {{{ __init__(self, backend, buffer, clientSize, dc, viewRect) def __init__(self, backend, buffer, clientSize, dc, viewRect): super().__init__() canvasSize = [a - b for a, b in zip(backend.canvasSize, viewRect)] clientSize = [math.ceil(m / n) for m, n in zip(clientSize, backend.cellSize)] viewRect = [m * n for m, n in zip(backend.cellSize, viewRect)] viewSize = [min(m, n) for m, n in zip(canvasSize, clientSize)] viewSize = [m * n for m, n in zip(backend.cellSize, viewSize)] self.SelectObject(buffer); self.SetDeviceOrigin(*viewRect); self.dc, self.viewRect, self.viewSize = dc, viewRect, viewSize # }}} class GuiCanvasWxBackend(): # {{{ arabicShapes{} arabicShapes = { u'\u0621': (u'\uFE80'), u'\u0622': (u'\uFE81', None, None, u'\uFE82'), u'\u0623': (u'\uFE83', None, None, u'\uFE84'), u'\u0624': (u'\uFE85', None, None, u'\uFE86'), u'\u0625': (u'\uFE87', None, None, u'\uFE88'), u'\u0626': (u'\uFE89', u'\uFE8B', u'\uFE8C', u'\uFE8A'), u'\u0627': (u'\uFE8D', None, None, u'\uFE8E'), u'\u0628': (u'\uFE8F', u'\uFE91', u'\uFE92', u'\uFE90'), u'\u0629': (u'\uFE93', None, None, u'\uFE94'), u'\u062A': (u'\uFE95', u'\uFE97', u'\uFE98', u'\uFE96'), u'\u062B': (u'\uFE99', u'\uFE9B', u'\uFE9C', u'\uFE9A'), u'\u062C': (u'\uFE9D', u'\uFE9F', u'\uFEA0', u'\uFE9E'), u'\u062D': (u'\uFEA1', u'\uFEA3', u'\uFEA4', u'\uFEA2'), u'\u062E': (u'\uFEA5', u'\uFEA7', u'\uFEA8', u'\uFEA6'), u'\u062F': (u'\uFEA9', None, None, u'\uFEAA'), u'\u0630': (u'\uFEAB', None, None, u'\uFEAC'), u'\u0631': (u'\uFEAD', None, None, u'\uFEAE'), u'\u0632': (u'\uFEAF', None, None, u'\uFEB0'), u'\u0633': (u'\uFEB1', u'\uFEB3', u'\uFEB4', u'\uFEB2'), u'\u0634': (u'\uFEB5', u'\uFEB7', u'\uFEB8', u'\uFEB6'), u'\u0635': (u'\uFEB9', u'\uFEBB', u'\uFEBC', u'\uFEBA'), u'\u0636': (u'\uFEBD', u'\uFEBF', u'\uFEC0', u'\uFEBE'), u'\u0637': (u'\uFEC1', u'\uFEC3', u'\uFEC4', u'\uFEC2'), u'\u0638': (u'\uFEC5', u'\uFEC7', u'\uFEC8', u'\uFEC6'), u'\u0639': (u'\uFEC9', u'\uFECB', u'\uFECC', u'\uFECA'), u'\u063A': (u'\uFECD', u'\uFECF', u'\uFED0', u'\uFECE'), u'\u0640': (u'\u0640', None, None, None), u'\u0641': (u'\uFED1', u'\uFED3', u'\uFED4', u'\uFED2'), u'\u0642': (u'\uFED5', u'\uFED7', u'\uFED8', u'\uFED6'), u'\u0643': (u'\uFED9', u'\uFEDB', u'\uFEDC', u'\uFEDA'), u'\u0644': (u'\uFEDD', u'\uFEDF', u'\uFEE0', u'\uFEDE'), u'\u0645': (u'\uFEE1', u'\uFEE3', u'\uFEE4', u'\uFEE2'), u'\u0646': (u'\uFEE5', u'\uFEE7', u'\uFEE8', u'\uFEE6'), u'\u0647': (u'\uFEE9', u'\uFEEB', u'\uFEEC', u'\uFEEA'), u'\u0648': (u'\uFEED', None, None, u'\uFEEE'), u'\u0649': (u'\uFEEF', None, None, u'\uFEF0'), u'\u064A': (u'\uFEF1', u'\uFEF3', u'\uFEF4', u'\uFEF2'), } # }}} # {{{ _CellState(): Cell state class _CellState(): CS_NONE = 0x00 CS_BOLD = 0x01 CS_ITALIC = 0x02 CS_UNDERLINE = 0x04 # }}} # {{{ _drawBrushPatch(self, eventDc, patch, point) def _drawBrushPatch(self, eventDc, patch, point): absPoint = self._xlatePoint(point) brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._getBrushPatchColours(patch) self._setBrushDc(brushBg, brushFg, eventDc, pen) eventDc.DrawRectangle(*absPoint, *self.cellSize) # }}} # {{{ _drawCharPatch(self, eventDc, patch, point) def _drawCharPatch(self, eventDc, patch, point): absPoint, fontBitmap = self._xlatePoint(point), wx.Bitmap(*self.cellSize) brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._getCharPatchColours(patch) fontDc = wx.MemoryDC(); fontDc.SelectObject(fontBitmap); fontDc.SetFont(self._font); fontDc.SetBackground(brushBg); fontDc.SetBrush(brushFg); fontDc.SetPen(pen); fontDc.SetTextForeground(wx.Colour(Colours[patch[0]][:4])) fontDc.SetTextBackground(wx.Colour(Colours[patch[1]][:4])) fontDc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, *self.cellSize) fontDc.SetPen(self._pens[patch[0]]) if (patch[2] & self._CellState.CS_UNDERLINE) \ or (patch[3] == "_"): fontDc.DrawLine(0, self.cellSize[1] - 1, self.cellSize[0], self.cellSize[1] - 1) if patch[3] != "_": fontDc.DrawText(patch[3], 0, 0) eventDc.Blit(*absPoint, *self.cellSize, fontDc, 0, 0) # }}} # {{{ _finiBrushesAndPens(self) def _finiBrushesAndPens(self): [brush.Destroy() for brush in self._brushes or []] [pen.Destroy() for pen in self._pens or []] self._brushes, self._lastBrushBg, self._lastBrushFg, self._lastPen, self._pens = None, None, None, None, None # }}} # {{{ _getBrushPatchColours(self, patch) def _getBrushPatchColours(self, patch): if (patch[0] != -1) and (patch[1] != -1): brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushes[patch[1]], self._brushes[patch[1]], self._pens[patch[1]] elif (patch[0] == -1) and (patch[1] == -1): brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushAlpha, self._brushAlpha, self._penAlpha elif patch[0] == -1: brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushes[patch[1]], self._brushes[patch[1]], self._pens[patch[1]] elif patch[1] == -1: brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushAlpha, self._brushAlpha, self._penAlpha return (brushBg, brushFg, pen) # }}} # {{{ _getCharPatchColours(self, patch) def _getCharPatchColours(self, patch): if (patch[0] != -1) and (patch[1] != -1): brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushes[patch[1]], self._brushes[patch[1]], self._pens[patch[1]] elif (patch[0] == -1) and (patch[1] == -1): brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushAlpha, self._brushAlpha, self._penAlpha elif patch[0] == -1: brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushes[patch[1]], self._brushes[patch[1]], self._pens[patch[1]] elif patch[1] == -1: brushBg, brushFg, pen = self._brushAlpha, self._brushAlpha, self._penAlpha return (brushBg, brushFg, pen) # }}} # {{{ _initBrushesAndPens(self) def _initBrushesAndPens(self): self._brushes, self._pens = [None for x in range(len(Colours))], [None for x in range(len(Colours))] for mircColour in range(len(Colours)): self._brushes[mircColour] = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(Colours[mircColour][:4]), wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) self._pens[mircColour] = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(Colours[mircColour][:4]), 1) self._brushAlpha = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(Colours[14][:4]), wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) self._penAlpha = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(Colours[14][:4]), 1) self._lastBrushBg, self._lastBrushFg, self._lastPen = None, None, None # }}} # {{{ _reshapeArabic(self, canvas, eventDc, patch, point) def _reshapeArabic(self, canvas, eventDc, patch, point): lastCell = point[0] while True: if ((lastCell + 1) >= (canvas.size[0] - 1)) \ or (not canvas.map[point[1]][lastCell + 1][3] in self.arabicShapes): break else: lastCell += 1 connect = False for runX in range(lastCell, point[0], -1): runCell = list(canvas.map[point[1]][runX]) if runX == lastCell: if self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][1] != None: runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][1]; connect = True; else: runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][0]; connect = False; else: if connect and (self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][2] != None): runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][2]; connect = True; elif connect and (self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][3] != None): runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][3]; connect = False; elif not connect and (self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][1] != None): runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][1]; connect = True; else: runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[runCell[3]][0]; connect = False; self._drawCharPatch(eventDc, runCell, [runX, point[1]]) runCell = list(patch[2:]) if connect and (self.arabicShapes[patch[5]][3] != None): runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[patch[5]][3] else: runCell[3] = self.arabicShapes[patch[5]][0] self._drawCharPatch(eventDc, runCell, [point[0], point[1]]) # }}} # {{{ _setBrushDc(self, brushBg, brushFg, dc, pen) def _setBrushDc(self, brushBg, brushFg, dc, pen): if self._lastBrushBg != brushBg: dc.SetBackground(brushBg); self._lastBrushBg = brushBg; if self._lastBrushFg != brushFg: dc.SetBrush(brushFg); self._lastBrushFg = brushFg; if self._lastPen != pen: dc.SetPen(pen); self._lastPen = pen; # }}} # {{{ _xlatePoint(self, point) def _xlatePoint(self, point): return [a * b for a, b in zip(point, self.cellSize)] # }}} # {{{ drawCursorMaskWithJournal(self, canvas, canvasJournal, eventDc, viewRect) def drawCursorMaskWithJournal(self, canvas, canvasJournal, eventDc, viewRect): [self.drawPatch(canvas, eventDc, patch, viewRect) for patch in canvasJournal.popCursor()] # }}} # {{{ drawPatch(self, canvas, eventDc, patch, viewRect) def drawPatch(self, canvas, eventDc, patch, viewRect): point = [m - n for m, n in zip(patch[:2], viewRect)] if [(c >= 0) and (c < s) for c, s in zip(point, self.canvasSize)] == [True, True]: if patch[5] == " ": if patch[3] == -1: self._drawCharPatch(eventDc, [*patch[2:-1], "░"], point) elif patch[4] & self._CellState.CS_UNDERLINE: self._drawCharPatch(eventDc, patch[2:], point) else: self._drawBrushPatch(eventDc, patch[2:], point) elif patch[5] in self.arabicShapes: self._reshapeArabic(canvas, eventDc, patch, point) else: self._drawCharPatch(eventDc, patch[2:], point) return True else: return False # }}} # {{{ getDeviceContext(self, clientSize, parentWindow, viewRect) def getDeviceContext(self, clientSize, parentWindow, viewRect): if viewRect == (0, 0): eventDc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(parentWindow), self.canvasBitmap) else: eventDc = GuiBufferedDC(self, self.canvasBitmap, clientSize, wx.ClientDC(parentWindow), viewRect) self._lastBrushBg, self._lastBrushFg, self._lastPen = None, None, None return eventDc # }}} # {{{ onPaint(self, clientSize, panelWindow, viewRect) def onPaint(self, clientSize, panelWindow, viewRect): if self.canvasBitmap != None: if viewRect == (0, 0): eventDc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(panelWindow, self.canvasBitmap) else: eventDc = GuiBufferedDC(self, self.canvasBitmap, clientSize, wx.PaintDC(panelWindow), viewRect) # }}} # {{{ resize(self, canvasSize, cellSize): def resize(self, canvasSize, cellSize): winSize = [a * b for a, b in zip(canvasSize, cellSize)] if self.canvasBitmap == None: self.canvasBitmap = wx.Bitmap(winSize) else: oldDc = wx.MemoryDC(); oldDc.SelectObject(self.canvasBitmap); newDc = wx.MemoryDC(); newBitmap = wx.Bitmap(winSize); newDc.SelectObject(newBitmap); newDc.Blit(0, 0, *self.canvasBitmap.GetSize(), oldDc, 0, 0) oldDc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.canvasBitmap.Destroy(); self.canvasBitmap = newBitmap; self.canvasSize, self.cellSize = canvasSize, cellSize if platform.system() == "Windows": self._font = wx.TheFontList.FindOrCreateFont(cellSize[0] + 1, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, self.fontName) else: self._font = wx.Font(cellSize[0] + 1, wx.FONTFAMILY_TELETYPE, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL) # }}} # {{{ xlateEventPoint(self, event, eventDc, viewRect) def xlateEventPoint(self, event, eventDc, viewRect): eventPoint = event.GetLogicalPosition(eventDc) rectX, rectY = eventPoint.x - (eventPoint.x % self.cellSize[0]), eventPoint.y - (eventPoint.y % self.cellSize[1]) mapX, mapY = int(rectX / self.cellSize[0] if rectX else 0), int(rectY / self.cellSize[1] if rectY else 0) return [m + n for m, n in zip((mapX, mapY), viewRect)] # }}} # {{{ __del__(self): destructor method def __del__(self): if self.canvasBitmap != None: self.canvasBitmap.Destroy(); self.canvasBitmap = None; self._finiBrushesAndPens() # }}} # # __init__(self, canvasSize, cellSize, fontName="Dejavu Sans Mono", fontPathName=os.path.join("assets", "fonts", "DejaVuSansMono.ttf")): initialisation method def __init__(self, canvasSize, cellSize, fontName="Dejavu Sans Mono", fontPathName=os.path.join("assets", "fonts", "DejaVuSansMono.ttf")): self._brushes, self._font, self._lastBrush, self._lastPen, self._pens = None, None, None, None, None self.canvasBitmap, self.cellSize, self.fontName, self.fontPathName = None, None, fontName, fontPathName if platform.system() == "Windows": WinDLL("gdi32.dll").AddFontResourceW(self.fontPathName.encode("utf16")) self._initBrushesAndPens(); self.resize(canvasSize, cellSize); # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120