1)  Finish Arabic/RTL text tool support
2)  ANSI CSI CU[BDPU] sequences & italic
3)  Operators: crop, scale, shift, slice
4)  Documentation, instrumentation & unit tests
5)  Layers & layout (e.g. for comics, zines, etc.)
6)  Open and toggle a reference image in the background
7)  Client-Server or Peer-to-Peer realtime collaboration
8)  Arbitrary {format,palette}s ({4,8} bit ANSI/mIRC, etc.)
9)  {record,replay} {keyboard,mouse,...} events in debugging builds
10) Incremental auto{load,save} & {backup,restore} (needs Settings window)
11) Unit tools: arrow, {cloud,speech bubble}, curve, measure, polygon, triangle
12) Integrate ENNTool code in the form of OpenGL-based animation window (see 13) and 14))
13) Composition, parametrisation & keying of tools from higher-order operators (brushes, functions, filters, outlines, patterns & shaders) and unit tools
14) Sprites & scripted (Python?) animation on the basis of asset traits and {composable,parametrised} patterns (metric flow, particle system, rigging, ...)
15) GUI TODO list:
    a) {load,store} LRU {open,save} directory
    b) replace logo w/ canvas panel in About dialogue
    c) Settings/Settings window (e.g. autosave, hide cursor on leaving window, ...)
    d) replace resize buttons w/ {-,edit box,+} buttons & lock button re: ratio (ty lol3)
    e) {copy,cut,delete,insert from,paste}, {edit asset in new canvas,import from {canvas,object}}

High-priority list:
1) bug: a) select line tool b) set origin point c) move mouse about d) incr brush size e) set target point d) undo
   bug: a) new canvas/startup b) place rect c) move mouse d) undo status changes
   bug: a) text tool b) paste text c) undo
2) bug: a) start w/ spoke-vxplion.txt b) scroll down c) fix w/ canvas resize 
3) add hotkeys.txt mIRC art canvas to help menu
4) tools: erase, pick, unicode block elements

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