#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # IrcMiRCARTBot.py -- IRC<->MiRC2png bot (for EFnet #MiRCART) # Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # import base64 import os, sys, time import json import IrcClient import requests, urllib.request from MiRCARTCanvasImportStore import MiRCARTCanvasImportStore from MiRCARTImgurApiKey import MiRCARTImgurApiKey from MiRCARTToPngFile import MiRCARTToPngFile class IrcMiRCARTBot(IrcClient.IrcClient): """IRC<->MiRC2png bot""" clientChannelLastMessage = clientChannelOps = clientChannel = None clientChannelRejoin = None imgurApiKey = MiRCARTImgurApiKey.imgurApiKey # {{{ ContentTooLargeException(Exception): Raised by _urlretrieveReportHook() given download size > 1 MB class ContentTooLargeException(Exception): pass # }}} # {{{ _dispatch001(self, message): Dispatch single 001 (RPL_WELCOME) def _dispatch001(self, message): self._log("Registered on {}:{} as {}, {}, {}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort, self.clientNick, self.clientIdent, self.clientGecos)) self._log("Attempting to join {} on {}:{}...".format(self.clientChannel, self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.queue("JOIN", self.clientChannel) # }}} # {{{ _dispatch353(self, message): Dispatch single 353 (RPL_NAMREPLY) def _dispatch353(self, message): if message[4].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower(): for channelNickSpec in message[5].split(" "): if len(channelNickSpec) \ and channelNickSpec[0] == "@" \ and len(channelNickSpec[1:]): self.clientChannelOps.append(channelNickSpec[1:].lower()) self._log("Authorising {} on {}".format(channelNickSpec[1:].lower(), message[4].lower())) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchJoin(self, message): Dispatch single JOIN message from server def _dispatchJoin(self, message): self._log("Joined {} on {}:{}.".format(message[2].lower(), self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.clientNextTimeout = None; self.clientChannelRejoin = False; # }}} # {{{ _dispatchKick(self, message): Dispatch single KICK message from server def _dispatchKick(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower() \ and message[3].lower() == self.clientNick.lower(): self._log("Kicked from {} by {}, rejoining in 15 seconds".format(message[2].lower(), message[0])) self.clientNextTimeout = time.time() + 15; self.clientChannelRejoin = True; # }}} # {{{ _dispatchMode(self, message): Dispatch single MODE message from server def _dispatchMode(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower(): channelModeType = "+"; channelModeArg = 4; channelAuthAdd = ""; channelAuthDel = ""; for channelModeChar in message[3]: if channelModeChar[0] == "-": channelModeType = "-" elif channelModeChar[0] == "+": channelModeType = "+" elif channelModeChar[0].isalpha(): if channelModeChar[0] == "o": if channelModeType == "+": channelAuthAdd = message[channelModeArg]; channelAuthDel = ""; elif channelModeType == "-": channelAuthAdd = ""; channelAuthDel = message[channelModeArg]; channelModeArg += 1 if len(channelAuthAdd) \ and channelAuthAdd not in self.clientChannelOps: channelAuthAdd = channelAuthAdd.lower() self._log("Authorising {} on {}".format(channelAuthAdd, message[2].lower())) self.clientChannelOps.append(channelAuthAdd) elif len(channelAuthDel) \ and channelAuthDel in self.clientChannelOps: channelAuthDel = channelAuthDel.lower() self._log("Deauthorising {} on {}".format(channelAuthDel, message[2].lower())) self.clientChannelOps.remove(channelAuthDel) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchNone(self): Dispatch None message from server def _dispatchNone(self): self._log("Disconnected from {}:{}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.close() # }}} # {{{ _dispatchPing(self, message): Dispatch single PING message from server def _dispatchPing(self, message): self.queue("PONG", message[2]) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchPrivmsg(self, message): Dispatch single PRIVMSG message from server def _dispatchPrivmsg(self, message): if message[2].lower() == self.clientChannel.lower() \ and message[3].startswith("!pngbot "): if (int(time.time()) - self.clientLastMessage) < 5: self._log("Ignoring request on {} from {} due to rate limit: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) return elif message[0].split("!")[0].lower() not in self.clientChannelOps: self._log("Ignoring request on {} from {} due to lack of authorisation: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) return else: self._log("Processing request on {} from {}: {}".format(message[2].lower(), message[0], message[3])) asciiUrl = message[3].split(" ")[1] asciiTmpFilePath = "tmp.txt"; imgTmpFilePath = "tmp.png"; if os.path.isfile(asciiTmpFilePath): os.remove(asciiTmpFilePath) if os.path.isfile(imgTmpFilePath): os.remove(imgTmpFilePath) try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(asciiUrl, asciiTmpFilePath, IrcMiRCARTBot._urlretrieveReportHook) except IrcMiRCARTBot.ContentTooLargeException: self._log("Download size exceeds quota of 1 MB!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Download size exceeds quota of 1 MB!") return except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: self._log("Download failed with HTTP status code {}".format(err.code)) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Download failed with HTTP status code {}!".format(err.code)) return except urllib.error.URLError as err: self._log("Invalid URL specified!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Invalid URL specified!") return except ValueError as err: self._log("Unknown URL type specified!") self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Unknown URL type specified!") return canvasStore = MiRCARTCanvasImportStore(inFile=asciiTmpFilePath) numRowCols = 0 for numRow in range(len(canvasStore.outMap)): numRowCols = max(numRowCols, len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow])) for numRow in range(len(canvasStore.outMap)): if len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow]) != numRowCols: for numColOff in range(numRowCols - len(canvasStore.outMap[numRow])): canvasStore.outMap[numRow].append([1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap[numRow].insert(0, [1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap[numRow].append([1, 1, 0, " "]) canvasStore.outMap.insert(0, [[1, 1, 0, " "]] * len(canvasStore.outMap[0])) canvasStore.outMap.append([[1, 1, 0, " "]] * len(canvasStore.outMap[0])) MiRCARTToPngFile(canvasStore.outMap, "DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 11).export(imgTmpFilePath) imgurResponse = self._uploadToImgur(imgTmpFilePath, "MiRCART image", "MiRCART image", self.imgurApiKey) if imgurResponse[0] == 200: self._log("Uploaded as: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "8/!\\ Uploaded as: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.clientLastMessage = int(time.time()) else: self._log("Upload failed with HTTP status code {}".format(imgurResponse[0])) self._log("Message from website: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Upload failed with HTTP status code {}!".format(imgurResponse[0])) self.queue("PRIVMSG", message[2], "4/!\\ Message from website: {}".format(imgurResponse[1])) if os.path.isfile(asciiTmpFilePath): os.remove(asciiTmpFilePath) if os.path.isfile(imgTmpFilePath): os.remove(imgTmpFilePath) # }}} # {{{ _dispatchTimer(self): Dispatch single client timer expiration def _dispatchTimer(self): if self.clientChannelRejoin: self._log("Attempting to join {} on {}:{}...".format(self.clientChannel, self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self.queue("JOIN", self.clientChannel) self.clientNextTimeout = time.time() + 15; self.clientChannelRejoin = True; # }}} # {{{ _log(self, msg): Log single message to stdout w/ timestamp def _log(self, msg): print(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + msg) # }}} # {{{ _uploadToImgur(self, imgFilePath, imgName, imgTitle, apiKey): Upload single file to Imgur def _uploadToImgur(self, imgFilePath, imgName, imgTitle, apiKey): with open(imgFilePath, "rb") as requestImage: requestImageData = requestImage.read() requestData = { \ "image": base64.b64encode(requestImageData), \ "key": apiKey, \ "name": imgName, \ "title": imgTitle, \ "type": "base64"} requestHeaders = { \ "Authorization": "Client-ID " + apiKey} responseHttp = requests.post("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.json", data=requestData, headers=requestHeaders) responseDict = json.loads(responseHttp.text) if responseHttp.status_code == 200: return [200, responseDict.get("data").get("link")] else: return [responseHttp.status_code, responseHttp.text] # }}} # {{{ _urlretrieveReportHook(count, blockSize, totalSize): Limit downloads to 1 MB def _urlretrieveReportHook(count, blockSize, totalSize): if (totalSize > pow(2,20)): raise IrcMiRCARTBot.ContentTooLargeException # }}} # {{{ connect(self, timeout=None): Connect to server and (re)initialise w/ optional timeout def connect(self, timeout=None): self._log("Connecting to {}:{}...".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) if super().connect(timeout): self._log("Connected to {}:{}.".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort)) self._log("Registering on {}:{} as {}, {}, {}...".format(self.serverHname, self.serverPort, self.clientNick, self.clientIdent, self.clientGecos)) self.clientLastMessage = 0; self.clientChannelOps = []; self.clientChannelRejoin = False return True else: return False # }}} # {{{ dispatch(self): Read, parse, and dispatch single line from server def dispatch(self): while True: if self.clientNextTimeout: timeNow = time.time() if self.clientNextTimeout <= timeNow: self._dispatchTimer() self.unqueue() serverMessage = self.readline() if serverMessage == None: self._dispatchNone(); break; elif serverMessage == "": continue elif serverMessage[1] == "001": self._dispatch001(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "353": self._dispatch353(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "JOIN": self._dispatchJoin(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "KICK": self._dispatchKick(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "MODE": self._dispatchMode(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "PING": self._dispatchPing(serverMessage) elif serverMessage[1] == "PRIVMSG": self._dispatchPrivmsg(serverMessage) # }}} # # __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"): initialisation method def __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"): super().__init__(serverHname, serverPort, clientNick, clientIdent, clientGecos) self.clientChannel = clientChannel # # Entry point def main(*argv): _IrcMiRCARTBot = IrcMiRCARTBot(*argv[1:]) while True: if _IrcMiRCARTBot.connect(15): _IrcMiRCARTBot.dispatch() _IrcMiRCARTBot.close() time.sleep(15) if __name__ == "__main__": if ((len(sys.argv) - 1) < 1)\ or ((len(sys.argv) - 1) > 4): print("usage: {} " \ " " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] " \ "[] ".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) else: main(*sys.argv) # vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120