#include #include #include #include "args.h" #include "termbox.h" #include "draw.h" #include "colors.h" #include "output.h" #ifdef __OpenBSD__ #include "sys/types.h" #else #include "stdint.h" #endif // arguments extern struct Options *opts; // initialize the framebuffer void init(struct buffer *buf) { // initialize width/height of terminal buf->width = tb_width(); buf->height = tb_height(); size_t len = buf->width * buf->height; buf->buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(len); len -= buf->width; if (buf->buf == NULL) { PRINT("fire: cannot "); perror("calloc()"); exit(1); } // initialize the entire screen to black... memset(buf->buf, 0, len); // ...except for the last row, which is white. // this is the 'base' of the fire. memset(buf->buf + len, 12, buf->width); } // update the framebuffer void dofire(struct buffer *buf) { size_t src; size_t random; size_t dest; struct tb_cell *realbuf = tb_cell_buffer(); for (size_t x = 0; x < buf->width; ++x) { for (size_t y = 1; y < buf->height; ++y) { src = y * buf->width + x; random = (rand() % 7) & 3; dest = src - random + 1; if (buf->width > dest) dest = 0; else dest -= buf->width; buf->buf[dest] = buf->buf[src] - (random & 1); if (buf->buf[dest] > 12) buf->buf[dest] = 0; struct tb_cell *colors; if (opts->truecolor == TRUE) colors = (struct tb_cell*) &truecolors; else colors = (struct tb_cell*) &normcolors; realbuf[dest] = colors[buf->buf[dest]]; realbuf[src] = colors[buf->buf[src]]; } } } // free framebuffer and shutdown termbox void cleanup(struct buffer *buf) { free(buf->buf); tb_shutdown(); }