#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #else #define DEBUG 1 #endif /* DEBUG */ #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) if (DEBUG) do { \ fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define DEFAULT_FG 7 #define DEFAULT_BG 0 #define DEFAULT_BOLD false #define DEFAULT_ICE false #define MAX_PARAMS 16 /* 4 bytes + '\0' */ #define MAX_UTFSTR 5 typedef struct cell_s { char *utfchar; int fg; int bg; bool bold; bool ice; } cell_t; typedef struct canvas_s { cell_t **cell; /* canvas state */ char fg; char bg; bool bold; bool ice; int row; /* cursor state */ int col; int bottomrow; int oldrow; int oldcol; int max_cols; /* options */ bool use_color; bool show_unp; int tab_size; int lcrop; int rcrop; int default_fg; int default_bg; } canvas_t; int get_fgcolor(cell_t *cell); int get_bgcolor(cell_t *cell); void print_color(canvas_t *c, cell_t *cell, int col); void inc_row(canvas_t *c); void draw_cell(canvas_t *c, char *inch, int fg, int bg, bool bold, bool ice); void usage(void); /* lol globals */ /* * ANSI COLORS BLK RED GRN YEL BLU MAG CYN WHT * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ const char color[8] = { 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 10, 15 }; const char color_bold[8] = { 14, 4, 9, 8, 12, 13, 11, 0 }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; FILE *fd; canvas_t *c; c = (canvas_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(canvas_t)); c->fg = DEFAULT_FG; c->bg = DEFAULT_BG; c->bold = false; c->ice = false; c->row = -1; c->col = 0; c->bottomrow = -1; c->oldrow = 0; c->oldcol = 0; c->max_cols = 80; c->use_color = true; c->show_unp = false; c->tab_size = 8; c->lcrop = 0; c->rcrop = 0; c->default_fg = 7; c->default_bg = 0; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "npl:r:w:t:")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'n': c->use_color = false; break; case 'p': c->show_unp = true; break; case 'l': c->lcrop = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': c->rcrop = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': c->max_cols = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': c->tab_size = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': /* fallthrough */ case 'h': /* fallthrough */ default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* init the first line */ inc_row(c); fd = NULL; if (argc == 1) fd = fopen(argv[0], "r"); else if (argc == 0) fd = stdin; else { usage(); } if (!fd) { perror(NULL); exit(EX_NOINPUT); } char *charp = malloc(1); if (!charp) { perror(NULL); exit(EX_OSERR); } char *space = " "; int rc = 0; int pcnt = 0; int param[MAX_PARAMS]; uint32_t ch = 0; while ((ch = fgetc(fd)) != EOF) { /* ignore sauce record */ if (ch == 0x1a) break; /* drawable character */ if (ch != 0x1b) { *charp = (char)ch; /* convert tabs to spaces */ if (ch == '\t') for (int i = 0; i < c->tab_size; i++) draw_cell(c, space, c->fg, c->bg, c->bold, c->ice); else if (ch == '\0') draw_cell(c, space, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, c->bold, c->ice); else if (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') draw_cell(c, charp, c->fg, c->bg, c->bold, c->ice); if (ch == '\n') while (c->col != 0) draw_cell(c, space, c->fg, c->bg, c->bold, c->ice); /* escape code */ } else { rc = 0; pcnt = 0; /* no rational way to recover tbqh imho */ if ((ch = fgetc(fd)) != '[') { DPRINTF("Invalid escape code, aborting at line %d\n", c->row + 1); exit(EX_DATAERR); } while ((ch = fgetc(fd)) != EOF) { /* parameters */ if (isdigit(ch)) { *charp = (char)ch; rc = (rc * 10) + atoi(charp); /* oddball parameter prefixes */ } else if (ch == '?' || ch == '=' || ch == '>') { /* just eat them for now */ /* end of parameter, havent encountered ':' but its legit */ } else if (ch == ';' || ch == ':') { param[pcnt] = rc; rc = 0; pcnt++; /* spacing */ } else if (ch == 'C') { /* default to one space */ if (rc == 0) rc = 1; for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++) { draw_cell(c, space, DEFAULT_FG, DEFAULT_BG, DEFAULT_BOLD, DEFAULT_ICE); } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* SGR sequence */ } else if (ch == 'm') { param[pcnt] = rc; pcnt++; for (int i = 0; i < pcnt; i++) { /* reset */ if (param[i] == 0) { c->bold = false; c->ice = false; c->fg = DEFAULT_FG; c->bg = DEFAULT_BG; } else if (param[i] == 1) c->bold = true; else if (param[i] == 5) c->ice = true; else if (param[i] == 21 || param[i] == 22) c->bold = false; else if (param[i] == 25) c->ice = false; else if (param[i] >= 30 && param[i] <= 37) c->fg = param[i] - 30; else if (param[i] >= 40 && param[i] <= 47) c->bg = param[i] - 40; else if (param[i] == 39) c->fg = DEFAULT_FG; else if (param[i] == 49) c->bg = DEFAULT_BG; else DPRINTF("Ignored SGR parameter %d at line %d\n", param[i], c->row + 1); } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* clear screen */ /* todo flesh this out */ } else if (ch == 'J') { c->row = 0; c->col = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= c->bottomrow; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < c->max_cols; j++) { c->cell[i][j].fg = DEFAULT_FG; c->cell[i][j].bg = DEFAULT_BG; c->cell[i][j].bold = DEFAULT_BOLD; c->cell[i][j].ice = DEFAULT_ICE; if (c->cell[i][j].utfchar) free(c->cell[i][j].utfchar); } } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* move up */ } else if (ch == 'A') { /* default is 1 */ if (rc == 0) rc = 1; while (rc > 0) { /* found an ansi that tried this */ /* probably from a bbs prelogin that assumed */ /* frontdoor was eating the first few lines */ if (c->row == 0) break; c->row--; rc--; } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* move down */ } else if (ch == 'B') { if (rc == 0) rc = 1; while (rc > 0) { inc_row(c); rc--; } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* move forward */ } else if (ch == 'C') { if (rc == 0) rc = 1; while (rc > 0) { if (c->col == c->max_cols - 1) break; c->col++; rc--; } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* move back */ } else if (ch == 'D') { if (rc == 0) rc = 1; while (rc > 0) { if (c->col == 0) break; c->col--; rc--; } rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* goto */ /* todo add check for inc_row */ } else if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'H') { if (pcnt != 2) { break; } c->row = param[0]; c->col = param[1]; rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* set mode */ } else if (ch == 'h' || ch == 'n') { rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* save position */ } else if (ch == 's') { c->oldrow = c->row; c->oldcol = c->col; rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* restore position */ } else if (ch == 'u') { c->row = c->oldrow; c->col = c->oldcol; rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; /* sequences we dont care and/or know about */ } else { DPRINTF("Ignored escape code ["); for (int i = 0; i < pcnt; i++) DPRINTF("%d%s", param[pcnt], i + 1 < pcnt ? ";" : ""); DPRINTF("0x%02x at line %d col %d\n", ch, c->row + 1, c->col + 1); rc = 0; pcnt = 0; break; } } } } for (int i = 0; i <= c->row; i++) { for (int j = c->lcrop; j < c->max_cols - c->rcrop; j++) { cell_t *cell = &c->cell[i][j]; if (!cell->utfchar) { printf("\n"); return (0); } if (c->use_color) print_color(c, cell, j); printf("%s", cell->utfchar); } printf("\n"); } if (argc == 1) fclose(fd); return (0); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: a2m [options] [input.ans]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l n Crop n lines from the left side.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r n Crop n lines from the right side.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n Disable color output.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p Print unprintable characters.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t size Specify tab size, default is 8.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -w width Specify width, default is 80.\n"); exit(EX_USAGE); } int get_fgcolor(cell_t *cell) { return (cell->bold ? color_bold[cell->fg] : color[cell->fg]); } int get_bgcolor(cell_t *cell) { return (cell->ice ? color_bold[cell->bg] : color[cell->bg]); } void print_color(canvas_t *c, cell_t *cell, int col) { static cell_t *prev = NULL; int oldfg = (!prev || col == 0 + c->lcrop) ? DEFAULT_FG : prev->fg; int oldbg = (!prev || col == 0 + c->lcrop) ? DEFAULT_BG : prev->bg; int oldbold = (!prev || col == 0 + c->lcrop) ? DEFAULT_BOLD : prev->bold; int oldice = (!prev || col == 0 + c->lcrop) ? DEFAULT_ICE : prev->ice; if (cell->fg != oldfg || cell->bg != oldbg || cell->bold != oldbold || cell->ice != oldice) { printf("\x03"); if (cell->fg != oldfg || cell->bold != oldbold) printf("%d", get_fgcolor(cell)); if (cell->bg != oldbg || (cell->ice != oldice)) printf(",%d", get_bgcolor(cell)); } prev = cell; return; } void inc_row(canvas_t *c) { cell_t **newrows; c->row++; if (c->row <= c->bottomrow) return; c->bottomrow = c->row; newrows = (cell_t **)calloc(c->row + 1, sizeof(cell_t *)); if (!newrows) { perror(NULL); exit(EX_OSERR); } for (int i = 0; i < c->row; i++) newrows[i] = c->cell[i]; newrows[c->row] = (cell_t *)calloc(c->max_cols, sizeof(cell_t)); free(c->cell); c->cell = newrows; for (int j = 0; j < c->max_cols; j++) { c->cell[c->row][j].fg = DEFAULT_FG; c->cell[c->row][j].bg = DEFAULT_BG; c->cell[c->row][j].bold = DEFAULT_BOLD; c->cell[c->row][j].ice = DEFAULT_ICE; } return; } void draw_cell(canvas_t *c, char *inch, int fg, int bg, bool bold, bool ice) { static iconv_t conv = (iconv_t)0; char *outchp; char *oldoutchp; outchp = calloc(1, MAX_UTFSTR); if (!outchp) { perror(NULL); exit(EX_OSERR); } oldoutchp = outchp; if ((unsigned char)inch[0] < 32 && !c->show_unp) inch[0] = ' '; size_t inchsize = 1; size_t outchsize = MAX_UTFSTR; if (!conv) conv = iconv_open("UTF-8", "CP437"); iconv(conv, &inch, &inchsize, &outchp, &outchsize); c->cell[c->row][c->col].utfchar = calloc(1, MAX_UTFSTR); if (!c->cell[c->row][c->col].utfchar) { perror(NULL); exit(EX_OSERR); } strcpy(c->cell[c->row][c->col].utfchar, oldoutchp); free(oldoutchp); c->cell[c->row][c->col].fg = fg; c->cell[c->row][c->col].bg = bg; c->cell[c->row][c->col].bold = bold; c->cell[c->row][c->col].ice = ice; c->col++; if (c->col == c->max_cols) { inc_row(c); c->col = 0; } return; }