#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, socket, ssl, time, os, re from log import Colors, Log from mircformat import MIRCFormat from ircReload import recompile from ircCommands import IrcCommands server = 'irc.underworld.no' port = 9999 channel = ('#IRCUFC', None) # (chan, key) use_ssl = True nickname = 'IRCUFC' username = 'McBuffer' realname = '** WE FIGHTIN **' optkey= "!" timeout=0.4 DEBUG = True sys.dont_write_bytecode = True class Irc(object): def __init__(self): self.sock = None self.lag=False self.last_cmd={} self.flood_flag={} self.flood_count={} self.mirc = MIRCFormat() self.optkey = optkey self.log = Log(DEBUG) self.server = server self.port = port self.ssl = use_ssl self.nick = nickname self.user = username self.real = realname self.channel, self.chankey = channel self.nameslists = {} self.nameslistFlag = {} self.cmds = IrcCommands(self) self.timeouts = {} def connect(self): try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if use_ssl: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock) self.sock.connect((server, port)) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Connexion failed", e) return def run(self): self.connect() self.register() self.listen() def register(self): self.log.info("Identifying...") self.raw("USER {} 0 * :{}".format(self.user, self.real)) self.raw("NICK {}".format(self.nick)) def updateNick(self): self.log.info("Updating NICK to {}".format(self.nick)) self.raw("NICK {}".format(self.nick)) def listen(self): while True: try: if self.lag: self.lag=False data += self.sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') else: data = self.sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') for line in [x.split() for x in data.split("\r\n") if len(x.split()) > 1]: self.log.info("<< {}".format(' '.join(line))) if line[0][1:] == 'ING': self.raw("PONG {}".format(line[1])) elif line[1] == '001': # connected self.join() elif line[1] == 'JOIN': # Someone joined a channel self.log.info("{} JOIN to {}".format(line[0], line[2])) pass elif line[1] == 'PART': # Someone emopart a channel self.log.info("{} PART from {}".format(line[0], line[2])) pass elif line[1] == '433': # Nick already in use self.nick += "_" self.updateNick() elif line[1] == 'KICK': #Got kicked lmao if line[0][1:].split("@")[0].split("!") == self.nick: self.log.warn("Got kicked from {} !".format(line[2])) chan = line[2] if chan == self.channel: self.join() elif line[1] == 'INVITE': self.log.info("{} invited the bot to {}".format(line[0][1:].split("!")[0], line[3][1:])) self.join(line[3][1:]) elif line[1] == 'PRIVMSG': nick,user = line[0][1:].split("@")[0].split("!") user = user[1:] if user[0] == '~' else user host = line[0].split("@")[1] self.handle_msg(line[2], self.isAdmin(line[0][1:]), nick, user, host, ' '.join(line[3:])[1:]) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.warn("^C, Exiting...") return except Exception as e: self.log.error("Exception in listen()", e) pass def join(self): self.log.info("Now joining {} ...".format(self.channel)) self.raw("JOIN {} {}".format(self.channel, self.chankey)) if self.chankey else self.raw("JOIN {}".format(self.channel)) def raw(self, msg, timeout=None): msg = msg.replace("\r", "") msg = msg.replace("\n", "") self.log.info(">> " + msg) self.sock.send(bytes(msg + "\r\n", 'utf-8')) if timeout: time.sleep(timeout) def isAdmin(self, ident): ret = False for line in [line.strip() for line in open('admins', 'r').readlines() if line]: if re.compile(line.replace('*', '.*')).search(ident): ret = True return ret def handle_msg(self, chan, admin, nick, user, host, msg): args = msg.split() if admin: if args[0] == '{}reload'.format(self.optkey): ret = recompile(args[1]) # Let you add new code to the bot without restarting it if ret == True: self.privmsg(chan, "{} recompiled successfully!".format(self.mirc.color(args[1], self.mirc.colors.GREEN))) return else: self.privmsg(chan, "Man we had a issue while recompiling {}".format(self.mirc.color(args[1], self.mirc.colors.GREEN))) self.log.error(ret) return self.cmds.handle_msg(chan, admin, nick, user, host, msg) def privmsg(self, chan, msg): if chan not in self.timeouts: self.timeouts[chan] = {'last_cmd': time.time(), 'burst': 0, 'timeout': 0} self.raw("PRIVMSG {} :{}".format(chan, msg), self.timeouts[chan]['timeout']) self.editTimeouts(chan) def editTimeouts(self, chan): if (time.time() - self.timeouts[chan]['last_cmd']) < 3: self.timeouts[chan]['burst'] += 1 else: self.timeouts[chan]['burst'] = 0 if self.timeouts[chan]['burst'] > 3: self.timeouts[chan]['timeout'] += 0.075 else: self.timeouts[chan]['timeout'] = 0 if self.timeouts[chan]['timeout'] > 0.4: self.timeouts[chan]['timeout'] = 0.4 self.timeouts[chan]['last_cmd'] = time.time() def action(self, chan, msg): self.privmsg(chan, "\x01ACTION {}\x01".format(msg)) if __name__=='__main__': Irc().run()