#!/usr/bin/env python3 from fighter import Fighter import random, json CONFIG_FILE = "./config.json" class Fight(object): def __init__(self, IRC): self.IRC = IRC self.state = 'inactive' self.fighters = [] self.get_config() def get_config(self): with open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") as f: self.config = json.loads(f.read()) def addFighter(self, nick): self.state = 'waiting_fighter' if nick in self.fighters: self.IRC.privmsg(self.IRC.channel, "Hey {} you're already registered!".format(nick)) return else: self.fighters += [nick] if len(self.fighters) == 2: self.IRC.privmsg(self.IRC.channel, "Alright. {}, {}, let's fight!".format(self.fighters[0], self.fighters[1])) self.state = 'fighters_ready' else: self.IRC.privmsg(self.IRC.channel, "Waiting for 2nd fighter...") def startFight(self): self.state = 'starting_fight' self.fighters[0] = Fighter(self.fighters[0], self.IRC.mirc.colors.RED) self.fighters[1] = Fighter(self.fighters[1], self.IRC.mirc.colors.BLUE) # who start? roll1 = roll2 = 0 while roll1 == roll2: roll1 = random.random() roll2 = random.random() if roll1 > roll2: self.fighters[0].advantage = True else: self.fighters[1].advantage = True self.print_fighters_action() def print_fighters_action(self): self.state = 'waiting_fighters_action' for f in self.fighters: self.IRC.privmsg(f.nick, "What is your next move?") self.IRC.privmsg(f.nick, "Actions available: '{}'".format("', '".join(self.get_next_avail_action(f.nick)))) def get_next_avail_action(self, nick): # TODO: fix this mess. f = self.fighters[0] if self.fighters[0].nick == nick else self.fighters[1] e = self.fighters[0] if self.fighters[1].nick == nick else self.fighters[1] cmds = [] for i in self.config['moves'][f.stance]: if i == 'standup': cmds += [i] elif i == 'punch' and e.stance == 'ground': pass else: for j in self.config['moves'][f.stance][i]: cmds += ["{} {}".format(i, j)] return cmds def set_next_action(self, nick, action): for f in self.fighters: if f.nick == nick: if f.nextAction is not None: self.IRC.privmsg(nick, "You already chose your next move!") return if " ".join(action) in self.get_next_avail_action(nick): f.nextAction = action self.IRC.privmsg(nick, "Next move set!") else: self.IRC.privmsg(nick, "Move not recognized") done = True for f in self.fighters: if f.nextAction is None: done = False if done: self.performNextTurn() def getStatus(self, nick): for f in self.fighters: if f.nick == nick: self.IRC.privmsg(nick, "Status for {} -> Current health: {} | Current stance: {} | Next action: {}".format(f.nick, f.hp, f.stance, f.nextAction)) else: self.IRC.privmsg(nick, "Status for {} -> Current health: {} | Current stance: {}".format(f.nick, f.hp, f.stance)) def fightOver(self): winner = self.fighters[0] if self.fighters[1].hp <= 0 else self.fighters[1] looser = self.fighters[0] if self.fighters[0].hp <= 0 else self.fighters[1] winner.wins += 1 looser.looses += 1 self.shout("\x02\x0315Fight is over.") self.shout("\x02\x03{}{}\x0f won the fight against \x02\x03{}{}\x0f with \x02\x0303{}\x0f hp left.".format(winner.colour, winner.nick, looser.colour, looser.nick, int(winner.hp))) self.state = 'inactive' self.fighters = [] def performNextTurn(self): self.state = 'processing_turn' self.attack() if self.state == 'fight_over': self.fightOver() return for f in self.fighters: f.nextAction = None self.print_fighters_action() def get_next_move_data(self, f, e): dmg = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['dmgidx'] mindmg = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['mindmg'] blockidx = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['blockidx'] fallchance = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['fallchance'] \ if 'fallchance' in self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance] \ else 0 standchance = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['standchance'] \ if 'standchance' in self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance] \ else 0 texts = self.config['moves'][f.stance][f.nextAction[0]][f.nextAction[1]][e.stance]['text'] return dmg, mindmg, blockidx, fallchance, standchance, texts def attack(self): roll1 = roll2 = 0 while roll1 == roll2: roll1 = random.random() roll2 = random.random() if self.fighters[0].advantage: roll1 += 0.15 else: roll2 += 0.15 if roll1 > roll2: attacker = self.fighters[0] defender = self.fighters[1] else: attacker = self.fighters[1] defender = self.fighters[0] if attacker.nextAction[0] == 'block' and defender.nextAction[0] != 'block': tmp = attacker attacker = defender defender = tmp elif attacker.nextAction[0] == 'block' and defender.nextAction[0] == 'block': self.shout("Both fighters are trying to block at the same time, resulting in a completely retarded action...") return attacker.advantage = True defender.advantage = False if attacker.nextAction[0] == 'standup': standchance = self.config['moves'][attacker.stance]['standup'][defender.stance]['chance'] else: dmg, mindmg, blockidx, fallchance, standchance, texts = self.get_next_move_data(attacker, defender) txt = self.prettyTxt(attacker, defender, texts) self.shout("{}".format(txt)) blockchance = 0 if defender.nextAction[0] == 'block': if defender.nextAction[1] == attacker.nextAction[1]: blockchance = self.config["moves"][defender.stance][defender.nextAction[0]][defender.nextAction[1]]["chance"] blocktxts = self.config["moves"][defender.stance][defender.nextAction[0]][defender.nextAction[1]]["text"] if (random.random() * 100) < blockchance * (blockidx / 100): blocktxt = self.prettyTxt(attacker, defender, blocktxts) self.shout("{}".format(blocktxt)) else: if defender.nextAction[0] == 'block': self.shout("{} Tryed to block {} but failed miserably!".format(defender.nick, defender.nextAction[1])) realdmg = (random.random() * dmg) + mindmg defender.hp -= realdmg if (random.random() * 100) < fallchance: # defender falls down? defender.stance = 'ground' falltxt = self.prettyTxt(attacker, defender, self.config['info']['stand2ground']) self.shout("{}".format(falltxt)) if defender.hp <= 0: self.IRC.privmsg(self.IRC.channel, "\x02\x0305{} passed out.\x0f".format(defender.nick)) self.state = "fight_over" return if defender.hp < 25 and defender.first_time_lowhp: defender.first_time_lowhp=False lowhptxt = self.prettyTxt(attacker, defender, self.config['info']['lowhp']) self.shout("{}".format(lowhptxt)) if attacker.nextAction[0] == 'standup': # attacker gets up? if (random.random() * 100) < standchance: # DO you get up? attacker.stance = 'stand' standtxt = self.prettyTxt(attacker, defender, self.config['info']['ground2stand']) self.shout("{}".format(standtxt)) def prettyTxt(self, attacker, defender, txtlist): txt = txtlist[random.randint(0, len(txtlist)-1)] txt = txt.replace("%attacker%", "\x02\x03{}{}\x0f".format(attacker.colour, attacker.nick)) txt = txt.replace("%defender%", "\x02\x03{}{}\x0f".format(defender.colour, defender.nick)) return txt def shout(self, msg): for f in self.fighters: self.IRC.privmsg(f.nick, msg) self.IRC.privmsg(self.IRC.channel, msg)