#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time def eventPING(IRC, line): IRC.raw("PONG {}".format(line[1])) def event001(IRC, line): IRC.join() def event433(IRC, line): IRC.nick += "_" IRC.updateNick() def eventJOIN(IRC, line): IRC.log.info("{} JOIN to {}".format(line[0], line[2])) def eventPART(IRC, line): IRC.log.info("{} PART from {}".format(line[0], line[2])) def eventKICK(IRC, line): if line[3] == IRC.nick: IRC.log.warn("Got kicked from {} !".format(line[2])) chan = line[2] if chan == IRC.channel: IRC.join() def eventQUIT(IRC, line): if line[0][1:].split("@")[0].split("!")[0] == IRC.nick: IRC.log.warn("quit ! Reconnecting in 15 seconds..") time.sleep(15) IRC.run() def eventINVITE(IRC, line): IRC.log.info("{} invited the bot to {}".format(line[0][1:].split("!")[0], line[3][1:])) def eventPRIVMSG(IRC, line): nick,user = line[0][1:].split("@")[0].split("!") user = user[1:] if user[0] == '~' else user host = line[0].split("@")[1] IRC.handle_msg(line[2], IRC.isAdmin(line[0][1:]), nick, user, host, ' '.join(line[3:])[1:])