[04:02] [vxp] vxpcam is up [04:02] * klatuu loves the cock! [04:02] [vxp] I got a grip of drugs [04:02] [klatuu] show us vxp [04:02] [vap0r] you want me to run my root off in ya boy [04:02] [vap0r] vxp [04:02] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:02] [vap0r] what do you have [04:02] [pegasus] do u guys grow [04:02] [pegasus] magical mushrooms [04:02] [cutie578] magical mushrooms are defined as psilocybe XXxXX [04:02] [pegasus] ? [04:02] [shaggs] klonoz! [04:03] [vxp] tune in [04:03] [vxp] watch [04:03] [klatuu] give us url [04:03] [klatuu] vxpcam [04:03] [cutie578] vxpcam is functioning [04:03] [shaggs] amaze [04:03] * felix is now known as insect [04:03] [vxp] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:03] [shaggs] !vxpcam [04:03] [klatuu] forget vxpcam [04:03] [cutie578] klatuu: I forgot vxpcam [04:03] [vap0r] vxp answer pm whore [04:03] [shaggs] is sammi there? [04:03] [klatuu] vxpcam is [reply] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:03] [klatuu] PUT A TOP ON [04:03] [klatuu] *CLOSES HIS EYES* [04:03] [vap0r] u see that chat [04:03] [klatuu] oh dear [04:03] [vap0r] butt slu t [04:04] [klatuu] thats a lot of klonopin [04:04] [vap0r] heh [04:04] [klatuu] along with shrooms or pot [04:04] [shaggs] looks like vxp is fine enough in the nude [04:04] [klatuu] whats that ur holding? [04:04] [shaggs] heh [04:04] [klatuu] shrooms! [04:04] [cutie578] shrooms are inevitable. [04:04] [klatuu] yay vxp! [04:04] [shaggs] shrooms in Rx bottle [04:04] [pegasus] vxp cam [04:04] [pegasus] lol [04:04] [shaggs] s [04:04] [pegasus] whos that? [04:04] [cutie578] that is real [04:04] [pegasus] bagga weed [04:04] [vxp] methadone 80mg [04:04] [pegasus] thats u vxp [04:04] [pegasus] ? [04:04] [pegasus] or [04:04] [klatuu] whats that red shit [04:04] [klatuu] haha [04:04] [klatuu] i knew it [04:04] [klatuu] haa [04:04] [klatuu] you lucky fux0r [04:05] [klatuu] AHHAA [04:05] [pegasus] brandon? [04:05] [cutie578] brandon is a good dood though [04:05] [pegasus] whats those bottles? [04:05] [klatuu] TAKE ONE CAPSULE [04:05] [klatuu] takea thousant! [04:05] [pegasus] whats [04:05] [cutie578] whats is he and she [04:05] [pegasus] the fuckin bottles [04:05] [cutie578] bottles is kind of coffin shaped too [04:05] [pegasus] i DIDNT SEE [04:06] [klatuu] ah [04:06] [klatuu] is that bug vxp [04:06] [klatuu] bud [04:06] [cutie578] bud is a brand of beer as well as marijuana [04:06] [vxp] heh [04:06] [vxp] tonight is a ogod night fellas [04:06] [klatuu] haha [04:06] [pegasus] will u jerk it [04:06] [pegasus] for me [04:06] [cutie578] for me is is....i will explain [04:06] [klatuu] so whaty do you have all together [04:06] [klatuu] bud klono and methadone [04:07] [pegasus] im just playin [04:07] [pegasus] but whats in the bottles [04:07] [pegasus] really [04:07] [cutie578] really is there any place on the net that I can read where others have put brain power into devising ways to grow weed subversively? [04:07] [pegasus] im not watching that shit anymore [04:07] [vxp] klono, methadone, restoril, inderal, weed, kb [04:07] [shaggs] you need to shave your head [04:07] [klatuu] kb? [04:07] [pegasus] kind buds? [04:07] [vxp] pegasus: methadone in bottles [04:07] [pegasus] :p [04:07] [vxp] kind buds yes [04:07] [pegasus] methadone [04:07] [cutie578] methadone is easier on your nose than e [04:07] [pegasus] u an ex heroin addict [04:07] [pegasus] or hwaT? [04:07] [cutie578] hwaT is the ring. . .? [04:07] [shaggs] long story [04:07] [cutie578] That usually means that the person doesn't want to talk about it. [04:07] [vxp] bottoms up fells [04:07] [vxp] check this shit [04:07] [vap0r] hey vxp [04:07] [vxp] 8000mg equivalent of oxy-contin [04:07] * pagga has joined #arab [04:07] [shaggs] Not a Care in Life [04:08] * pagga has left #arab [04:08] [klatuu] haha [04:08] [klatuu] i bet that tasted like shit [04:08] [vxp] brb drink [04:08] [klatuu] a bottle of methadone is a dose of methadone? [04:08] [shaggs] we see him knock his head on the back wall and stay there for the next 14 hours [04:09] [klatuu] that little bottle is a dose? [04:09] [vxp] whao [04:09] [vxp] thats alot [04:09] [vxp] jesus [04:09] [cutie578] Jesus healed the lame! With Cannabis Oil!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2633187.stm [04:09] [vxp] I just stumbled [04:09] [vxp] to the ktichen [04:09] [vxp] I'm all fucked up [04:09] [vxp] motherukc [04:09] [klatuu] dude you just drank it [04:09] [shaggs] attempted suicide #84 [04:09] [klatuu] did you smoke bud as well? [04:09] [vxp] yeah [04:09] [vxp] =P [04:09] [vxp] and [04:09] [klatuu] vxp: how much methadone did you take? [04:09] [shaggs] keep that respirator hady [04:09] [vxp] I'm gonna take some klonos [04:09] [vxp] watch [04:09] [shaggs] hadny [04:09] [vxp] 80mg [04:09] [cutie578] 80mg is alot of ritalin though [04:09] [shaggs] handt [04:09] [vxp] pure [04:09] [cutie578] pure is good yeah pure is good! [04:10] [shaggs] hadndndyhdnahnaha ahdny handy [04:10] [klatuu] how much is a regular dose? [04:10] [vxp] they start [eolpe who shoot at 20-30mg [04:10] [pegasus] goodnight [04:10] [pegasus] gang [04:10] [cutie578] gang is believed to run five vans which all have curtains fitted behind the drivers seat and beds installed in the back. [04:10] [pegasus] peace [04:10] [cutie578] make baby cadavers [04:10] [pegasus] out [04:10] [shaggs] do you take this much nightly? [04:10] [pegasus] much love [04:10] [pegasus] [33333333 [04:10] [pegasus] byebyebyeybeybyebyeybe [04:10] [klatuu] dont OD on us vxp [04:10] [vxp] firdt time with lwuid [04:10] [vxp] ufusls pillz [04:10] [vxp] so rhey are 5mg [04:10] * pegasus has quit IRC (Leaving: Leaving) [04:10] [klatuu] did the methadone kick in aqlready [04:11] [klatuu] or what. [04:11] [vxp] oh yeah [04:11] [vxp] I'm fcuk [04:11] [shaggs] i wonder if we'll see vxp ever again [04:11] [vap0r] hey vxp [04:11] [shaggs] heh [04:11] [vxp] hey [04:11] [cutie578] bonjour, vxp [04:11] [vxp] whatsup [04:11] [klatuu] what are you on right now vxp [04:11] [vap0r] yea what are you on [04:11] [vxp] aalot of drugs [04:11] [vxp] 80mg methadone [04:11] [vxp] 8mg klonopin [04:11] [vxp] 120mg resotril [04:11] [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [04:11] [vxp] 4 grams mersh [04:11] [klatuu] mersh? [04:11] [cutie578] mersh is east coast [04:11] [vap0r] wtf [04:12] [vxp] 110 mg inderal [04:12] [shaggs] hehe [04:12] [shaggs] you're making drugs up! [04:12] [vxp] and [04:12] [vap0r] lol [04:12] [klatuu] whats mersh [04:12] [cutie578] it has been said that mersh is east coast [04:12] [vxp] 2 vicodan [04:12] [klatuu] dude [04:12] [klatuu] you ever done this much before [04:12] [vxp] thats it [04:12] [vap0r] eat more [04:12] [vap0r] thats not much [04:12] [shaggs] man. 2 vicodin would do me in [04:12] [klatuu] don't overdose on us vxp :[ [04:12] [vxp] I did this tonight [04:12] [vxp] u fools [04:12] [cutie578] fools we will always be [04:12] [vap0r] I eat that every morning [04:12] [vxp] did u not see my bag of drugs [04:12] [vxp] look [04:12] * cutie578 looks [04:12] [vap0r] you pussy [04:12] [vap0r] you pussy [04:12] [vap0r] eat more [04:12] [klatuu] haha vap0r stfu [04:12] [vap0r] lol [04:12] [vap0r] your fucking nuts vxp [04:12] [vap0r] :) [04:13] [vxp] yeah [04:13] [vxp] thats what I thought bitch [04:13] [klatuu] id take the methadone over all if that [04:13] [vxp] don't talk to me about doing enough drugs [04:13] [vxp] thats my pesonal stash [04:13] [shaggs] tough love [04:13] [vxp] all the goods [04:13] [vxp] for a weekend of fun [04:13] [vxp] those benzos [04:13] [vxp] fuck yeah [04:13] [vap0r] damn I am pretty sure that I would not be able more than the methadone and vicodan [04:13] [vxp] I solu eat 4 restoril [04:13] [vxp] one sec [04:13] [klatuu] vxp [04:13] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:13] [vap0r] solu? [04:13] [shaggs] You sure your judgement isn't impared to the least? [04:13] [klatuu] you're not going to overdose on us are you? [04:13] [vap0r] what the hell is this new dialect your making up [04:14] [vxp] great [04:14] [vxp] bottosms up [04:14] [vap0r] lol [04:14] [vxp] cheers and righty hoe [04:14] [vap0r] hell yea eat more [04:14] [vap0r] lol [04:14] [vap0r] eat more [04:14] [vap0r] you pussy [04:14] [shaggs] you should get sammi over there [04:14] [klatuu] lol [04:14] [vxp] wait [04:14] [cutie578] wait is that legal? [04:14] [vxp] I havent taken inderal [04:14] [vxp] mmmmMM [04:14] [shaggs] to get your ass to the hospital in an hour [04:14] [vap0r] damn if you die you fucking bitch I am going to feel so bad [04:14] [klatuu] yah you have [04:14] [vap0r] eat more [04:14] [klatuu] haha vap0r [04:14] [vap0r] :) [04:14] [klatuu] dude [04:14] [klatuu] anyone knows vxps address? [04:15] [vap0r] damn man vxp is a dumbass [04:15] [klatuu] someone call the paramedics on him [04:15] [vap0r] when you are making a new dialect up vxp you need to say you have had enough [04:15] [vxp] there we go [04:15] [vxp] I should be set [04:15] [vap0r] I am immune to some pills but you know what I do I just don't buy them anymore [04:15] [klatuu] vap0r, wait till the klonos vicodins and all the other pills he took kick in [04:15] [vap0r] I suggest he just doesn't eat anymore [04:15] [vxp] these are good pillz u know [04:15] [klatuu] vxp :] [04:15] [vap0r] damn vxp your such a fucking cunt [04:15] [vap0r] :) [04:15] [vxp] I am having a wonderful evening [04:15] [klatuu] you ever done this much before? [04:16] [vxp] why am I a cunt [04:16] [vxp] this is usual weekend behaviour [04:16] [vxp] I told u fucks [04:16] [vxp] u all said I was lying [04:16] [klatuu] haha [04:16] [vap0r] how many have you eaten before [04:16] [vap0r] lol [04:16] [shaggs] we did? [04:16] [vxp] my mom is in the next room doing crozzwordz [04:16] [klatuu] haha [04:16] [klatuu] well [04:16] [vap0r] yea you should go give her some [04:16] [klatuu] she won't notice anyway [04:16] [vap0r] offer her some pillz [04:16] [klatuu] the methdone will kick your ass [04:16] [klatuu] and make you pretty quiet [04:17] [vap0r] your mom won't know that your crawling to bed? [04:17] [vxp] watcht this bitch [04:17] [shaggs] yeah. if you do some meth [04:17] [vxp] 2 methadone [04:17] [vap0r] lol [04:17] [vap0r] lo,l [04:17] [vap0r] you crazy sumbitch [04:17] [infid3l] LOL [04:17] [shaggs] you got a guitar vxp? [04:17] [vap0r] damn I gotta get this fucking web cam [04:17] [klatuu] if vxp doesn't die he's going to have a great time [04:17] [vap0r] gimme addy again [04:17] [vap0r] hell yea [04:17] [vap0r] damn vxp you gotta play us some tunes bro [04:17] [vxp] whoa [04:17] [cutie578] whoa is right [04:17] [vxp] I am high [04:17] [cutie578] Your IP has been logged and the police are on their way, better slam that ben and jerry's and haul some ass hippy [04:17] [vap0r] fucking wail on that bitch [04:17] [vxp] fuck [04:18] [infid3l] vxp [04:18] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:18] [infid3l] what are you on? [04:18] [infid3l] ?!!!!!11 [04:18] [vap0r] hey whats addy [04:18] [shaggs] i bet vxp will just pass out and forget it all [04:18] [vap0r] hes on alot [04:18] [vxp] alot of drugs [04:18] [infid3l] What? [04:18] [klatuu] [vxp] 80mg methadone [04:18] [klatuu] [vxp] 8mg klonopin [04:18] [klatuu] [vxp] 120mg resotril [04:18] [klatuu] [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [04:18] [klatuu] [vxp] 4 grams mersh [04:18] [vxp] 160mg methadone [04:18] [vap0r] lol [04:18] [infid3l] holy Shit [04:18] [vxp] 8mg klonopin [04:18] * cutie578 worships infid3l's shit. [04:18] [vxp] 120mg rrestoril [04:18] [infid3l] lolol [04:18] [infid3l] vxp [04:18] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:18] [infid3l] ur ded [04:18] [vxp] I just ate about 160mg inderal [04:18] [vxp] and [04:18] [vap0r] we seen him eat alot [04:18] [vxp] I smoked 1.5 grams kb [04:18] [vap0r] he said hes got a big tolerance [04:18] [vxp] and 5 grams normal pot [04:18] [vxp] and [04:18] [vap0r] you better stay on web cam all night [04:18] [vxp] I drank some 151 [04:18] [vap0r] I wanna see if you survive or if you just black out [04:19] * klatuu eats nutmeg :( [04:19] [infid3l] vxp [04:19] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:19] [vap0r] this is more fun than a drunk on cops missing teeth wearing a wife beater [04:19] [infid3l] don't die motherfucker [04:19] [infid3l] i'll kill you [04:19] [klatuu] man [04:19] [vap0r] yea thats what I said infid3l [04:19] [klatuu] vxp, if you puke? can i eat it? i'll get so high of that puke [04:19] * shaggs changes topic to '[vxp] 80mg methadone [vxp] 8mg klonopin [vxp] 120mg resotril [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [vxp] 4 grams mersh [vxp] I just ate about 160mg inderal' [04:19] [vap0r] I told him he was a pussy a minute ago as a joke and then he ate more [04:19] [infid3l] hah [04:19] [infid3l] that's a lot of downers [04:19] [vxp] I suppose [04:19] [vap0r] lol [04:19] [infid3l] you'd better not go to sleep [04:19] [infid3l] breathe [04:20] [shaggs] it's all going down [04:20] [vxp] how many people are watching this non=sense [04:20] [vap0r] stay here mother fucker [04:20] [klatuu] everyone here [04:20] [klatuu] :/ [04:20] [vap0r] whats web site [04:20] [cutie578] web site is nejad.ir [04:20] [shaggs] I [04:20] [cutie578] shaggs doesn't make sense.. no telling what makes sense these days... [04:20] [vap0r] i need it [04:20] [vap0r] i need it [04:20] [vap0r] now [04:20] [infid3l] What's the cam site? [04:20] [vap0r] yea [04:20] [klatuu] http://www.nejad.ir/cam [04:20] [vap0r] thx [04:20] [shaggs] vxp .. you should try as best to pass out in front of the cam [04:20] [klatuu] wtf is that [04:20] [cutie578] that is real [04:20] [klatuu] IS THAT YOUR BOWEL? [04:20] [shaggs] hehe [04:21] [vxp] there [04:21] [cutie578] there is a make black and white under effects [04:21] [klatuu] i hope vxp doens't die or anyhting :[ [04:21] [vxp] thats the perfect position [04:21] [vxp] look [04:21] * cutie578 looks [04:21] [vxp] if I'm laying there [04:21] [vxp] see if you can see me [04:21] [infid3l] vxp [04:21] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:21] [klatuu] yah [04:21] [klatuu] good [04:21] [infid3l] code a dead man's trigger [04:21] [klatuu] leave it like that [04:21] [infid3l] if you don't respond in X time [04:21] [infid3l] it warns us [04:21] [infid3l] LOL [04:21] [klatuu] haha [04:21] [klatuu] AND, HE'S GONE! [04:21] [vxp] ehh [04:21] [vap0r] lol [04:21] [vxp] vxp has perished [04:21] [vap0r] did you just flash us [04:21] [klatuu] oh dear where'd you get the strength to get back up [04:21] [vxp] I got some more drugs here somewhere [04:21] [infid3l] LIZZOLE [04:21] [vxp] gimme a sec [04:21] [vap0r] lol [04:21] [klatuu] no vxp [04:21] [cutie578] no vxp is steady massaging my blue balls since I got turned down by the raging dyke [04:22] [infid3l] LOL [04:22] [klatuu] don't [04:22] [infid3l] vxp [04:22] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:22] [vap0r] LMAO [04:22] [infid3l] NO [04:22] [klatuu] don't be a dick [04:22] [klatuu] dude [04:22] [infid3l] vxp [04:22] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:22] [vxp] I haven't finished going through my bag [04:22] [infid3l] no more [04:22] [vap0r] jese fucking christ [04:22] [klatuu] CUT IT OUT [04:22] [shaggs] just smoke some weed [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [klatuu] DSMLSDJKSD [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [klatuu] DUDE [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [klatuu] SDFJDS [04:22] [vap0r] fucking eat it [04:22] [vap0r] fucking eat it [04:22] [klatuu] STOP IT [04:22] [vap0r] fucking eat it [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT [04:22] [klatuu] :( [04:22] [vap0r] vxp knows what hes doing [04:22] [klatuu] dfkgjdfg [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT i dont care, ! [04:22] [klatuu]  STOP IT i dont care, stop it :( [04:22] [infid3l] LOL [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [infid3l] LOL [04:22] [vap0r] LOL [04:22] [infid3l] vxp [04:22] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:22] [shaggs] he knows he's attempting suicide for the umpteenth time [04:22] [vap0r] lol [04:22] [klatuu] nth [04:23] [infid3l] loEL [04:23] [klatuu] degree [04:23] [cutie578] degree is ALT-248 ° [04:23] [klatuu] 1!!! vxp THIS IS YOUR MAUDER SPEAKING, ENOUGH! [04:23] [klatuu] stop it :(()~ [04:23] [shaggs] stick the pillz up yer noz [04:23] [vxp] alright [04:23] [vxp] there we go [04:23] [infid3l] vxp [04:23] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:23] [vxp] 8mg klonopin the mix [04:23] [infid3l] do you want to die or what? [04:23] [infid3l] !!!! [04:23] [vxp] nah [04:23] [vxp] its safe [04:23] [vxp] I know what I'm doing [04:23] [infid3l] When you stop breathing! [04:23] [vap0r] ok look dude [04:23] [vap0r] heres the plan [04:23] [infid3l] Respitory depressssion [04:23] [vap0r] cram the pill up your ass [04:23] [vxp] listen [04:23] [vap0r] your already numb [04:23] [infid3l] loel [04:24] [vxp] the domain registration [04:24] [klatuu] what did you just do vxp [04:24] [vxp] on my website [04:24] [cutie578] on my website are a bunch links to erowid, arab, all that in my link ssection [04:24] [vap0r] look if we pay pal you enough money will you do it [04:24] [vxp] if you call the police [04:24] [vxp] and tell them [04:24] * shaggs changes topic to '[vxp] 80mg methadone [vxp] 8mg klonopin [vxp] 120mg resotril [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [vxp] 4 grams mersh [vxp] I just ate about 160mg inderal [vxp] 8mg klonopin the mix' [04:24] [vxp] to lookf or a AE92GTS corlla GTS from 90 [04:24] [vxp] around that street block [04:24] [infid3l] wtf? [04:24] [cutie578] Willy The Fudgee-o [04:24] [vxp] they'll find it [04:24] [infid3l] dude [04:24] [vap0r] look dude fucking cram it up your ass [04:24] [vap0r] thats crazy ya know [04:24] [vap0r] don't eat it [04:24] [vap0r] your already numb [04:24] [infid3l] riipper [04:24] [vap0r] do it [04:24] [vap0r] cram it [04:24] [vxp] wha [04:24] [vap0r] cram it up your ass [04:24] [vap0r] don't eat it [04:24] [infid3l] vxp [04:24] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:24] [klatuu] :(((( [04:24] [vxp] I got laid earlier [04:24] [vap0r] thats too stupid [04:24] [vap0r] don't [04:24] [infid3l] CALL 911 [04:24] [infid3l] :D [04:24] [vxp] the chick watned it on tape [04:24] [vap0r] man don't die [04:25] [infid3l] CALL 911 [04:25] [vxp] she had a tight pussy [04:25] [infid3l] :D [04:25] [vap0r] cram it up your ass [04:25] [vxp] no rubs [04:25] [vxp] I fucked her hard [04:25] [shaggs] Haven't you heard of "Rationing" [04:25] [vxp] she was swollen [04:25] [vap0r] hey man [04:25] [vap0r] fucking show us the porn [04:25] [klatuu] shaggs make him not die :[ [04:25] [vap0r] no more drugs for now [04:25] [vxp] u guys getting good frma rate [04:25] [vap0r] not unless your cramming it up your ass [04:25] [infid3l] hey [04:25] [infid3l] who's calling the cops when he passes out? [04:25] [shaggs] call his mom [04:26] [infid3l] Who is? [04:26] [vap0r] I will call his mom [04:26] [infid3l] okay [04:26] [vxp] cool [04:26] [vap0r] I got a cell right ere [04:26] [vap0r] here [04:26] [cutie578] here is a view of my bed [04:26] [vxp] actually [04:26] [vap0r] gimme number you crazy fucks [04:26] [vxp] hrees my cell [04:26] [infid3l] take some stims! [04:26] [vxp] in fase anything goe [04:26] [vxp] wrong [04:26] [vxp] my cell [04:26] [cutie578] my cell is working again now, you have the #? [04:26] [vap0r] yea go eat some crank [04:26] [infid3l] heh [04:26] [vxp] (602)434-1016 [04:26] [klatuu] vap0r, you'er going to bed in a while [04:26] [vxp] k [04:26] [cutie578] k is, like, better [04:26] [vxp] thats my cell [04:26] [vxp] call if I look dead [04:26] [vap0r] no [04:26] [infid3l] ok ay [04:26] [vap0r] lol [04:26] [shaggs] someone call him now and talk to his ass [04:27] [vxp] alright [04:27] * amat has joined #arab [04:27] [vxp] talking could be good [04:27] [infid3l] vxp [04:27] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:27] [klatuu] lets get amat to call him [04:27] [vxp] I'm getting kinda board [04:27] [infid3l] if you DIE [04:27] [amat] ayo [04:27] [infid3l] I WILL MURDER YOU [04:27] [vxp] I get free LD [04:27] [vap0r] i am [04:27] [infid3l] amat [04:27] [cutie578] amat is having cosmic revelations. [04:27] [vap0r] :) [04:27] [vxp] who wwants to talk [04:27] [infid3l] call vxp [04:27] [infid3l] he is dying [04:27] [amat] what's wrong with him [04:27] [infid3l] he took mega pills [04:27] [klatuu] look at topic [04:27] [shaggs] topic [04:27] [cutie578] topic is good [04:27] [shaggs] ^^ [04:27] [cutie578] 1,8(4,8o1,8^_^4,8o1,8) [04:27] [infid3l] plus the 130mg inderol [04:27] [infid3l] and the 8mg klonopin [04:28] [amat] well [04:28] [amat] the way i see it [04:28] [cutie578] the way i see it is that you put a person (your child) into a situation (life) without their consent. it is therefore you who are obligated to the child, rather than the other way around [04:28] [infid3l] dude [04:28] [amat] he's got two options [04:28] [infid3l] look at him [04:28] [amat] get his stomach pumped [04:28] [shaggs] 130 + 160 ? [04:28] [cutie578] 290 [04:28] [infid3l] what is he doing [04:28] [amat] or die [04:28] [infid3l] WHAT IS HE DOING! [04:28] [amat] talking isn't giong to do shit [04:28] [infid3l] LOL [04:28] [klatuu] vxpcam [04:28] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:28] [infid3l] he's dead [04:28] [amat] happy trails [04:28] [infid3l] he's on the phone with someone [04:28] [infid3l] vxp [04:28] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:28] [infid3l] come on man [04:28] [infid3l] call the cops [04:28] [infid3l] dude [04:28] [vxp] am talking to smoke [04:28] [infid3l] don't make me tape this video stream and ebay it later [04:28] [vxp] everyting is ok [04:29] [vxp] smoke will report [04:29] [amat] that would own [04:29] [shaggs] how slurred is his speach? [04:29] [amat] vxp [04:29] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:29] [amat] just call 911 [04:29] [vap0r] hes so slurred [04:29] [amat] and tell them you took a whole lot of pills [04:29] [klatuu] haha [04:29] [amat] they'll fix you up [04:29] [klatuu] ]:( [04:29] [infid3l] vxp [04:29] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:29] [infid3l] IF YOU DIE [04:29] [amat] or [04:29] [infid3l] I SWEAR TO GOD! [04:29] [amat] go crack some raw eggs [04:30] [amat] and slurp them down [04:30] [amat] until you puke [04:30] [klatuu] haha [04:30] [infid3l] yeah dude [04:30] [infid3l] induce vomiting [04:30] * shaggs changes topic to '[vxp] 80mg methadone [vxp] 8mg klonopin [vxp] 120mg resotril [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [vxp] 4 grams mersh [vxp] I just ate about 160mg inderal [vxp] I drank some 151 [vxp] 8mg klonopin the mix' [04:30] [infid3l] that's a really good idea [04:30] [klatuu] whats 151? [04:30] [cutie578] 151 is always a blast [04:30] [infid3l] vxp [04:30] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:30] [infid3l] Go puke dude [04:30] [amat] oh [04:30] [klatuu] whats 151? [04:30] [cutie578] rumour has it 151 is always a blast [04:30] [klatuu] whats 151? [04:30] [cutie578] 151 is always a blast [04:30] [infid3l] please! [04:30] [amat] bacardi 151 [04:30] [amat] 151 proof liquor [04:30] [infid3l] OMG [04:30] [infid3l] LOOK AT THE CAM [04:30] [infid3l] LOL [04:30] [klatuu] ! [04:30] [shaggs] proof [04:30] [cutie578] proof is that we outlive our teeth [04:31] [klatuu] ahaha [04:31] [klatuu] dude [04:31] [klatuu] thats a lo of proof! [04:31] [klatuu] heh [04:31] [klatuu] 151 / 2 [04:31] [cutie578] 75.5 [04:31] [amat] where's he at [04:31] [cutie578] he is waiting for his friend who obviously has a problem [04:31] [vap0r] hes alive [04:31] [amat] i mean geographically [04:31] [shaggs] he's at a one man brothel [04:31] [vap0r] and tellin me about cam [04:31] [klatuu] vap0r, the pills take a while to kick in dude [04:31] [infid3l] Dude [04:31] [infid3l] Once wave 2 kicks in [04:31] [amat] hm [04:31] [amat] where [04:31] [infid3l] he's gone [04:31] [amat] is [04:31] [amat] he [04:31] [cutie578] he is a homo [04:31] [amat] at [04:31] [infid3l] smoke [04:31] [cutie578] rumour has it smoke is fine [04:32] [infid3l] his domain [04:32] [infid3l] whois is [04:32] [amat] k [04:32] [cutie578] k is better [04:32] [amat] what is it [04:32] [amat] kolonopinz.com [04:32] [amat] or something [04:32] [cutie578] better than nothing [04:32] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:32] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:32] [klatuu] :() [04:32] [infid3l] Administrative Contact: [04:32] [infid3l] Get Ripped Productions [04:32] [infid3l] B vxp [04:32] [infid3l] 2000 W. Village Dr. [04:32] [infid3l] Phoenix, AZ 85023 [04:32] [infid3l] US [04:32] [cutie578] US is a nasty customer too. [04:32] [infid3l] (602)555-1234 [04:32] [infid3l] 6604@whois.gkg.net [04:32] [infid3l] shi [04:32] [amat] oh [04:32] [infid3l] that numbenr is fake [04:32] [amat] you're in pheonix [04:32] [amat] so here's what you do [04:32] [amat] call the pheonix police [04:32] [amat] tell them what's going on [04:32] [amat] and that's that [04:33] [klatuu] call the hospital [04:33] [infid3l] How do they know where to find him? [04:33] [amat] i'm damn sure not getting involved with the authorities [04:33] * cutie578 has quit IRC (Leaving: regrouping; bbiab) [04:33] [klatuu] noone is amat :( [04:33] [infid3l] Stay anonymous [04:33] [infid3l] heh [04:33] [infid3l] opdivert [04:33] * cutie578 has joined #arab [04:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +h cutie578 [04:33] [infid3l] SPLE2l [04:33] [infid3l] vap0r [04:33] [infid3l] are you on the phoen with him? [04:33] [vap0r] hey] [04:33] [vap0r] yea\ [04:33] [infid3l] Is he still okay/ [04:33] [vap0r] uhuh [04:33] [amat] hmm [04:33] [amat] i duno [04:34] [amat] after reading that again [04:34] [amat] thats a lot of pills [04:34] [amat] but [04:34] [infid3l] Heh [04:34] [vap0r] hes tellin about motel [04:34] [amat] i don't think it's lethal [04:34] [amat] besides [04:34] * zubwolf has joined #arab [04:34] [amat] vxp is a kolono crackhead [04:34] [infid3l] respitory depression [04:34] [amat] he has a tolerance [04:34] [infid3l] yeah [04:34] [zubwolf] hey [04:34] [infid3l] that's true [04:34] [zubwolf] glad to see there are people in this room [04:34] [amat] i think he'll be fine. [04:34] [klatuu] well [04:34] [amat] justtalk to him [04:34] [amat] going to sleep is bad [04:34] [klatuu] amat, lots of methadone, and alhcohol and .. klonopinz [04:34] [amat] ya [04:34] [klatuu] its porbably going to be hard not to fall asleep [04:35] [infid3l] heh [04:35] [infid3l] yes [04:35] [zubwolf] has anyone here have tried Salvia Divinorum? [04:35] [amat] lol [04:35] [shaggs] what would the arab backbone be without vxp [04:35] [infid3l] Someone has to stay on the phone with him [04:35] [shaggs] I have [04:35] [zubwolf] did you have a nice experience? [04:35] [amat] yeah [04:35] [amat] it's almost as good as nicotine extract [04:35] [shaggs] hmm... can't say it was incredibly possitive [04:35] [amat] you should try it [04:35] [klatuu] most of us have tryed salvia [04:35] [shaggs] had a lot of tinlging that distracted me [04:35] [klatuu] um [04:35] [klatuu] you know how to smoke it right? [04:36] [klatuu] you're not gonna try smoke it in a joint or something [04:36] [amat] hey [04:36] [cutie578] what's up, amat [04:36] [amat] i don't want to sound like the insensitive ass here [04:36] [amat] but what exactly is ativan [04:36] [vap0r] hes here [04:36] [klatuu] ativan? [04:36] [cutie578] somebody said ativan was not a benzo [04:36] [zubwolf] is a micro torch necessary absolutely? [04:36] [amat] yes [04:36] [klatuu] well yah heh [04:36] [vap0r] he is eating [04:36] [klatuu] good [04:37] [zubwolf] hmm... i laughed a little on it [04:37] [klatuu] food will [04:37] [calvin] g [04:37] [cutie578] Grams [04:37] [zubwolf] and cried a little on it... [04:37] [klatuu] did you poo your pants ? [04:37] [amat] !erowid ativan [04:37] [haccess] http://www.erowid.org/cgi-bin/search/htsearch.cgi?config=&words=12ativan [04:37] [elsdon] amat , try http://www.erowid.org/cgi-bin/search/htsearch.cgi?words=ativan [04:37] [zubwolf] do any of you know any drugs/meds for Intrusive thoughts, or OCD? [04:37] [shaggs] calming thoughts [04:37] [shaggs] meditation [04:37] [cutie578] meditation is, like, strange [04:37] [shaggs] and good social awareness [04:38] [shaggs] it's a true behavioral fluke that needs some attention [04:38] [amat] i don't think these pills are ativans [04:38] [shaggs] not passifiction [04:38] [amat] is there a place where you can look up pills by the inscriptions on them? [04:38] [shaggs] rxlist [04:38] [cutie578] rxlist is my special friend [04:39] [shaggs] i think [04:39] [shaggs] you can search by pill number [04:39] [amat] i tried there already [04:39] [shaggs] oh [04:39] [amat] oh [04:39] [amat] really? [04:39] [cutie578] really is there any place on the net that I can read where others have put brain power into devising ways to grow weed subversively? [04:39] [amat] i just used the generic search [04:39] [shaggs] i think [04:39] [vap0r] how much bread should he eat? [04:39] [shaggs] vxp needs a PS2 now [04:40] [klatuu] yah heh [04:40] [shaggs] and a puking session [04:40] [shaggs] he'd probably end up eating his puke though [04:40] [klatuu] id eat his puke [04:40] [klatuu] its gonna have amny shit in there [04:40] [shaggs] you'd die on his puke [04:41] [klatuu] i can probably make like a 2 day stash from his puke [04:41] [klatuu] yah hah [04:41] [klatuu] id gelcap it [04:41] [shaggs] hehe [04:41] [shaggs] vxpPukeZ [04:41] [shaggs] 20mg [04:41] [cutie578] 20mg is enough for me [04:41] [vap0r] eat a whole loaf [04:41] [klatuu] haha [04:41] [vap0r] well [04:41] [vap0r] is it smart [04:41] [klatuu] get him some ipeacac [04:41] [vap0r] hes straight fucked [04:41] [shaggs] are you still talking to him? [04:41] [vap0r] he sounds like he is 12 [04:42] [shaggs] heh [04:42] [vap0r] should he [04:42] [klatuu] haha thats the pot :D [04:42] [klatuu] he should have just sticked to the methadone thing [04:43] [shaggs] that doesn't sound enough for someone who cooks his own KlonoKrak [04:43] [vap0r] he is not discontinuing eating bread to smoke pot until he has a answer [04:43] [amat] no [04:43] [klatuu] ug? [04:43] [cutie578] ug is micrograms. the u is supposed to be the greek letter mu, lower case. [04:43] [amat] what he needs to do [04:43] [amat] is call a fucking doctor [04:43] [amat] some shit [04:43] [cutie578] some shit is just poison [04:43] [amat] if partially digested [04:43] [vap0r] lol [04:43] [amat] can fuck you up worse if you puke [04:43] [vap0r] damn [04:43] [amat] haven't you ever seen the rx bottles [04:43] [amat] that say [04:43] [amat] DO NOT INDUCE VOMMITING [04:43] [klatuu] yh [04:43] [vap0r] well I am talking [04:43] [klatuu] cause [04:44] [vap0r] I will tell him whatever [04:44] [amat] i mean dont get me wrong [04:44] [klatuu] amat is right actually [04:44] [vap0r] what do yall suggest [04:44] [amat] if its between that and death [04:44] [amat] and hes not gona call the authorities [04:44] [amat] wharf it up [04:44] [amat] better than taking a chance [04:44] [shaggs] I think that has to do with eating an acid or poison [04:44] [vxp] hey fuys [04:44] [vxp] look [04:44] [amat] better yet [04:44] * cutie578 looks [04:44] [amat] do this [04:44] [amat] call poison control [04:44] [shaggs] you shoudl nutralize it with milk [04:44] [amat] they'll tell you what to do [04:44] [klatuu] yah [04:44] [amat] and they wont sent cops [04:44] [klatuu] call poison control, they wont send authoritis and shit [04:44] [klatuu] they'll just help you [04:44] [amat] any of you could call poison control [04:44] [klatuu] someone fnd the number [04:44] [amat] i cant because i'm twacked out of my mind [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [shaggs] vxp: WHAT IS THAT? [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [vxp] alrgiht [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [vxp] '24mg klonopin [04:45] [shaggs] ok [04:45] [vxp] tonight is a good night [04:45] [vap0r] lol [04:45] [infid3l] Someone [04:45] [cutie578] Someone is gonan break soe shit [04:45] [infid3l] Give me a list [04:45] [infid3l] of all he's done [04:45] [infid3l] in a PM [04:45] [infid3l] and i'll call poison control [04:45] [shaggs] the first 8mg hasn't kick in yet [04:45] [vap0r] damn [04:45] [shaggs] and you took another 8mg [04:45] * shaggs changes topic to '[vxp] 80mg methadone [vxp] 8mg klonopin [vxp] 120mg resotril [vxp] 1.5 grams KB [vxp] 4 grams mersh [vxp] I just ate about 160mg inderal [vxp] I drank some 151 [vxp] 8mg klonopin the mix [vxp] '24mg klonopin' [04:45] [vap0r] he is slurred and very coherent [04:45] [klatuu] well vxp [04:45] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:46] [klatuu] just because 8mg is okay alone mixing it makes it mre potent [04:46] [klatuu] and has more risks [04:46] [infid3l] dude [04:46] [amat] lol [04:46] [amat] yeah vxp [04:46] [infid3l] they'll think it's a prank [04:46] [amat] step 1 might be to STOP EATING the shit [04:46] [shaggs] that would be neat to see him mixing up psychedelics [04:46] [amat] yeah, and from what i understand everyone thought pnut's suicide threat was a joke too [04:46] [klatuu] i was JUST thiking about that shaggs [04:46] [vap0r] He says you can suck his dick infid3l [04:47] [klatuu] haha [04:47] [infid3l] ?? [04:47] [vap0r] he is going to drink another bottle of methadone I think [04:47] [vap0r] lol [04:47] [vap0r] LOL [04:47] [infid3l] wtf? [04:47] [cutie578] Willy The Fudgee-o [04:47] [klatuu] JSD [04:47] [klatuu] NO [04:47] [klatuu] DUDE [04:47] [vxp] look [04:47] * cutie578 looks [04:47] [klatuu] NO [04:47] [insect] vxp is fakking hardcore [04:47] [vxp] llook [04:47] [vap0r] he has to [04:47] [shaggs] [vxp] 400mcg LSD [vxp] 2 grams mesc [vxp] 100mg 5Meo DMT [vxp] 8 grams shrooms [04:47] [klatuu] haha amat is meth^m [04:47] [insect] other people cannot handle [04:47] [amat] yeah [04:47] [amat] i'd call up poison control [04:47] [vxp] jesus [04:47] [cutie578] Jesus healed the lame! With Cannabis Oil!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2633187.stm [04:47] [amat] i ahve before [04:47] [vxp] whoa [04:47] [cutie578] whoa is right [04:48] [vxp] thatsa lot [04:48] [amat] but [04:48] [vxp] 320mg methadone [04:48] [vxp] jesus [04:48] [cutie578] Jesus healed the lame! With Cannabis Oil!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2633187.stm [04:48] [insect] BUNCHA POOSIES [04:48] [klatuu] vxp: did you drink mre methadone? [04:48] [vap0r] vxp is either hardcore or ungodly or crazy or one hell of a poser [04:48] [shaggs] man .. alcohol gives me enough of a buzz [04:48] [klatuu] dude 80mg is more than enough [04:48] [klatuu] me too shaggs [04:48] [insect] he R not posOr [04:48] [infid3l] if he is telling the truth [04:48] [infid3l] he is dead [04:48] [infid3l] heh [04:48] [shaggs] the opiates should do you in [04:48] [vap0r] when you do alot of methadone your supposed to keep it hot right [04:48] [vxp] yeah [04:48] [vxp] I took [04:48] [vap0r] thats what he is asking [04:48] [vxp] 4 80mg bottles [04:49] [klatuu] fgh [04:49] [klatuu] h [04:49] [cutie578] h is too addictive.. so always stayed clear of it [04:49] [klatuu] dfh;'dfkhrf [04:49] [shaggs] putting benzos into it doesn't seem to change anything [04:49] [klatuu] he's gone [04:49] [vxp] pls all the other stuff [04:49] [klatuu] vxp [04:49] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:49] [klatuu] i really love you man [04:49] [infid3l] vxp [04:49] [cutie578] vxp is a gangster!!! [04:49] [infid3l] i love you [04:49] [klatuu] its sad to see you die like this [04:49] [klatuu] :( [04:49] [infid3l] byeb ye [04:49] [klatuu] NOW [04:49] [vxp] I told u I was hardcore [04:49] [klatuu] GO CALL RTHE UCKING [04:49] [klatuu] POISON CONTROL CENTER [04:49] [klatuu] vxp: we knew that already [04:49] [vxp] fuck u [04:49] [vxp] pusys [04:49] [vxp] u are so fucking stupid [04:50] [klatuu] we're not the ones about to fucking die [04:50] [shaggs] heh [04:50] [shaggs] we are? [04:50] [cutie578] The coolest mutha funkaz on the planet [04:50] * staos has joined #arab [04:50] [klatuu] aaha pnut [04:50] [shaggs] all this movement [04:50] [staos] howdy [04:50] [insect] P [04:50] [cutie578] P is for poop! [04:50] [insect] O [04:50] [insect] O [04:50] [insect] S [04:50] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:50] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:50] [shaggs] you'd think the body would purge [04:50] [insect] I [04:50] [insect] E [04:50] [cutie578] E is better than alcohol [04:50] [insect] S [04:50] [klatuu] purge? [04:50] [cutie578] purge is not needed [04:50] [shaggs] puke [04:50] [cutie578] puke is good. [04:51] [klatuu] oh [04:51] [klatuu] forget puke [04:51] [cutie578] klatuu: I forgot puke [04:51] [infid3l] all those downers? [04:51] [vap0r] damn [04:51] [infid3l] i don't think he has the strength to puke [04:51] [infid3l] heh [04:51] [vap0r] he swears he is not goin to pass out [04:51] [klatuu] WELL, HE SURE WON'T BE COUGHING ANY TIME SOON! [04:51] [shaggs] he thinks you are a pussy for thinking he has no strength now [04:51] [klatuu] vap0r, wait till the drugs really kick in [04:51] [staos] i just got a bag o' shroomz, now i was just wondering what's the nonwasteful best way to eat them [04:51] [staos] or whatever [04:51] [klatuu] with your mouth? [04:51] [shaggs] strength in taking an overdose [04:52] [amat] poison control is [reply] 1-800-222-1222 [04:52] [vap0r] isn't it physically impossible to not pass out [04:52] [klatuu] poison control [04:52] [cutie578] poison control is on the fucking line!@ [04:52] [klatuu] poison control [04:52] [cutie578] poison control is on the fucking line!@ [04:52] [klatuu] poison control [04:52] [cutie578] poison control is on the fucking line!@ [04:52] [klatuu] :( [04:52] [shaggs] heh [04:52] [shaggs] MOUTH [04:52] [cutie578] rumour has it MOUTH is great too [04:52] [klatuu] forget poison control [04:52] [cutie578] klatuu: I forgot poison control [04:52] [klatuu] poison control is [reply] 1-800-222-1222 [04:52] [klatuu] poison control [04:52] [cutie578] 1-800-222-1222 [04:52] [amat] i'll tell you what he needs [04:52] [amat] a nice harsh stimulant [04:53] [amat] come on over vxp [04:53] [infid3l] yeah [04:53] [shaggs] I wonder if vxp is numb now [04:53] [amat] i'll line you up a nice fat line [04:53] [amat] you definately won't be passing out [04:53] [klatuu] shaggs, 360mg of methadone will do that to you . [04:53] [vap0r] he cann't figure out how to dial my home phone number [04:53] [vap0r] he is tore [04:53] [shaggs] wait I think he should have been from the first drug he took [04:53] [vap0r] lol [04:53] [infid3l] vap0r [04:53] [infid3l] you not on the phone with him [04:53] [infid3l] anymore? [04:53] [cutie578] rumour has it anymore is a nice place [04:53] [amat] i know what they'll tell you [04:53] [shaggs] man... the need to get higher.... [04:53] [amat] they'll tell you to call the police [04:53] [amat] or the hospital [04:53] [cutie578] the hospital is the world of medicine [04:53] [infid3l] someone needs to call him [04:53] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:53] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:53] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:53] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:53] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:53] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:54] [infid3l] he's gone [04:54] [vap0r] hes fuckin not responding [04:54] [infid3l] iht [04:54] [vap0r] walls keep shiftionmg [04:54] [klatuu] @! [04:54] [cutie578] @ is a character. [04:54] [infid3l] he's passed out [04:54] [infid3l] look at the cam [04:54] [infid3l] look [04:54] * cutie578 looks [04:54] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:54] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:54] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:54] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:54] [amat] nice leopard skin shits [04:54] [infid3l] comeone call [04:54] [infid3l] someone call someone [04:54] [infid3l] shit [04:54] [cutie578] shit is going to hit the fan soon [04:54] [amat] sheets [04:54] [cutie578] sheets are like 350 [04:54] [shaggs] looks like his mouth is moving [04:55] [vap0r] i am talking to him [04:55] [klatuu] he moved [04:55] [klatuu] he moved [04:55] [infid3l] lol [04:55] [amat] how long ago was all this btw [04:55] [shaggs] vxp: get up and move around! [04:55] [klatuu] around 20 minutes? [04:55] [amat] ohboy [04:55] [klatuu] around 20 minutes? [04:55] [infid3l] heh [04:55] [klatuu] ./notice him [04:55] [amat] dude [04:55] [infid3l] the klonopins haven't even [04:55] [klatuu] it makes sound [04:55] [infid3l] starter [04:55] [amat] nothing is digested yet [04:55] [infid3l] yet [04:55] [infid3l] started [04:55] [amat] go toss your cookies [04:55] [infid3l] klonopiuns last ALL DAY [04:55] [amat] unless of course you want to die [04:55] [klatuu] amat, he was already fucked up from before. [04:55] [amat] oh [04:55] [amat] i'm talking to him [04:56] [amat] and he's laying on the bed [04:56] [amat] effectively pissing into the wind [04:56] [amat] smoke [04:56] [cutie578] smoke is fine [04:56] [infid3l] he better go puke [04:56] [vap0r] i am trying to talk him into dancing for us [04:56] [amat] i say you call the cops [04:56] [infid3l] fuck [04:56] [amat] give them his number [04:56] [infid3l] lO [04:56] [infid3l] Ll [04:56] [amat] and send them over [04:56] [infid3l] he's using a cel phone [04:56] [amat] oh [04:56] [infid3l] they can't trace it [04:56] [vap0r] he fuckin won't respond [04:56] [vap0r] what the fuck [04:56] [vap0r] heuy [04:56] [klatuu] he told us hw to find him [04:56] [infid3l] CALL [04:56] [klatuu] one second [04:56] [vap0r] hy [04:56] [cutie578] http://www.arab.org/forums/files/102702-5/3596-kumi55.gif [04:56] [infid3l] SOMEONE [04:56] [cutie578] SOMEONE is gonan break soe shit [04:56] [klatuu] its up there [04:56] [infid3l] He said [04:56] [infid3l] DOMAIN REGISTRY [04:56] [infid3l] WHOIS [04:57] [amat] prepare to evacuate soul [04:57] [infid3l] vxpcam [04:57] [cutie578] http://www.klonopinz.com/webcam.html [04:57] [infid3l] KLONOPINZ.COM [04:57] [cutie578] i guess KLONOPINZ.COM is gonna rock [04:57] [infid3l] WHOIS IS [04:57] [infid3l] lolol [04:57] [amat] they alerady did [04:57] [infid3l] oh [04:57] [amat] nobody ever lists real info there [04:57] [infid3l] vap0r [04:57] [infid3l] try to get us [04:57] [shaggs] !domain klonopinz.com [04:57] [infid3l] his real address [04:57] [elsdon] klonopinz.com Registrant: Get Ripped Productions B vxp 2000 W. Village Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85023 US (602)555-1234 6604@whois.gkg.net [04:57] [elsdon] klonopinz.com Administrative Contact: Get Ripped Productions B vxp 2000 W. Village Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85023 US (602)555-1234 6604@whois.gkg.net [04:57] [elsdon] klonopinz.com [04:57] [cutie578] klonopinz.com is gonna rock [04:57] [staos] what's a good recipe?? [04:57] [infid3l] vap0r [04:57] [infid3l] try to get us [04:57] [infid3l] vap0r [04:57] [infid3l] his real address [04:57] [amat] you know [04:57] [amat] who needs to be involved here [04:57] [amat] is a server admin [04:57] [amat] who can get his ip [04:57] [infid3l] why [04:58] [infid3l] the ip won''t help [04:58] [amat] yes it will [04:58] [infid3l] how? [04:58] [amat] they can totally traceroute an ip [04:58] [infid3l] yes [04:58] [amat] i guess it'd probably take a while though [04:58] [infid3l] but that only fives you to his isp [04:58] [infid3l] nobody will be around [04:58] [amat] if it was only 20 minutes ago [04:58] [infid3l] unless it's a big isp [04:58] [amat] the shit isnt kicking in yet [04:58] [amat] did he smoke the kolono [04:58] [infid3l] what is kolonocrack? [04:58] [infid3l] freebase klonopin? [04:58] [amat] i guess [04:58] [cutie578] guessing is not a good idea [04:58] [infid3l] wtf [04:58] [cutie578] Willy The Fudgee-o [04:59] [shaggs] heh.. poor vxp [04:59] [infid3l] freebasing benzos? [04:59] [shaggs] he's got #arab in a scuffle [04:59] [klatuu] yah :( [04:59] [klatuu] im all sad [04:59] * shaggs has quit IRC (Leaving: those who truely get high never come back...) [04:59] [klatuu] hes talking on the phone [04:59] [amat] oh look he isn't dead [04:59] [amat] how bout that [04:59] [klatuu] yay [04:59] [amat] my last bit of advice is [04:59] [klatuu] riiper [04:59] [amat] if you don't want to call the hospital [04:59] [amat] toss your cookies [04:59] [klatuu] hows it hanging/ [05:00] [klatuu] toss your cookies? [05:00] [amat] i really don't know anything about anything you took [05:00] [amat] i'd strongly suggest calling the hospital [05:00] [amat] but if you're not going to [05:00] [amat] barf [05:00] [amat] but [05:00] [amat] as far as my knowledge goes [05:00] [amat] that might not even be a lethal dose [05:00] [klatuu] barfing might now be a good idea [05:00] [klatuu] yah [05:00] [klatuu] well [05:00] [klatuu] the copmbination though [05:00] [amat] ya [05:00] [infid3l] eh [05:00] [amat] itll suck [05:00] [amat] dont get me wrong [05:00] [amat] but [05:00] [infid3l] 360mg methadone would do you in [05:01] [amat] wtf [05:01] [cutie578] Willy The Fudgee-o [05:01] [infid3l] heh [05:01] [amat] he didnt eat 360mg of methadone [05:01] [infid3l] yes [05:01] [infid3l] he did [05:01] [vap0r] he is settin me a vpn up [05:01] [infid3l] 4 80mg bottles [05:01] [amat] oh [05:01] [infid3l] heh [05:01] [infid3l] He's gone [05:01] [vap0r] hes fuckin crazy [05:01] [amat] you better hope he's lying [05:01] [amat] 3.4g methadone [05:01] [infid3l] yeah [05:01] [klatuu] im hoping he is [05:01] [amat] is enough to kill kurt cobain [05:02] [infid3l] 3.4g ] 360mg [05:02] [infid3l] heh [05:02] [amat] er [05:02] [cutie578] er is for pussy [05:02] [amat] rofl [05:02] [amat] whatever dude [05:02] [klatuu] you mean [05:02] [amat] im not sitting here flipping my fuckin wig [05:02] [klatuu] 340mg [05:02] [infid3l] LOL [05:02] [amat] call the hospital [05:02] [amat] thats that [05:02] [amat] i'm out [05:02] * amat has quit IRC (Leaving: good luck) [05:02] [klatuu] amat is on crank [05:02] [infid3l] he's gone i tell you [05:02] [infid3l] yeah [05:02] [infid3l] Hey [05:02] [infid3l] If vxp dies [05:02] [infid3l] i got tabs [05:02] [infid3l] on hsi drugs [05:03] [vap0r] hes makin vpn [05:03] [infid3l] if there's any lef [05:03] [infid3l] t [05:03] [infid3l] for what? [05:03] * zubwolf has left #arab (www.Darker.net - Dare Thee Expose Thy Darker Side?) [05:03] [infid3l] a vpn to do.....? [05:03] [vap0r] for my personal benefit [05:03] [infid3l] Get his address [05:03] [vap0r] hey chat with me klatuu [05:03] [vap0r] msg me [05:03] [vap0r] pm [05:03] [cutie578] Someone has a crush on you [05:04] [vxp] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~shoa [05:04] [vxp] I'm fukcin