~ knubbze's Grundregeln beim phpbint schreiben ~ Maxim 1: The more confusing the error message, the better. Maxim 2: If it doesn’t run under Windows, then it’s Windows’ fault. Maxim 3: Detect Windows, and crash. Maxim 4: Manuals are a waste of time. Maxim 5: Words in boldface don’t count. Maxim 6: Just because you’re a Windows application doesn’t mean Maxim 7: Performance degradation is acceptable in the greater interest Maxim 8: If you’re going to do something wrong, do it wrong Maxim 9: Find a rule and break it as blatantly as possible. Maxim 10: The weirder your code, the harder it will be for the operating system to detect that you are about to do something stupid and rescue you. Maxim 11: Always look for the weirdest, most convoluted way of doing something. That way, you stand a good chance of doing it wrong. Maxim 12: It is better to be lucky than good. Maxim 13: Multitasking is for wimps. Maxim 14: Persistence may not help, but it’s fun. Maxim 15: Thrashing is good. It reminds the user that the computer is on. Maxim 16: Random addresses are harmless. Maxim 17: If you’re going to fail, do so as subtly as possible. Maxim 18: Do something that is supported only under Windows, and do it wrong. Maxim 19: Second-guess the specification whenever possible. Maxim 20: Knowledge of the English language is optional. Maxim 21: Well-behaved programs are for wimps. Maxim 22: Bite the hand that feeds you. Maxim 23: Words in italics don’t count. Maxim 24: If you can’t be subtle, then be blatant. Maxim 25: Intel will never release a new CPU. Maxim 26: Slower is better. Maxim 27: If you can’t convince the operating system to screw you up, take matters into your own hands. Maxim 28: Microsoft will never release a new version of the operating system. Maxim 29: The high words of 32-bit registers are always zero. Maxim 30: Even business applications can benefit from a boot disk. Maxim 31: Error checking is for wimps. Maxim 32: Don’t bother testing the error paths. The game is already over. Maxim 33: When faced with the unusual, self-destruct.