#!/usr/bin/env python # internet relay chat probe for https://internetrelaychat.org/ - developed by acidvegas in python (https://git.acid.vegas/ircp) import asyncio import copy import json import os import random import ssl import sys import time class settings: daemon = False # Run in daemon mode (24/7 throttled scanning) errors = True # Show errors in console errors_conn = False # Show connection errors in console log_max = 5000000 # Maximum log size (in bytes) before starting another nickname = 'IRCP' # None = random username = 'ircp' # None = random realname = 'scan@internetrelaychat.org' # None = random ns_mail = 'scan@internetrelaychat.org' # None = random@random.[com|net|org] ns_pass = 'changeme' # None = random vhost = None # Bind to a specific IP address class throttle: channels = 3 if not settings.daemon else 2 # Maximum number of channels to scan at once delay = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Delay before registering nick (if enabled) & sending /LIST join = 10 if not settings.daemon else 30 # Delay between channel JOINs nick = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Delay between every random NICK change part = 10 if not settings.daemon else 30 # Delay before PARTing a channel seconds = 300 if not settings.daemon else 600 # Maximum seconds to wait when throttled for JOIN threads = 100 if not settings.daemon else 25 # Maximum number of threads running timeout = 30 if not settings.daemon else 60 # Timeout for all sockets whois = 5 if not settings.daemon else 15 # Delay between WHOIS requests ztimeout = 200 if not settings.daemon else 300 # Timeout for zero data from server donotscan = ( 'irc.dronebl.org', 'irc.alphachat.net', '', '', '', '', '2001:19f0:6001:1dc::1', '2001:19f0:b001:ce3::1', '2a01:4f8:160:2501:48:164:9:5', '2001:19f0:6401:17c::1' ) badchan = { '403' : 'ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL', '405' : 'ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS', '435' : 'ERR_BANONCHAN', '442' : 'ERR_NOTONCHANNEL', '448' : 'ERR_FORBIDDENCHANNEL', '470' : 'ERR_LINKCHANNEL', '471' : 'ERR_CHANNELISFULL', '473' : 'ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN', '474' : 'ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN', '475' : 'ERR_BADCHANNELKEY', '476' : 'ERR_BADCHANMASK', '477' : 'ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK', '479' : 'ERR_BADCHANNAME', '480' : 'ERR_THROTTLE', '485' : 'ERR_CHANBANREASON', '488' : 'ERR_NOSSL', '489' : 'ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN', '519' : 'ERR_TOOMANYUSERS', '520' : 'ERR_OPERONLY', '926' : 'ERR_BADCHANNEL' } def backup(name): try: with tarfile.open(f'backup/{name}.tar.gz', 'w:gz') as tar: for log in os.listdir('logs'): tar.add('logs/' + log) debug('\033[1;32mBACKUP COMPLETE\033[0m') for log in os.listdir('logs'): os.remove('logs/' + log) except Exception as ex: error('\033[1;31mBACKUP FAILED\033[0m', ex) def debug(data): print('{0} \033[30m|\033[0m [\033[35m~\033[0m] {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data)) def error(data, reason=None): if settings.errors: print('{0} \033[30m|\033[0m [\033[31m!\033[0m] {1} \033[30m({2})\033[0m'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data, str(reason))) if reason else print('{0} \033[30m|\033[0m [\033[31m!\033[0m] {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data)) def rndnick(): prefix = random.choice(['st','sn','cr','pl','pr','fr','fl','qu','br','gr','sh','sk','tr','kl','wr','bl']+list('bcdfgklmnprstvwz')) midfix = random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('bcdfgklmnprstvwz')) suffix = random.choice(['ed','est','er','le','ly','y','ies','iest','ian','ion','est','ing','led','inger']+list('abcdfgklmnprstvwz')) return prefix+midfix+suffix def ssl_ctx(): ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE return ctx class probe: def __init__(self, server, semaphore): self.server = server self.display = server.ljust(18)+' \033[30m|\033[0m unknown network \033[30m|\033[0m ' self.semaphore = semaphore self.nickname = None self.snapshot = dict() self.multi = '' self.channels = {'all':list(), 'current':list(), 'users':dict()} self.nicks = {'all':list(), 'check':list()} self.loops = {'init':None, 'chan':None, 'nick':None, 'whois':None} self.jthrottle = throttle.join self.reader = None self.write = None async def run(self): async with self.semaphore: try: await self.connect() except Exception as ex: if settings.errors_conn: error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m - failed to connect using SSL/TLS', ex) try: await self.connect(True) except Exception as ex: if settings.errors_conn: error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m - failed to connect', ex) async def raw(self, data): self.writer.write(data[:510].encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') await self.writer.drain() async def connect(self, fallback=False): options = { 'host' : self.server, 'port' : 6667 if fallback else 6697, 'limit' : 1024, 'ssl' : None if fallback else ssl_ctx(), 'family' : 2, # 2 = IPv4 | 10 = IPv6 (TODO: Check for IPv6 using server DNS) 'local_addr' : settings.vhost } identity = { 'nick': settings.nickname if settings.nickname else rndnick(), 'user': settings.username if settings.username else rndnick(), 'real': settings.realname if settings.realname else rndnick() } self.nickname = identity['nick'] self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(**options), throttle.timeout) del options if not fallback: self.snapshot['ssl'] = True await self.raw('USER {0} 0 * :{1}'.format(identity['user'], identity['real'])) await self.raw('NICK ' + identity['nick']) del identity await self.listen() for item in self.loops: if self.loops[item]: self.loops[item].cancel() with open(f'logs/{self.server}.json{self.multi}', 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.snapshot, fp) debug(self.display + 'finished scanning') async def loop_initial(self): try: await asyncio.sleep(throttle.delay) login = { 'pass': settings.ns_pass if settings.ns_pass else rndnick(), 'mail': settings.ns_mail if settings.ns_mail else f'{rndnick()}@{rndnick()}.'+random.choice(('com','net','org')) } cmds = ['ADMIN', 'CAP LS', 'INFO', 'IRCOPS', 'LINKS', 'MAP', 'MODULES -all', 'STATS p', 'VERSION'] random.shuffle(cmds) cmds += ['PRIVMSG NickServ :REGISTER {0} {1}'.format(login['pass'], login['mail']), 'LIST'] for command in cmds: try: await self.raw(command) except: break else: await asyncio.sleep(1.5) del login if not self.channels['all']: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - no channels found') await self.raw('QUIT') except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_initial', ex) async def loop_channels(self): try: while self.channels['all']: while len(self.channels['current']) >= throttle.channels: await asyncio.sleep(1) await asyncio.sleep(self.jthrottle) chan = random.choice(self.channels['all']) self.channels['all'].remove(chan) try: await self.raw('JOIN ' + chan) except: break self.loops['nick'].cancel() while self.nicks['check']: await asyncio.sleep(1) self.loops['whois'].cancel() del self.loops['whois'] await self.raw('QUIT') except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_channels', ex) async def loop_nick(self): try: while True: await asyncio.sleep(throttle.nick) self.nickname = rndnick() await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_nick', ex) async def loop_whois(self): try: while True: if self.nicks['check']: nick = random.choice(self.nicks['check']) self.nicks['check'].remove(nick) try: await self.raw('WHOIS ' + nick) except: break else: del nick await asyncio.sleep(throttle.whois) else: await asyncio.sleep(1) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - loop_whois', ex) async def listen(self): while True: try: if self.reader.at_eof(): break data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), throttle.ztimeout) line = data.decode('utf-8').strip() args = line.split() event = args[1].upper() if sys.getsizeof(self.snapshot) >= settings.log_max: with open(f'logs/{self.server}.json{self.multi}', 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.snapshot, fp) self.snapshot = dict() self.multi = '.1' if not self.multi else '.' + str(int(self.multi[1:])+1) if args[0].upper() == 'ERROR': self.snapshot['ERROR'] = self.snapshot['ERROR']+[line,] if 'ERROR' in self.snapshot else [line,] elif not event.isdigit() and event not in ('CAP','INVITE','JOIN','KICK','KILL','MODE','NICK','NOTICE','PART','PRIVMSG','QUIT','TOPIC','WHO'): self.snapshot['RAW'] = self.snapshot['RAW']+[line,] if 'RAW' in self.snapshot else [line,] else: self.snapshot[event] = self.snapshot[event]+[line,] if event in self.snapshot else [line,] if event in badchans and len(args) >= 4: chan = args[3] if chan in self.channels['users']: del self.channels['users'][chan] error(f'{self.display}\033[31merror\033[0m - {chan}', badchans[event]) elif line.startswith('ERROR :'): if line.startswith('ERROR :Closing Link'): if 'dronebl' in line.lower(): self.snapshot['proxy'] = True error(self.display + '\033[93mDroneBL detected\033[30m') raise Exception('DroneBL') else: raise Exception('Banned') elif line.startswith('ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast') or line.startswith('ERROR :Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast') or line.startswith('ERROR :Reconnecting too fast'): raise Exception('Throttled') elif line.startswith('ERROR :Access denied'): raise Exception('Access denied') elif args[0] == 'PING': await self.raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:]) elif event == '001': #RPL_WELCOME host = args[0][1:] self.snapshot['server'] = self.server self.snapshot['host'] = host if len(host) > 25: self.display = f'{self.server.ljust(18)} \033[30m|\033[0m {host[:22]}... \033[30m|\033[0m ' else: self.display = f'{self.server.ljust(18)} \033[30m|\033[0m {host.ljust(25)} \033[30m|\033[0m ' debug(self.display + '\033[1;32mconnected\033[0m') self.loops['init'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_initial()) elif event == '311' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_WHOISUSER nick = args[3] if 'open proxy' in line.lower() or 'proxy monitor' in line.lower(): self.snapshot['proxy'] = True error(self.display + '\033[93mProxy Monitor detected\033[30m') else: debug(f'{self.display}\033[34mWHOIS\033[0m {nick}') elif event == '322' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_LIST chan = args[3] users = args[4] if users != '0': # no need to JOIN empty channels... self.channels['all'].append(chan) self.channels['users'][chan] = users elif event == '323': # RPL_LISTEND if self.channels['all']: del self.loops['init'] debug(self.display + '\033[36mLIST\033[0m found \033[93m{0}\033[0m channel(s)'.format(str(len(self.channels['all'])))) self.loops['chan'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_channels()) self.loops['nick'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_nick()) self.loops['whois'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_whois()) elif event == '352' and len(args) >= 8: # RPL_WHORPL nick = args[7] if nick not in self.nicks['all']+[self.nickname,]: self.nicks['all'].append(nick) self.nicks['check'].append(nick) elif event == '366' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_ENDOFNAMES chan = args[3] self.channels['current'].append(chan) debug('{0}\033[32mJOIN\033[0m {1} \033[30m(found \033[93m{2}\033[30m users)\033[0m'.format(self.display, chan, self.channels['users'][chan])) del self.channels['users'][chan] await self.raw('WHO ' + chan) await asyncio.sleep(throttle.part) await self.raw('PART ' + chan) self.channels['current'].remove(chan) elif event == '421' and len(args) >= 3: # ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND msg = ' '.join(args[2:]) if 'You must be connected for' in msg: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found', msg) elif event == '433': # ERR_NICKINUSE if not settings.nickname: await self.raw('NICK ' + rndnick()) else: await self.raw('NICK ' + settings.nickname + str(random.randint(1000,9999))) elif event == '439' and len(args) >= 5: # ERR_TARGETTOOFAST chan = args[3] msg = ' '.join(args[4:])[1:] self.channels['all'].append(chan) if 'Target change too fast' in msg and len(args) >= 11: seconds = args[10] if seconds.isdigit(): seconds = int(seconds) self.jthrottle = throttle.seconds if seconds > throttle.seconds else seconds error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found', msg) elif event == '465': # ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP if 'dronebl' in line.lower(): self.snapshot['proxy'] = True error(self.display + '\033[93mDroneBL detected\033[30m') raise Exception('DroneBL') else: raise Exception('K-Lined') elif event == '464': # ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH raise Exception('Network has a password') elif event == '487': # ERR_MSGSERVICES if '"/msg NickServ" is no longer supported' in line: login = { 'pass': settings.ns_pass if settings.ns_pass else rndnick(), 'mail': settings.ns_mail if settings.ns_mail else f'{rndnick()}@{rndnick()}.'+random.choice(('com','net','org')) } await self.raw('/NickServ REGISTER {0} {1}'.format(login['pass'], login['mail'])) elif event == 'KILL': nick = args[2] if nick == self.nickname: raise Exception('KILL') else: if 'KILL' in self.snapshot: del self.snapshot['KILL'] elif event in ('NOTICE','PRIVMSG') and len(args) >= 4: nick = args[0].split('!')[1:] target = args[2] msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:] if target == self.nickname: for i in ('proxy','proxys','proxies'): if i in msg.lower(): self.snapshot['proxy'] = True check = [x for x in ('bopm','hopm') if x in line] if check: error(f'{self.display}\033[93m{check.upper()} detected\033[30m') else: error(self.display + '\033[93mProxy Monitor detected\033[30m') for i in ('You must have been using this nick for','You must be connected for','not connected long enough','Please wait', 'You cannot list within the first'): if i in msg: error(self.display + '\033[31merror\033[0m - delay found', msg) break if msg[:8] == '\001VERSION': version = random.choice(('http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client','mIRC v6.35 Khaled Mardam-Bey','xchat 0.24.1 Linux 2.6.27-8-eeepc i686','rZNC Version 1.0 [02/01/11] - Built from ZNC','thelounge v3.0.0 -- https://thelounge.chat/')) await self.raw(f'NOTICE {nick} \001VERSION {version}\001') elif nick == 'NickServ': self.snapshot['services'] = True if 'is now registered' in msg or f'Nickname {self.nickname} registered' in msg: debug(self.display + '\033[35mNickServ\033[0m registered') self.snapshot['registered'] = True elif '!' not in args[0]: if 'dronebl.org/lookup' in msg: self.snapshot['proxy'] = True error(self.display + '\033[93mDroneBL detected\033[0m') raise Exception('DroneBL') else: if [i for i in ('You\'re banned','You are permanently banned','You are banned','You are not welcome') if i in msg]: raise Exception('K-Lined') except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + '\033[1;31mdisconnected\033[0m', ex) break async def main(targets): sema = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(throttle.threads) # B O U N D E D S E M A P H O R E G A N G jobs = list() for target in targets: jobs.append(asyncio.ensure_future(probe(target, sema).run())) await asyncio.gather(*jobs) # Main print('#'*56) print('#{:^54}#'.format('')) print('#{:^54}#'.format('Internet Relay Chat Probe (IRCP)')) print('#{:^54}#'.format('Developed by acidvegas in Python')) print('#{:^54}#'.format('https://git.acid.vegas/ircp')) print('#{:^54}#'.format('')) print('#'*56) if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise SystemExit('error: invalid arguments') else: targets_file = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(targets_file): raise SystemExit('error: invalid file path') else: try: os.mkdir('logs') except FileExistsError: pass targets = [line.rstrip() for line in open(targets_file).readlines() if line and line not in donotscan] found = len(targets) debug(f'loaded {found:,} targets') if settings.daemon: try: os.mkdir('backup') except FileExistsError: pass else: targets = [target for target in targets if not os.path.isfile(f'logs/{target}.json')] # Do not scan targets we already have logged for if len(targets) < found: debug(f'removed {found-len(targets):,} targets we already have logs for already') del found, targets_file while True: random.shuffle(targets) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main(targets)) debug('IRCP has finished probing!') if settings.daemon: backup(time.strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M%S')) else: break