var config = require('./config/default.json'); var irc = require("irc"); var fs = require("fs"); var readline = require('readline'); const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); //var randomWords = require('better-random-words'); var bot = new irc.Client(config.irc.server, config.irc.nickname, { channels: config.irc.channels, secure: config.irc.ssl, port: config.irc.port, autoRejoin: config.irc.autorejoin, userName: config.irc.username, realName: config.irc.realname, floodProtection: config.irc.floodprotection, floodProtectionDelay: config.irc.floodprotectiondelay }); const timer = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)) async function help(chan, sub) { if (sub === undefined) { var sub = "default" } if (sub === "default") { bot.say(chan, ' ____ ___ ___ ____________ _________ __') bot.say(chan, ' / __ `__ \\/ _ \\/ ___/ ___/ / / / ___/ / / /') bot.say(chan, ' / / / / / / __/ / / /__/ /_/ / / / /_/ / ') bot.say(chan, '/_/ /_/ /_/\\___/_/ \\___/\\__,_/_/ \\__, / ') bot.say(chan, ' /____/ ') bot.say(chan, 'Mercury -') bot.say(chan, 'm!feed [FEED] [ENTRIES] - Return the last x amount of entries from any RSS feed') bot.say(chan, "m!twitter [USER] [ENTRIES] - Return the last x amount of tweets from a particular user") } } async function feed(chan, provfeed, n) { if (provfeed === undefined) { bot.say(chan, "No feed has been provided.") } if (n === undefined) { var n = 5; } const worker = new Worker('./commands/feed.js', { workerData: { provfeed, n } }); worker.once('message', (string) => { console.log('Received output from last5 worker, posting.'); bot.say(chan, string); }); } async function twitter(chan, provfeed, n) { if (provfeed === undefined) { bot.say(chan, "No account has been provided.") } if (n === undefined) { var n = 5; } const worker = new Worker('./commands/twitter.js', { workerData: { provfeed, n } }); worker.once('message', (string) => { console.log('Received output from twitter worker, posting.'); bot.say(chan, string); }); } bot.addListener('message', function(nick, to, text, from) { var args = text.split(' '); if (args[0] === 'm!help') { help(to, args[1]); } else if (args[0] === 'm!feed') { feed(to, args[1], args[2]); } else if (args[0] === 'm!twitter') { twitter(to, args[1], args[2]) } }); bot.addListener('error', function(message) { console.log('error: ', message); }); console.log('Starting Mercury');