# Pylons: Modern Async Eggdrop in Pure Python ## Overview Pylons is a flexible and extensible IRC bot network using a hub-and-leaf architecture. It implements a central hub bot managing multiple leaf bots, allowing for distributed IRC presence and easy scalability. ## Version History - v1.0.0: Initial release with basic hub and leaf functionality - v1.1.0: Added plugin support and dynamic command handling - v1.2.0: Implemented encryption for hub-leaf communication - v1.3.0: Added support for IPv6 and improved error handling - v1.4.0: Introduced dynamic configuration updates (UPDATECONF commands) - v1.5.0: Improved nickname collision handling, added random username/realname generation, and enhanced ban evasion techniques ## Features - Centralized hub bot managing multiple leaf bots - Secure communication between hub and leaf bots using custom encryption - Plugin system for easy extension of functionality - Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 - Dynamic nick generation using Pokémon names with collision avoidance - Random, RFC-compliant username and realname generation for improved ban evasion - Automatic reconnection and error recovery - Runtime configuration updates - Kickban detection and automatic rejoin attempts - Improved handling of Unicode characters to prevent crashes ## How It Works 1. The hub bot starts and listens for incoming connections from leaf bots. 2. Leaf bots connect to the hub and receive their initial configuration and available commands. 3. The hub bot manages all leaf bots, broadcasting commands and updates as necessary. 4. Leaf bots connect to IRC servers and channels based on their configuration from the hub. 5. Commands entered in the hub are executed across all connected leaf bots. 6. Dynamic Plugin creation that allows on-the-fly unloading and loading to broadcast new configurations to the links ## Command List - `test`: Send a test message to the channel - `join `: Join a new channel - `leave `: Leave a channel - `nick`: Change nickname (generates a new random Pokémon-based nickname) - `UPDATECONF
`: Update hub configuration - `UPDATECONF.IRC [channel_password] [-ssl]`: Update IRC configuration ## Setup and Usage ### Hub Bot 1. Clone the repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/strangeprogram/pylons.git cd pylons ``` 2. Run the hub bot: ``` python pylon.py --hub-address --hub-port 8888 --server irc.example.com --port 6667 --channel "#your-channel" ``` Add `--ssl` if your IRC server uses SSL. ### Leaf Bot 1. Run the leaf bot, pointing it to your hub: ``` python shard.py hub.example.com 8888 ``` Replace `hub.example.com` with the address of your hub bot. ## New Features and Improvements - **Nickname Collision Handling**: The hub now maintains a dictionary of used nicknames, ensuring unique nicks across all leaf bots. - **Random Username and Realname Generation**: Each leaf bot now generates random, RFC-compliant usernames and realnames for each connection, making it harder to create regex patterns for bans. - **Kickban Detection**: Leaf bots now detect kicks and bans, attempting to rejoin channels automatically with a limited number of retries. - **Unicode Handling**: Improved handling of non-UTF-8 characters in IRC messages to prevent bot crashes. - **Enhanced SSL Support**: Better SSL context handling for more secure connections. ## Plugin Development To create a new plugin: 1. Create a new Python file in the `plugins` directory. 2. Define a class that inherits from `BasePlugin`. 3. Implement the `on_command` method and define a `commands` property. Example: ```python from hub_bot import BasePlugin class MyPlugin(BasePlugin): async def on_command(self, sender, channel, command, args): if command == "hello": return {"type": "action", "action": "send_message", "channel": channel, "message": "Hello, World!"} @property def commands(self): return {"hello": "Say hello"} ``` ## Requirements - Python 3.7+ - asyncio ## License This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Links - [Project Homepage](https://github.com/strangeprogram/pylons) - [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/strangeprogram/pylons/issues) - [IRC Channel](#): #dev on irc.supernets.org