#!/bin/sh # irc post-commit hook - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/void) # Place this file in .git/hooks/post-commit and chmod +x # Configuration WEECHAT_NETWORK="supernets" WEECHAT_CHANNEL="#dev" WEECHAT_FIFO="/home/acidvegas/.local/share/weechat/weechat_fifo" SSH_SERVER="war" # Get commit data for the message _data=$(git log -1 --graph --pretty=format:"%h|%s|%cn") _hash=$(echo "$_data" | cut -d'|' -f1 | cut -c 3-) _msg=$(echo "$_data" | cut -d'|' -f2) _name=$(echo "$_data" | cut -d'|' -f3) #_name=$(basename $(dirname $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))) # For locally parsing organization names _repo=$(basename -s .git $(git config --get remote.origin.url)) _summary=$(git show $_hash --stat | grep -E "fil(e|es) changed" | awk '{files+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6} END {printf "%s|+%s|-%s", files, inserted, deleted }') _files=$(echo $_summary | cut -d'|' -f1) _inserts=$(echo $_summary | cut -d'|' -f2) _deletes=$(echo $_summary | cut -d'|' -f3) _ircmsg="irc.$WEECHAT_NETWORK.$WEECHAT_CHANNEL *14[11GitHub14] Commit pushed to 08$_name/$_repo (06$_hash) 14[$_files14|03$_inserts14|04$_deletes14] : $_msg" # Send the message to weechat echo "$_ircmsg" | ssh $SSH_SERVER tee $WEECHAT_FIFO > /dev/null