#! /bin/sh BLUE='\033[1;34m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' GREY='\033[1;30m' RESET='\033[0m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' echo -e "\n[${BLUE}INFORMATION COMMANDS${RESET}]" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}colors${YELLOW}\tDisplay terminal color support" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}contact${YELLOW}\tInformation on how to contact the system administrator" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}rules${YELLOW}\tDisplay the server rules" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}vhosts${YELLOW}\tList all of the Virtual Hosts" echo -e "\n${RESET}[${BLUE}SESSION COMMANDS${RESET}]" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}dvtm-help${YELLOW}\tInformation about dvtm and how to use it" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}rtach${YELLOW}\tReattach to your main abduco session ${GREY}(Create session with startx)" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}startx${YELLOW}\tStart a dvtm session in abduco ${GREY}(See dvtm-help for more information)" echo -e "\n${RESET}[${BLUE}OTHER COMMANDS${RESET}]" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}backup${YELLOW}\tCreate a backup tar file of your home directory ${GREY}(Saves to the ~/.backup/ directory)" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}extract${YELLOW}\tExtract any archive format ${GREY}(Usage: extract archive.tar.gz)" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}rnd${YELLOW}\t\tReturn a random string ${GREY}(Usage: rnd )" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}tb${YELLOW}\t\tUpload a text files contents to termbin ${GREY}(Usage: cat file.txt | tb)" echo -e " ${GREY}* ${CYAN}transfer${YELLOW}\tUpload a file to transfer.sh ${GREY}(Usage: transfer file.tar)\n"