#!/usr/bin/env python # confusables - developed by acidvegas in python (https://git.acid.vegas/random) ''' This script contains a dictionary of keyboard typable characters unicode variants that are very similar. Other possible variants exist, for now we are only matching the ones that do not "look" like unicode. This can be used to evade spam filtering by replacing characters with their similar unicode variants. Todo: - Convert unicode characters into raw codepoints in the dictionary (Example: \u202e) - Add variants for missing typable characters (iIl) - Extend to more variants than already in the database - Set different odds on character replacement for chance feature on the confuse function ''' import random def confuse(data, chance=False): '''chance set to True will give each replacable character a 50% chance of being replaced''' confused = str() for char in data: if char in confusable and (not chance or random.choice((True,False))): confused += random.choice(list(confusable[char])) else: confused += char return confused confusable = { ' ':'       ', '.':'܂․.⡀', '!':'ǃⵑ!', '$':'$', '%':'%', '&':'ꝸ&', ':':'ː˸։׃⁚∶ꓽ꞉︰:', ';':';;', '<':'ᐸ<', '=':'⹀꓿=', '>':'ᐳ>', '?':'?', '@':'@', '0':'߀𝛰〇𐊒𝟬𝜪Oዐ𝞞𝝤ⵔՕ𝟢𝗢𝘖ⲞОΟଠ𝟎𝐎০୦O𐊫𝙾ꓳ𐐄𝟶𝑶𝚶𐓂௦౦೦ഠဝ၀ჿᴏᴑⲟ0o𐐬𐓪', '1':'𝚕𝟏𝟙𝟣𝟭𝟷', '2':'Ƨᒿ2𝟐𝟤𝟮𝟸', '3':'ƷȜЗӠⳌꝪꞫ3', '4':'Ꮞ𝟒𝟜𝟦𝟰𝟺', '5':'Ƽ5', '6':'бᏮⳒ6', '7':'7𐓒', '8':'8𐌚𝟖𝟠𝟪𝟴', '9':'৭୨ⳊꝮ9', 'A':'ΑАᎪᗅᴀꓮꭺA𐊠', 'B':'ΒВᏴᗷꓐB𐊂𐊡𝐁𝐵𝑩𝔹𝖡𝗕𝘉𝘽𝚩𝜝𝝗𝞑', 'C':'СᏟᑕℂⅭ⊂ⲤꓚC𐊢𐐕', 'D':'ᎠᗞᗪⅮꓓꭰD𝐃𝐷𝑫𝔻𝖣𝗗𝘋𝘿𝙳', 'E':'ΕЕᎬ⋿ⴹꓰꭼE𐊆', 'F':'ϜᖴꓝꞘF𐊇𐊥𝟋', 'G':'ɢԌᏀᏳᏻꓖꮐG𝐆𝐺𝑮𝔾𝖦𝗚𝘎𝙂𝙶', 'H':'ʜΗНнᎻᕼⲎꓧH𐋏𝐇𝐻𝑯𝖧𝗛𝘏𝙃𝚮𝛨𝜢𝝜𝞖', 'J':'ͿЈᎫᒍᴊꓙꞲꭻJ𝐉𝐽𝑱𝕁𝖩𝗝𝙹', 'K':'ΚКᏦᛕKⲔꓗK', 'L':'ʟᏞᒪⅬⳐⳑꓡꮮL𐐛𐑃', 'M':'ΜϺМᎷᗰᛖⅯⲘꓟM𐊰𐌑𝐌𝑀𝑴𝕄𝖬𝗠𝘔𝙈𝙼𝚳𝛭𝜧𝝡𝞛', 'N':'ɴΝⲚꓠN', 'O':'OΟОՕ௦౦೦ഠဝ၀ჿዐᴏᴑⲞⲟⵔ〇ꓳ0Oo𐊒𐊫𐐄𐐬𐓂𐓪', 'P':'ΡРᏢᑭᴘᴩℙⲢꓑꮲP𐊕𝐏𝑃𝑷𝖯𝗣𝘗𝙋𝙿𝚸𝛲𝜬𝝦𝞠', 'Q':'ℚⵕQ𝐐𝑄𝑸𝖰𝗤𝘘𝙌𝚀', 'R':'ƦʀᎡᏒᖇᚱꓣꭱꮢR𐒴', 'S':'ЅՏᏕᏚꓢS𐊖𐐠', 'T':'ΤТтᎢᴛ⊤⟙ⲦꓔꭲT𐊗𐊱𐌕', 'U':'Սሀᑌ∪⋃ꓴU𐓎', 'V':'Ѵ٧۷ᏙᐯⅤⴸꓦꛟV', 'W':'ԜᎳᏔꓪW', 'X':'ΧХ᙭ᚷⅩ╳ⲬⵝꓫꞳX𐊐𐊴𐌗𐌢', 'Y':'ΥϒУҮᎩᎽⲨꓬY𐊲', 'Z':'ΖᏃꓜZ𐋵', 'a':'ɑαа⍺a𝐚𝑎𝒂𝕒𝖆𝖺𝗮𝘢𝙖𝚊𝛂𝛼𝜶𝝰𝞪', 'b':'ƄЬᏏᑲᖯb𝐛𝑏𝒃𝖇𝖻𝗯𝘣𝙗𝚋', 'c':'ϲсᴄⅽⲥꮯc𐐽𝐜𝑐𝒄𝕔𝖈𝖼𝗰𝘤𝙘𝚌', 'd':'ԁᏧᑯⅆⅾꓒd𝐝𝑑𝒅𝒹𝓭𝖽𝗱𝘥𝙙𝚍', 'e':'еҽ℮e𝐞𝕖𝖾𝗲𝚎', 'f':'ẝꞙꬵf', 'g':'ƍɡցᶃg𝐠𝑔𝒈𝕘𝖌𝗀𝗴𝘨𝙜𝚐', 'h':'һᏂℎh𝒉𝕙𝗁𝗵𝘩𝙝𝚑', 'j':'ϳјj𝐣𝚓', 'k':'k𝐤𝑘𝒌𝕜𝖐𝗄𝗸𝘬𝙠𝚔', 'm':'m𝕞𝙢𝗺ⅿ', 'n':'ոռn𝗇𝗻𝘯𝙣𝚗', 'o':'OΟОՕ௦౦೦ഠဝ၀ჿዐᴏᴑⲞⲟⵔ〇ꓳ0Oo𐊒𐊫𐐄𐐬𐓂𐓪', 'p':'ρϱр⍴ⲣp𝑝𝕡𝗉𝗽𝘱𝙥𝚙𝛒𝜌𝝆𝞀𝞺', 'q':'ԛq𝐪𝕢𝗊𝗾𝘲𝙦𝚚', 'r':'гᴦⲅꭈꮁr𝐫𝗋𝗿𝚛', 's':'ѕꜱꮪs𐑈', 't':'t𝘁𝚝', 'u':'ʋυսᴜꭒu𐓶', 'v':'νѵᴠⅴ∨⋁ꮩv', 'w':'ɯѡԝաᴡꮃw', 'x':'×хⅹ⤫⤬⨯x𝐱𝑥𝒙𝔵𝕩𝖝𝗑𝘅𝘹𝙭𝚡', 'y':'ɣγуүყỿꭚy', 'z':'ᴢꮓz', 'z':'𝙯ᴢ𝗓𝕫ꮓ𝚣𝒛' } for i in range(30): print(confuse('facebook'))