#!/usr/bin/env python # Meshtastic MQTT Interface - Developed by acidvegas in Python (https://acid.vegas/meshtastic) import argparse import base64 import logging try: from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes except ImportError: raise SystemExit('missing the cryptography module (pip install cryptography)') try: from meshtastic import mesh_pb2, mqtt_pb2, portnums_pb2, telemetry_pb2 except ImportError: raise SystemExit('missing the meshtastic module (pip install meshtastic)') try: import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt except ImportError: raise SystemExit('missing the paho-mqtt module (pip install paho-mqtt)') # Initialize the logging module logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S') def clean_dict(dictionary: dict) -> dict: ''' Remove empty fields from a dictionary. :param dictionary: The dictionary to remove empty fields from ''' return {key: value for key, value in dictionary.items() if value} class MeshtasticMQTT(object): def __init__(self): '''Initialize the Meshtastic MQTT client''' self.broadcast_id = 4294967295 # Our channel ID self.key = None def connect(self, broker: str, port: int, root: str, tls: bool, username: str, password: str, key: str): ''' Connect to the MQTT broker :param broker: The MQTT broker address :param port: The MQTT broker port :param root: The root topic to subscribe to :param tls: Enable TLS/SSL :param username: The MQTT username :param password: The MQTT password :param key: The encryption key ''' # Initialize the MQTT client (these arguments were the only way to get it to work properly..) client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, client_id='', clean_session=True, userdata=None) # Set the username and password for the MQTT broker client.username_pw_set(username=username, password=password) # Set the encryption key global in the client class (the default key is padded to ensure it's the correct length for AES) self.key = '1PG7OiApB1nwvP+rz05pAQ==' if key == 'AQ==' else key # Enable TLS/SSL if the user specified it if tls: client.tls_set() #client.tls_insecure_set(False) # Set the MQTT callbacks client.on_connect = self.on_connect client.on_message = self.on_message client.on_subscribe = self.on_subscribe client.on_unsubscribe = self.on_unsubscribe # Connect to the MQTT broker and subscribe to the root topic client.connect(broker, port, 60) client.subscribe(root, 0) # Keep-alive loop client.loop_forever() def decrypt_message_packet(self, message_packet): ''' Decrypt an encrypted message packet. :param message_packet: The message packet to decrypt ''' # Ensure the key is formatted and padded correctly before turning it into bytes padded_key = self.key.ljust(len(self.key) + ((4 - (len(self.key) % 4)) % 4), '=') key = padded_key.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') key_bytes = base64.b64decode(key.encode('ascii')) # Extract the nonce from the packet nonce_packet_id = getattr(message_packet, 'id').to_bytes(8, 'little') nonce_from_node = getattr(message_packet, 'from').to_bytes(8, 'little') nonce = nonce_packet_id + nonce_from_node # Decrypt the message cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key_bytes), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend()) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() decrypted_bytes = decryptor.update(getattr(message_packet, 'encrypted')) + decryptor.finalize() # Parse the decrypted message data = mesh_pb2.Data() data.ParseFromString(decrypted_bytes) message_packet.decoded.CopyFrom(data) return message_packet def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc, properties): ''' Callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server. :param client: The client instance for this callback :param userdata: The private user data as set in Client() or user_data_set() :param flags: Response flags sent by the broker :param rc: The connection result :param properties: The properties returned by the broker ''' if rc == 0: logging.info('Connected to MQTT broker') else: logging.error(f'Failed to connect to MQTT broker: {rc}') def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): ''' Callback for when a message is received from the server. :param client: The client instance for this callback :param userdata: The private user data as set in Client() or user_data_set() :param msg: An instance of MQTTMessage. This is a ''' # Define the service envelope service_envelope = mqtt_pb2.ServiceEnvelope() try: # Parse the message payload service_envelope.ParseFromString(msg.payload) # Extract the message packet from the service envelope message_packet = service_envelope.packet except Exception as e: #logging.error(f'Failed to parse message: {str(e)}') return # Check if the message is encrypted before decrypting it if message_packet.HasField('encrypted') and not message_packet.HasField('decoded'): message_packet = self.decrypt_message_packet(message_packet) text = { 'from' : getattr(message_packet, 'from'), 'to' : getattr(message_packet, 'to'), 'channel' : getattr(message_packet, 'channel'), 'id' : getattr(message_packet, 'id'), 'rx_time' : getattr(message_packet, 'rx_time'), 'hop_limit' : getattr(message_packet, 'hop_limit'), 'priority' : getattr(message_packet, 'priority'), 'hop_start' : getattr(message_packet, 'hop_start') } logging.info(text) if message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.UNKNOWN_APP: logging.warning('Received an unknown app message:') logging.info(message_packet) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.TEXT_MESSAGE_APP: text_payload = message_packet.decoded.payload.decode('utf-8') text = { 'message' : text_payload, 'from' : getattr(message_packet, 'from'), 'id' : getattr(message_packet, 'id'), 'to' : getattr(message_packet, 'to') } logging.info('Received text message:') logging.info(text) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.REMOTE_HARDWARE_APP: data = mesh_pb2.RemoteHardware() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received remote hardware:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.POSITION_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Position() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) data_dict = {key: value for key, value in data} print(data_dict) logging.info('Received position:') loc = { 'lattitude' : getattr(data, 'latitude_i') / 1e7, 'longitude' : getattr(data, 'longitude_i') / 1e7, 'altitude' : getattr(data, 'altitude') / 1000, 'location_source' : getattr(data, 'location_source'), 'altitude_source' : getattr(data, 'altitude_source'), 'pdop' : getattr(data, 'PDOP'), 'hdop' : getattr(data, 'HDOP'), 'vdop' : getattr(data, 'VDOP'), 'gps_accuracy' : getattr(data, 'gps_accuracy'), 'ground_speed' : getattr(data, 'ground_speed'), 'ground_track' : getattr(data, 'ground_track'), 'fix_quality' : getattr(data, 'fix_quality'), 'fix_type' : getattr(data, 'fix_type'), 'sats_in_view' : getattr(data, 'sats_in_view'), 'sensor_id' : getattr(data, 'sensor_id'), 'next_update' : getattr(data, 'next_update'), 'seq_number' : getattr(data, 'seq_number'), 'precision_bits' : getattr(data, 'precision_bits') } if (loc := clean_dict(loc)): logging.info(loc) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.NODEINFO_APP: data = mesh_pb2.NodeInfo() #data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received node info:') logging.info(message_packet) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.ROUTING_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Routing() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received routing:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.ADMIN_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Admin() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received admin:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.TEXT_MESSAGE_COMPRESSED_APP: data = mesh_pb2.TextMessageCompressed() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received compressed text message:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.WAYPOINT_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Waypoint() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received waypoint:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.AUDIO_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Audio() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received audio:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.DETECTION_SENSOR_APP: data = mesh_pb2.DetectionSensor() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received detection sensor:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.REPLY_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Reply() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received reply:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.IP_TUNNEL_APP: data = mesh_pb2.IPTunnel() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received IP tunnel:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.PAXCOUNTER_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Paxcounter() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received paxcounter:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.SERIAL_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Serial() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received serial:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.STORE_FORWARD_APP: logging.info('Received store and forward:') logging.info(message_packet) logging.info(message_packet.decoded.payload) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.RANGE_TEST_APP: data = mesh_pb2.RangeTest() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received range test:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.TELEMETRY_APP: data = telemetry_pb2.Telemetry() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received telemetry:') data_dict = {} for field, value in data.ListFields(): if field.name == 'device_metrics': text = clean_dict({item.name: getattr(value, item.name) for item in value.DESCRIPTOR.fields if hasattr(value, item.name)}) if text: logging.info(text) else: data_dict[field.name] = value logging.info(data_dict) if getattr(data, 'device_metrics'): text = { 'battery_level' : getattr(data.device_metrics, 'battery_level'), 'voltage' : getattr(data.device_metrics, 'voltage'), 'channel_utilization' : getattr(data.device_metrics, 'channel_utilization'), 'air_util_tx' : getattr(data.device_metrics, 'air_util_tx'), 'uptime_seconds' : getattr(data.device_metrics, 'uptime_seconds') } if (text := clean_dict(text)): logging.info(text) if getattr(data, 'environment_metrics'): env_metrics = { 'barometric_pressure' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'barometric_pressure'), 'current' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'current'), 'distance' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'distance'), 'gas_resistance' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'gas_resistance'), 'iaq' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'iaq'), 'relative_humidity' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'relative_humidity'), 'temperature' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'temperature'), 'voltage' : getattr(data.environment_metrics, 'voltage') } if (env_metrics := clean_dict(env_metrics)): logging.info(env_metrics) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.ZPS_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Zps() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received ZPS:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.SIMULATOR_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Simulator() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received simulator:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.TRACEROUTE_APP: routeDiscovery = mesh_pb2.RouteDiscovery() routeDiscovery.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received traceroute:') logging.info(routeDiscovery) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.NEIGHBORINFO_APP: neighborInfo = mesh_pb2.NeighborInfo() neighborInfo.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received neighbor info:') info = { 'node_id' : getattr(neighborInfo, 'node_id'), 'last_sent_by_id' : getattr(neighborInfo, 'last_sent_by_id'), 'node_broadcast_interval_secs' : getattr(neighborInfo, 'node_broadcast_interval_secs'), 'neighbors' : getattr(neighborInfo, 'neighbors') } logging.info(info) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.ATAK_PLUGIN: data = mesh_pb2.AtakPlugin() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received ATAK plugin:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.PRIVATE_APP: data = mesh_pb2.Private() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received private:') logging.info(data) elif message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.ATAK_FORWARDER: data = mesh_pb2.AtakForwarder() data.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received ATAK forwarder:') logging.info(data) else: logging.warning('Received an unknown message:') logging.info(message_packet) # Unencrypted messages else: if message_packet.decoded.portnum == portnums_pb2.MAP_REPORT_APP: pos = mesh_pb2.Position() pos.ParseFromString(message_packet.decoded.payload) logging.info('Received map report:') logging.info(pos) else: logging.warning('Received an unencrypted message') logging.info(f'Payload: {message_packet}') def on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, reason_code_list, properties): ''' Callback for when the client receives a SUBACK response from the server. :param client: The client instance for this callback :param userdata: The private user data as set in Client() or user_data_set() :param mid: The message ID of the subscribe request :param reason_code_list: A list of SUBACK reason codes :param properties: The properties returned by the broker ''' # Since we subscribed only for a single channel, reason_code_list contains a single entry if reason_code_list[0].is_failure: logging.error(f'Broker rejected you subscription: {reason_code_list[0]}') else: logging.info(f'Broker granted the following QoS: {reason_code_list[0].value}') def on_unsubscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, reason_code_list, properties): ''' Callback for when the client receives a UNSUBACK response from the server. :param client: The client instance for this callback :param userdata: The private user data as set in Client() or user_data_set() :param mid: The message ID of the unsubscribe request :param reason_code_list: A list of UNSUBACK reason codes :param properties: The properties returned by the broker ''' # reason_code_list is only present in MQTTv5, it will always be empty in MQTTv3 if len(reason_code_list) == 0 or not reason_code_list[0].is_failure: logging.info('Broker accepted the unsubscription(s)') else: logging.error(f'Broker replied with failure: {reason_code_list[0]}') # Disconnect from the broker client.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Meshtastic MQTT Interface') parser.add_argument('--broker', default='mqtt.meshtastic.org', help='MQTT broker address') parser.add_argument('--port', default=1883, type=int, help='MQTT broker port') parser.add_argument('--root', default='#', help='Root topic') parser.add_argument('--tls', action='store_true', help='Enable TLS/SSL') parser.add_argument('--username', default='meshdev', help='MQTT username') parser.add_argument('--password', default='large4cats', help='MQTT password') parser.add_argument('--key', default='AQ==', help='Encryption key') args = parser.parse_args() client = MeshtasticMQTT() client.connect(args.broker, args.port, args.root, args.tls, args.username, args.password, args.key)