#!/usr/bin/env python # meshtastic irc relay - developed by acidvegas in python (https://git.acid.vegas/meshtastic) import argparse import asyncio import logging import logging.handlers import ssl import time # Formatting Control Characters / Color Codes bold = '\x02' italic = '\x1D' underline = '\x1F' reverse = '\x16' reset = '\x0f' white = '00' black = '01' blue = '02' green = '03' red = '04' brown = '05' purple = '06' orange = '07' yellow = '08' light_green = '09' cyan = '10' light_cyan = '11' light_blue = '12' pink = '13' grey = '14' light_grey = '15' def color(msg: str, foreground: str, background: str = None) -> str: ''' Color a string with the specified foreground and background colors. :param msg: The string to color. :param foreground: The foreground color to use. :param background: The background color to use. ''' return f'\x03{foreground},{background}{msg}{reset}' if background else f'\x03{foreground}{msg}{reset}' def ssl_ctx(verify: bool = False, cert_path: str = None, cert_pass: str = None) -> ssl.SSLContext: ''' Create a SSL context for the connection. :param verify: Verify the SSL certificate. :param cert_path: The path to the SSL certificate. :param cert_pass: The password for the SSL certificate. ''' ctx = ssl.create_default_context() if verify else ssl._create_unverified_context() if cert_path: ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_path) if not cert_pass else ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_path, cert_pass) return ctx class Bot(): def __init__(self): self.nickname = 'MESHTASTIC' self.username = 'MESHT' # MESHT@STIC self.realname = 'git.acid.vegas/meshtastic' self.connected = False self.reader = None self.writer = None self.last = time.time() async def action(self, chan: str, msg: str): ''' Send an ACTION to the IRC server. :param chan: The channel to send the ACTION to. :param msg: The message to send to the channel. ''' await self.sendmsg(chan, f'\x01ACTION {msg}\x01') async def raw(self, data: str): ''' Send raw data to the IRC server. :param data: The raw data to send to the IRC server. (512 bytes max including crlf) ''' await self.writer.write(data[:510].encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') async def sendmsg(self, target: str, msg: str): ''' Send a PRIVMSG to the IRC server. :param target: The target to send the PRIVMSG to. (channel or user) :param msg: The message to send to the target. ''' await self.raw(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}') async def connect(self): '''Connect to the IRC server.''' while True: try: options = { 'host' : args.server, 'port' : args.port, 'limit' : 1024, 'ssl' : ssl_ctx() if args.ssl else None, 'family' : 10 if args.v6 else 2, 'local_addr' : args.vhost if args.vhost else None # Can we just leave this as args.vhost? } self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(**options), 15) if args.password: await self.raw('PASS ' + args.password) await self.raw(f'USER {self.username} 0 * :{self.realname}') await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname) while not self.reader.at_eof(): data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), 300) await self.handle(data.decode('utf-8').strip()) except Exception as ex: logging.error(f'failed to connect to {args.server} ({str(ex)})') finally: await asyncio.sleep(15) async def eventPRIVMSG(self, data: str): ''' Handle the PRIVMSG event. :param data: The data received from the IRC server. ''' parts = data.split() ident = parts[0][1:] nick = parts[0].split('!')[0][1:] target = parts[2] msg = ' '.join(parts[3:])[1:] if target == self.nickname: if ident == 'acidvegas!stillfree@big.dick.acid.vegas': if msg.startswith('!raw') and len(msg.split()) > 1: option = ' '.join(msg.split()[1:]) await self.raw(option) else: await self.sendmsg(nick, 'Do NOT message me!') if target.startswith('#'): if msg.startswith('!'): if time.time() - self.last < 3: if not self.slow: self.slow = True await self.sendmsg(target, color('Slow down nerd!', red)) else: self.slow = False if msg == '!help': await self.action(target, 'explodes') elif msg == '!ping': await self.sendmsg(target, 'Pong!') elif msg.startswith('!mesh') and len(msg.split()) > 1: message = ' '.join(msg.split()[1:]) # Implement outgoing meshtastic message here #await self.sendmesh(message) self.last = time.time() # Update the last command time if it starts with ! character to prevent command flooding async def eventConnect(self): '''Callback function for radio connection established.''' self.connected = True await self.action(args.channel, 'connected to the radio!') async def eventDisconnect(): '''Callback function for radio connection lost.''' self.connected = False await self.action(args.channel, 'disconnected from the radio!') async def handle(self, data: str): ''' Handle the data received from the IRC server. :param data: The data received from the IRC server. ''' logging.info(data) try: parts = data.split() if data.startswith('ERROR :Closing Link:'): raise Exception('BANNED') if parts[0] == 'PING': await self.raw('PONG ' + parts[1]) elif parts[1] == '001': # RPL_WELCOME await self.raw(f'MODE {self.nickname} +B') await self.sendmsg('NickServ', f'IDENTIFY {self.nickname} simps0nsfan420') await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.raw(f'JOIN {args.channel} {args.key if args.key else ""}') elif parts[1] == '433': # ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE self.nickname += '_' # revamp this to be more unique await self.raw('NICK ' + self.nickname) elif parts[1] == 'INVITE': target = parts[2] chan = parts[3][1:] if target == self.nickname and chan == args.channel: await self.raw(f'JOIN {chan}') elif parts[1] == 'KICK': chan = parts[2] kicked = parts[3] if kicked == self.nickname and chan == args.channel: await asyncio.sleep(3) await self.raw(f'JOIN {args.channel} {args.key if args.key else ""}') elif parts[1] == 'PRIVMSG': await self.eventPRIVMSG(data) # We put this in a separate function since it will likely be the most used/handled event except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass except Exception as ex: logging.exception(f'Unknown error has occured! ({ex})') def setup_logger(log_filename: str, to_file: bool = False): ''' Set up logging to console & optionally to file. :param log_filename: The filename of the log file :param to_file: Whether or not to log to a file ''' sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s | %(levelname)9s | %(message)s', '%I:%M %p')) if to_file: fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_filename+'.log', maxBytes=250000, backupCount=3, encoding='utf-8') # Max size of 250KB, 3 backups fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s | %(levelname)9s | %(filename)s.%(funcName)s.%(lineno)d | %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p')) # We can be more verbose in the log file logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET, handlers=(sh,fh)) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET, handlers=(sh,)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Connect to an IRC server.') parser.add_argument('server', help='The IRC server address.') parser.add_argument('channel', help='The IRC channel to join.') parser.add_argument('--password', help='The password for the IRC server.') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, help='The port number for the IRC server.') parser.add_argument('--ssl', action='store_true', help='Use SSL for the connection.') parser.add_argument('--v4', action='store_true', help='Use IPv4 for the connection.') parser.add_argument('--v6', action='store_true', help='Use IPv6 for the connection.') parser.add_argument('--key', default='', help='The key (password) for the IRC channel, if required.') parser.add_argument('--vhost', help='The VHOST to use for connection.') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.channel.startswith('#'): channel = '#' + args.channel if not args.port: args.port = 6697 if args.ssl else 6667 print(f'Connecting to {args.server}:{args.port} (SSL: {args.ssl}) and joining {args.channel} (Key: {args.key or 'None'})') setup_logger('skeleton', to_file=True) bot = Bot() asyncio.run(bot.connect())