# Instructions ## docker-compose - Copy `config.env.example` to `config.env` and edit - Copy `include.default.conf` to `include.conf` and edit - `docker-compose up -d` ## include.conf ``` serverinfo { name = "services.netcrave.network"; desc = "IRC Services"; numeric = "00A"; recontime = 10; netname = "LameNet"; hidehostsuffix = "users.misconfigured"; adminname = "admin"; adminemail = "no-reply@services.netcrave.network"; registeremail = "no-reply@services.netcrave.network"; hidden; mta = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; loglevel = { admin; error; info; network; wallops; }; maxcertfp = 0; maxlogins = 5; maxusers = 5; mdlimit = 30; emaillimit = 10; emailtime = 300; auth = none; casemapping = rfc1459; }; uplink "irc.netcrave.network" { host = ""; port = 7001; send_password = "changeme"; receive_password = "changeme"; }; operator "admin" { operclass = "sra"; password = "changeme"; }; general { permissive_mode; helpchan = "#help"; helpurl = "https://www.netcrave.network"; verbose_wallops; join_chans; leave_chans; secure; uflags = { hidemail; }; cflags = { guard; verbose; }; raw; flood_msgs = 7; flood_time = 10; ratelimit_uses = 5; ratelimit_period = 60; vhost_change = 30; kline_time = 7; kline_with_ident; kline_verified_ident; clone_time = 0; commit_interval = 5; db_save_blocking; operstring = "is an IRC Operator"; servicestring = "is a Network Service"; default_clone_allowed = 5; default_clone_warn = 4; clone_identified_increase_limit; uplink_sendq_limit = 1048576; language = "en"; exempts { }; allow_taint; immune_level = immune; show_entity_id; load_database_mdeps; hide_opers; match_masks_through_vhost; default_password_length = 16; }; ```