#!/usr/bin/env python # Elasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) - Developed by Acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/eris) # ingest_httpx.py import json try: import aiofiles except ImportError: raise ImportError('Missing required \'aiofiles\' library. (pip install aiofiles)') default_index = 'httpx-logs' def construct_map() -> dict: '''Construct the Elasticsearch index mapping for Masscan records.''' keyword_mapping = { 'type': 'text', 'fields': { 'keyword': { 'type': 'keyword', 'ignore_above': 256 } } } mapping = { 'mappings': { 'properties': { "timestamp" : { 'type' : 'date' }, "hash" : { "body_md5" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "body_mmh3" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "body_sha256" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "body_simhash" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "header_md5" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "header_mmh3" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "header_sha256" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "header_simhash" : { 'type': 'keyword' } }, "port" : { 'type': 'integer' }, "url" : keyword_mapping, "input" : keyword_mapping, "title" : keyword_mapping, "scheme" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "webserver" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "body_preview" : keyword_mapping, "content_type" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "method" : { 'type': 'keyword'}, "host" : { 'type': 'ip'}, "path" : keyword_mapping, "favicon" : { 'type': 'keyword' }, "favicon_path" : keyword_mapping, "a" : { 'type': 'ip'}, "aaaa" : { 'type': 'ip'}, "tech" : keyword_mapping, "words" : { 'type': 'integer'}, "lines" : { 'type': 'integer'}, "status_code" : { 'type': 'integer'}, "content_length" : { 'type': 'integer'} } } } return mapping async def process_data(file_path: str): ''' Read and process HTTPX records from the log file. :param file_path: Path to the HTTPX log file ''' async with aiofiles.open(file_path) as input_file: async for line in input_file: line = line.strip() if not line: continue record = json.loads(line) record['seen'] = record.pop('timestamp').split('.')[0] + 'Z' # Hacky solution to maintain ISO 8601 format without milliseconds or offsets record['domain'] = record.pop('input') for item in ('failed', 'knowledgebase', 'time'): del record[item] yield {'_id': record['domain'], '_index': default_index, '_source': record} async def test(input_path: str): ''' Test the HTTPX ingestion process :param input_path: Path to the HTTPX log file ''' async for document in process_data(input_path): print(document) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import asyncio parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HTTPX Ingestor for ERIS') parser.add_argument('input_path', help='Path to the input file or directory') args = parser.parse_args() asyncio.run(test(args.input_path)) '''' Deploy: go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx/cmd/httpx@latest curl -s https://public-dns.info/nameservers.txt -o nameservers.txt httpx -l zone.txt -t 200 -sc -location -favicon -title -bp -td -ip -cname -mc 200,201,301,302,303,307,308 -fr -r nameservers.txt -retries 2 -stream -sd -j -o httpx.json -v Output: { "timestamp":"2024-01-14T13:08:15.117348474-05:00", # Rename to seen and remove milliseconds and offset "hash": { # Do we need all of these ? "body_md5" : "4ae9394eb98233b482508cbda3b33a66", "body_mmh3" : "-4111954", "body_sha256" : "89e06e8374353469c65adb227b158b265641b424fba7ddb2c67eef0c4c1280d3", "body_simhash" : "9814303593401624250", "header_md5" : "980366deb2b2fb5df2ad861fc63e79ce", "header_mmh3" : "-813072798", "header_sha256" : "39aea75ad548e38b635421861641ad1919ed3b103b17a33c41e7ad46516f736d", "header_simhash" : "10962523587435277678" }, "port" : "443", "url" : "https://supernets.org", # Remove this and only use the input field as "domain" maybe "input" : "supernets.org", # rename to domain "title" : "SuperNETs", "scheme" : "https", "webserver" : "nginx", "body_preview" : "SUPERNETS Home About Contact Donate Docs Network IRC Git Invidious Jitsi LibreX Mastodon Matrix Sup", "content_type" : "text/html", "method" : "GET", # Remove this "host" : "", "path" : "/", "favicon" : "-674048714", "favicon_path" : "/i/favicon.png", "time" : "592.907689ms", # Do we need this ? "a" : [""], "tech" : ["Bootstrap:4.0.0", "HSTS", "Nginx"], "words" : 436, # Do we need this ? "lines" : 79, # Do we need this ? "status_code" : 200, "content_length" : 4597, "failed" : false, # Do we need this ? "knowledgebase" : { # Do we need this ? "PageType" : "nonerror", "pHash" : 0 } } '''