#!/bin/sh # ElasticSearch Index Dumper - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/eris) # This script will dump the entire contents of an ElasticSearch index to a JSON file. # # Todo: # - Add authentication support # Configuration BATCH_SIZE=10000 ES_HOST="https://elastic.change.me:9200" ES_INDEX="juicy_booties" SCROLL_ID=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/$ES_INDEX/_search?scroll=1m" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "size": $BATCH_SIZE, "query": { "match_all": {} } }' | jq -r '._scroll_id') count=0 while true; do RESPONSE=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/_search/scroll" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"scroll": "1m", "scroll_id": "'$SCROLL_ID'"}') HITS=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq -c '.hits.hits[]') if [ -z "$HITS" ] || [ "$HITS" = "null" ]; then break fi echo $HITS | jq -c '._source' >> $ES_INDEX.json SCROLL_ID=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq -r '._scroll_id') count=$(($count + $BATCH_SIZE)) echo "Dumped $BATCH_SIZE records ($count total) from $ES_INDEX on $ES_HOST" done