#!/usr/bin/env python # Cancer IRC Bot - Developed by acidvegas in Python (https://git.acid.vegas/cancer) ''' WARNING: This bot highly encourages flooding! Commands: @cancer | Information about the bot @cancer stats | Return bot statistics for the channel !100 | 1 in 100 chance to get a 100 (big !smoke) !beer [nick] | Grab a beer or toss one to someone !chainsmoke | Start a game of Chain Smoke !chug | Sip beer !dragrace | Start a game of Drag Race !extendo | 1 in 100 chance to get an EXTENDO (big !toke) !fatfuck | 1 in 100 chance to get a FATFUCK (fat !smoke/!toke) !letschug | LET'S FUCKING CHUG! !letstoke | LET'S FUCKING TOKE! !toke | Hit joint !smoke | Hit cigarette !nosmoking | Disable the bot for 30 seconds ''' import asyncio import json import os import random import ssl import time # Connection server = 'irc.server.com' port = 6697 use_ipv6 = False use_ssl = True vhost = None channel = '#chats' key = None # Identity nickname = 'CANCER' username = 'smokesome' realname = 'git.acid.vegas/cancer' # Login nickserv_password = None network_password = None operator_password = None # Settings user_modes = 'BdDg' # +d requires additional ! and @ to be in your set::channel-command-prefix on UnrealIRCd # Formatting Control Characters / Color Codes bold = '\x02' italic = '\x1D' underline = '\x1F' reverse = '\x16' reset = '\x0f' white = '00' black = '01' blue = '02' green = '03' red = '04' brown = '05' purple = '06' orange = '07' yellow = '08' light_green = '09' cyan = '10' light_cyan = '11' light_blue = '12' pink = '13' grey = '14' light_grey = '15' def color(msg, foreground, background=None): return f'\x03{foreground},{background}{msg}{reset}' if background else f'\x03{foreground}{msg}{reset}' def debug(data): print('{0} | [~] - {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data)) def error(data, reason=None): print('{0} | [!] - {1} ({2})'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data, str(reason))) if reason else print('{0} | [!] - {1}'.format(time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'), data)) def luck(odds): return True if random.randint(1,odds) == 1 else False def ssl_ctx(): ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE return ctx class Generate: # degenerate * def beer(): glass = color(' ', light_grey, light_grey) return glass + color(''.join(random.choice((' :.')) for _ in range(9)), orange, yellow) + glass def cigarette(size): filter = color(';.`-,:.`;', yellow, orange)+color(' ', yellow, yellow) cigarette = color('|'*size, light_grey, white) cherry = color('\u259A', random.choice((red,yellow,orange)), black)+color('\u259A', random.choice((red,yellow,orange)), grey) smoke = color('-' + ''.join(random.choice((';:-.,_`~\'')) for _ in range(random.randint(5,8))), grey) return filter + cigarette + cherry + smoke def joint(size): joint = color('/'*size, light_grey, white) cherry = color('\u259A', random.choice((red,yellow,orange)), black)+color('\u259A', random.choice((red,yellow,orange)), grey) smoke = color('-' + ''.join(random.choice((';:-.,_`~\'')) for _ in range(random.randint(5,8))), grey) return joint + cherry + smoke def mug(size): glass = color(' ', light_grey, light_grey) empty = f'{glass} {glass}' foam = glass + color(':::::::::', light_grey, white) + glass bottom = color(' ', light_grey, light_grey) mug = [foam,Generate.beer(),Generate.beer(),Generate.beer(),Generate.beer(),Generate.beer(),Generate.beer(),Generate.beer()] for i in range(8-size): mug.pop() mug.insert(0, empty) for i in range(len(mug)): if i == 2 or i == 7: mug[i] += glass + glass elif i > 2 and i < 7: mug[i] += ' ' + glass mug.append(bottom) return mug class Bot(): def __init__(self): self.fat = False self.event = None self.nicks = list() self.stats = {'hits':25,'sips':8,'chugged':0,'smoked':0,'toked':0,'chain':0,'drag':0} self.loops = {'chainsmoke':None,'dragrace':None,'letschug':None,'letstoke':None,'nosmoking':None,'timers':None} self.status = True self.reader = None self.writer = None async def raw(self, data): self.writer.write(data[:510].encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') await self.writer.drain() async def action(self, chan, msg): await self.sendmsg(chan, f'\x01ACTION {msg}\x01') async def sendmsg(self, target, msg): await self.raw(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}') async def notice(self, target, msg): await self.raw(f'NOTICE {target} :{msg}') async def connect(self): while True: try: options = { 'host' : server, 'port' : port, 'limit' : 1024, 'ssl' : ssl_ctx() if use_ssl else None, 'family' : 10 if use_ipv6 else 2, 'local_addr' : vhost } self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(**options), 15) await self.raw(f'USER {username} 0 * :{realname}') await self.raw('NICK ' + nickname) except Exception as ex: error('error: failed to connect to ' + server, ex) else: if os.path.isfile('stats.json'): with open('stats.json') as stats_file: self.stats = json.loads(stats_file.read()) debug('reloaded stats') await self.listen() for loop in self.loops: if self.loops[loop]: self.loops[loop].cancel() self.stats['chain'] = 0 self.stats['drag'] = 0 self.event = None self.nicks = list() self.status = True finally: await asyncio.sleep(30) async def loop_nosmoking(self): await asyncio.sleep(30) self.status = True async def loop_timers(self): while True: try: if time.strftime('%I:%M') == '04:20': await self.sendmsg(channel, color('S M O K E W E E D E R R D A Y', light_green)) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('ITZ DAT MUTHA FUCKN 420 BITCH', yellow)) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('LIGHT UP A NICE GOOD FAT FUCK', red)) await asyncio.sleep(120) elif time.strftime('%I:%M %p') == '02:00 AM': await self.sendmsg(channel, '.ascii phish') await asyncio.sleep(120) elif time.strftime('%I:%M') == '12:00': # the biscuit hour.. with open('stats.json', 'w') as stats_file: json.dump(self.stats, stats_file) await asyncio.sleep(120) except Exception as ex: error('error: loop_timers failed', ex) finally: await asyncio.sleep(20) async def loop_chainsmoke(self): self.nicks = dict() try: await self.notice(channel, 'Starting a round of {0} in {1} seconds!'.format(color('ChainSmoke', red), color('10', white))) await self.notice(channel, '[{0}] {1} {2} {3}'.format(color('How To Play', light_blue), color('Type', yellow), color('!smoke', light_green), color('to hit a cigarette. The cigarette goes down a little after each hit. Once you finish a cigarette, a new one will be lit for you. You will have 60 seconds to chain smoke as many cigarettes as possible.', yellow))) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.action(channel, 'Round starts in 3...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, '2...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, '1...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, color('GO', light_green)) self.status = True await asyncio.sleep(60) self.status = False await self.sendmsg(channel, color(' CHAINSMOKE ROUND IS OVER ', red, yellow)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color(' CHAINSMOKE ROUND IS OVER ', red, yellow)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color(' CHAINSMOKE ROUND IS OVER ', red, yellow)) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('Counting cigarette butts...', yellow)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.sendmsg(channel, '{0} smoked {1} cigarettes!'.format(channel, color(str(self.stats['chain']), light_blue))) if self.nicks: guy = max(self.nicks, key=self.nicks.get) await self.sendmsg(channel, '{0} smoked the most cigarettes... {1}'.format(guy, self.nicks[guy])) except Exception as ex: error('error: loop_chainsmoke failed', ex) finally: self.stats['chain'] = 0 self.nicks = list() self.event = None self.status = True async def loop_dragrace(self): self.hits = 25 try: await self.notice(channel, 'Starting a round of {0} in {1} seconds!'.format(color('DragRace', red), color('10', white))) await self.notice(channel, '[{0}] {1} {2} {3}'.format(color('How To Play', light_blue), color('Type', yellow), color('!smoke', light_green), color('to hit a cigarette. The cigarette goes down a little after each hit. You will have 10 seconds to smoke as quickly as possible.', yellow))) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.action(channel, 'Round starts in 3...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, '2...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, '1...') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.action(channel, color('GO', light_green)) self.stats['drag'] = time.time() except Exception as ex: error('error: loop_dragrace failed', ex) finally: self.status = True async def loop_letschug(self, nick): self.nicks.append(nick) try: await self.sendmsg(channel, color(f'OH SHIT {nick} is drunk', light_green)) await self.notice(channel, color(f'Time to TOTALLY CHUG in {channel.upper()} in 30 seconds, type !chug to join', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('LOL we CHUG in 20 get ready ' + ' '.join(self.nicks), light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('YO we CHUG in 10 get ready ' + ' '.join(self.nicks), light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(5) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('alright CHUG in 5', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('4..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('3..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('2..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('1..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color(' '.join(self.nicks) + ' .. CHUG!', light_green)) except Exception as ex: error('error: loop_letschug failed', ex) finally: self.event = None self.nicks = list() async def loop_letstoke(self, nick): self.nicks.append(nick) try: await self.sendmsg(channel, color(f'YO {nick} is high', light_green)) await self.notice(channel, color(f'Time to FUCKING toke in {channel.upper()}, type !toke to join', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('OH SHIT we toke in 20 get ready ' + ' '.join(self.nicks), light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(10) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('OH SHIT we toke in 10 get ready ' + ' '.join(self.nicks), light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(5) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('alright toke in 5', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('4..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('3..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('2..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color('1..', light_green)) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.sendmsg(channel, color(' '.join(self.nicks) + ' .. toke!', light_green)) except Exception as ex: error('error: loop_letstoke failed', ex) finally: self.event = None self.nicks = list() async def listen(self): while True: try: if self.reader.at_eof(): break data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), 500) line = data.decode('utf-8').strip() args = line.split() debug(line) if line.startswith('ERROR :Closing Link:'): raise Exception('Connection has closed.') elif args[0] == 'PING': await self.raw('PONG '+args[1][1:]) elif args[1] == '001': if user_modes: await self.raw(f'MODE {nickname} +{user_modes}') if nickserv_password: await self.sendmsg('NickServ', f'IDENTIFY {nickname} {nickserv_password}') if operator_password: await self.raw(f'OPER {username} {operator_password}') await self.raw(f'JOIN {channel} {key}') if key else await self.raw('JOIN ' + channel) self.loops['timers'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_timers()) elif args[1] == '433': error('The bot is already running or nick is in use.') # nick change elif args[1] == 'INVITE' and len(args) == 4: invited = args[2] chan = args[3][1:] if invited == nickname and chan == channel: await self.raw(f'JOIN {channel} {key}') if key else await self.raw('JOIN ' + channel) elif args[1] == 'KICK' and len(args) >= 4: chan = args[2] kicked = args[3] if kicked == nickname and chan == channel: await asyncio.sleep(3) await self.raw(f'JOIN {channel} {key}') if key else await self.raw('JOIN ' + channel) elif args[1] == 'PART' and len(args) >= 3: chan = args[2] if chan == channel: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:] await self.action(nick, f'blows smoke in {nick}\'s face...') elif args[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and len(args) >= 4: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:] chan = args[2] msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:] if chan == channel: if self.status: args = msg.split() if msg == '@cancer': await self.sendmsg(chan, bold + 'CANCER IRC Bot - Developed by acidvegas in Python - https://git.acid.vegas/cancer') elif msg == '@cancer stats': await self.sendmsg(chan, 'Chugged : {0} beers {1}'.format(color(self.stats['chugged'], light_blue), color('({0:,} cases)'.format(int(self.stats['chugged']/24)), grey))) await self.sendmsg(chan, 'Smoked : {0} cigarettes {1}'.format(color(self.stats['smoked'], light_blue), color('({0:,} packs)'.format(int(self.stats['smoked']/24)), grey))) await self.sendmsg(chan, 'Toked : {0} joints {1}'.format(color(self.stats['toked'], light_blue), color('({0:,} grams)'.format(int(self.stats['toked']/3)), grey))) elif msg in ('!100','!extendo','!fatfuck') and luck(100): if msg == '!fatfuck': self.fat = True await self.sendmsg(chan, '{0}{1}{2}'.format(color(' !!! ', red, green), color('AWWW SHIT, IT\'S TIME FOR THAT MARLBORO FATFUCK', black, green), color(' !!! ', red, green))) else: self.stats['hits'] = 100 if msg == '!100': await self.sendmsg(chan, '{0}{1}{2}'.format(color(' !!! ', white, red), color('AWWW SHIT, IT\'S TIME FOR THAT NEWPORT 100', red, white), color(' !!! ', white, red))) else: await self.sendmsg(chan, '{0}{1}{2}'.format(color(' !!! ', red, green), color('OHHH FUCK, IT\'S TIME FOR THAT 420 EXTENDO', yellow, green), color(' !!! ', red, green))) elif args[0] == '!beer': if len(args) == 1: target = nick elif len(args) == 2: target = args[1] beer = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(color(' ', white, white), color(' BUD ', white, random.choice((blue,brown))), color('c', grey, white)) await self.action(chan, f'throws {color(target, white)} an ice cold {beer} =)') if luck(100): await asyncio.sleep(2) await self.action(chan, 'suddenly feels more gay...') elif msg == '!chainsmoke' and not self.event: self.status = False self.event = 'chainsmoke' self.loops['chainsmoke'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_chainsmoke()) elif msg == '!chug': if self.event == 'letschug': if nick in self.nicks: await self.sendmsg(chan, color(nick + ' you are already chuggin u wastoid!', light_green)) else: self.nicks.append(nick) await self.sendmsg(chan, color(nick + ' joined the CHUG session!', light_green)) else: if self.stats['sips'] <= 0: self.stats['sips'] = 8 self.stats['chugged'] += 1 for line in Generate.mug(self.stats['sips']): await self.sendmsg(chan, line) self.stats['sips'] -= random.choice((1,2)) elif msg == '!dragrace' and not self.event: self.status = False self.event = 'dragrace' self.loops['dragrace'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_dragrace()) elif msg == '!letschug' and not self.event: self.event = 'letschug' self.loops['letschug'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_letschug(nick)) elif msg == '!letstoke' and not self.event: self.event = 'letstoke' self.loops['letstoke'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_letstoke(nick)) elif msg == '!nosmoking': self.status = False self.loops['nosmoking'] = asyncio.create_task(self.loop_nosmoking()) elif msg in ('!smoke','!toke'): option = 'smoked' if msg == '!smoke' else 'toked' if self.event == 'letstoke' and msg == '!toke': if nick in self.nicks: await self.sendmsg(chan, color(nick + ' you are already toking u stoner!', light_green)) else: self.nicks.append(nick) await self.sendmsg(chan, color(nick + ' joined the TOKE session!', light_green)) else: if self.stats['hits'] <= 0: self.stats['hits'] = 25 self.stats[option] += 1 if self.fat: self.fat = False if self.event == 'chainsmoke' and msg == '!smoke': self.nicks[nick] = self.nicks[nick]+1 if nick in self.nicks else 1 self.stats['chain'] += 1 elif self.event == 'dragrace' and msg == '!smoke': await self.sendmsg(chan, 'It took {0} seconds for {1} to smoke a cigarette!'.format(color('{:.2f}'.format(time.time()-self.stats['drag']), light_blue), color(chan, white))) self.event = None self.stats['drag'] = 0 elif luck(25) and msg == '!smoke': await self.raw(f'KILL {nick} CANCER KILLED {nick.upper()} - QUIT SMOKING TODAY! +1 800-QUIT-NOW') else: object = Generate.cigarette(self.stats['hits']) if msg == '!smoke' else Generate.joint(self.stats['hits']) cigarette = Generate.cigarette(self.stats['hits']) if self.fat: for i in range(3): await self.sendmsg(chan, object) else: await self.sendmsg(chan, object) self.stats['hits'] -= random.choice((1,2)) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass except Exception as ex: error(self.display + 'fatal error occured', ex) break # Main asyncio.run(Bot().connect())