/* RadioLib AX.25 Frame Example This example shows how to send various AX.25 frames using SX1278's FSK modem. Other modules that can be used for AX.25: - SX127x/RFM9x - RF69 - SX1231 - CC1101 - SX126x - nRF24 - Si443x/RFM2x Using raw AX.25 frames requires some knowledge of the protocol, refer to AX25_Transmit for basic operation. Frames shown in this example are not exhaustive; all possible AX.25 frames should be supported. For default module settings, see the wiki page https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/wiki/Default-configuration For full API reference, see the GitHub Pages https://jgromes.github.io/RadioLib/ */ // include the library #include // SX1278 has the following connections: // NSS pin: 10 // DIO0 pin: 2 // RESET pin: 9 // DIO1 pin: 3 SX1278 radio = new Module(10, 2, 9, 3); // or using RadioShield // https://github.com/jgromes/RadioShield //SX1278 radio = RadioShield.ModuleA; // create AX.25 client instance using the FSK module AX25Client ax25(&radio); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // initialize SX1278 Serial.print(F("[SX1278] Initializing ... ")); // carrier frequency: 434.0 MHz // bit rate: 1.2 kbps (1200 baud 2-FSK AX.25) // frequency deviation: 0.5 kHz (1200 baud 2-FSK AX.25) int state = radio.beginFSK(434.0, 1.2, 0.5); // when using one of the non-LoRa modules for AX.25 // (RF69, CC1101, Si4432 etc.), use the basic begin() method // int state = radio.begin(); if(state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { Serial.println(F("success!")); } else { Serial.print(F("failed, code ")); Serial.println(state); while(true); } // initialize AX.25 client Serial.print(F("[AX.25] Initializing ... ")); // source station callsign: "N7LEM" // source station SSID: 0 // preamble length: 8 bytes state = ax25.begin("N7LEM"); if(state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { Serial.println(F("success!")); } else { Serial.print(F("failed, code ")); Serial.println(state); while(true); } } void loop() { // create AX.25 Unnumbered Information frame // destination station callsign: "NJ7P" // destination station SSID: 0 // source station callsign: "N7LEM" // source station SSID: 0 // control field: UI, P/F not used, unnumbered frame // protocol identifier: no layer 3 protocol implemented // information field: "Hello World!" AX25Frame frameUI("NJ7P", 0, "N7LEM", 0, RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_U_UNNUMBERED_INFORMATION | RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_POLL_FINAL_DISABLED | RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_UNNUMBERED_FRAME, RADIOLIB_AX25_PID_NO_LAYER_3, "Hello World (unnumbered)!"); // send the frame Serial.print(F("[AX.25] Sending UI frame ... ")); int state = ax25.sendFrame(&frameUI); if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { // the packet was successfully transmitted Serial.println(F("success!")); } else { // some error occurred Serial.print(F("failed, code ")); Serial.println(state); } delay(1000); // create AX.25 Receive Ready frame // destination station callsign: "NJ7P" // destination station SSID: 0 // source station callsign: "N7LEM" // source station SSID: 0 // control field: RR, P/F not used, supervisory frame AX25Frame frameRR("NJ7P", 0, "N7LEM", 0, RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_S_RECEIVE_READY | RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_POLL_FINAL_DISABLED | RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_SUPERVISORY_FRAME); // set receive sequence number (0 - 7) frameRR.setRecvSequence(0); // send the frame Serial.print(F("[AX.25] Sending RR frame ... ")); state = ax25.sendFrame(&frameRR); if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { // the packet was successfully transmitted Serial.println(F("success!")); } else { // some error occurred Serial.print(F("failed, code ")); Serial.println(state); } delay(1000); // create AX.25 Information frame // destination station callsign: "NJ7P" // destination station SSID: 0 // source station callsign: "N7LEM" // source station SSID: 0 // control field: P/F not used, information frame // protocol identifier: no layer 3 protocol implemented // information field: "Hello World (numbered)!" AX25Frame frameI("NJ7P", 0, "N7LEM", 0, RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_POLL_FINAL_DISABLED | RADIOLIB_AX25_CONTROL_INFORMATION_FRAME, RADIOLIB_AX25_PID_NO_LAYER_3, "Hello World (numbered)!"); // set receive sequence number (0 - 7) frameI.setRecvSequence(0); // set send sequence number (0 - 7) frameI.setSendSequence(0); // send the frame Serial.print(F("[AX.25] Sending I frame ... ")); state = ax25.sendFrame(&frameI); if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { // the packet was successfully transmitted Serial.println(F("success!")); } else { // some error occurred Serial.print(F("failed, code ")); Serial.println(state); } delay(1000); }