// The following touch screen support code by maxpautsch was merged 1/10/17 // https://github.com/maxpautsch // Define TOUCH_CS is the user setup file to enable this code // A demo is provided in examples Generic folder // Additions by Bodmer to double sample, use Z value to improve detection reliability // and to correct rotation handling // See license in root directory. /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: begin_touch_read_write - was spi_begin_touch ** Description: Start transaction and select touch controller ***************************************************************************************/ // The touch controller has a low SPI clock rate inline void TFT_eSPI::begin_touch_read_write(void){ DMA_BUSY_CHECK; CS_H; // Just in case it has been left low #if defined (SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION) && defined (SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS) if (locked) {locked = false; spi.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_TOUCH_FREQUENCY, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));} #else spi.setFrequency(SPI_TOUCH_FREQUENCY); #endif SET_BUS_READ_MODE; T_CS_L; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: end_touch_read_write - was spi_end_touch ** Description: End transaction and deselect touch controller ***************************************************************************************/ inline void TFT_eSPI::end_touch_read_write(void){ T_CS_H; #if defined (SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION) && defined (SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS) if(!inTransaction) {if (!locked) {locked = true; spi.endTransaction();}} #else spi.setFrequency(SPI_FREQUENCY); #endif //SET_BUS_WRITE_MODE; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: Legacy - deprecated ** Description: Start/end transaction ***************************************************************************************/ void TFT_eSPI::spi_begin_touch() {begin_touch_read_write();} void TFT_eSPI::spi_end_touch() { end_touch_read_write();} /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: getTouchRaw ** Description: read raw touch position. Always returns true. ***************************************************************************************/ uint8_t TFT_eSPI::getTouchRaw(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y){ uint16_t tmp; begin_touch_read_write(); // Start YP sample request for x position, read 4 times and keep last sample spi.transfer(0xd0); // Start new YP conversion spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0xd0); // Read last 8 bits and start new YP conversion spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0xd0); // Read last 8 bits and start new YP conversion spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0xd0); // Read last 8 bits and start new YP conversion tmp = spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits tmp = tmp <<5; tmp |= 0x1f & (spi.transfer(0x90)>>3); // Read last 8 bits and start new XP conversion *x = tmp; // Start XP sample request for y position, read 4 times and keep last sample spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0x90); // Read last 8 bits and start new XP conversion spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0x90); // Read last 8 bits and start new XP conversion spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits spi.transfer(0x90); // Read last 8 bits and start new XP conversion tmp = spi.transfer(0); // Read first 8 bits tmp = tmp <<5; tmp |= 0x1f & (spi.transfer(0)>>3); // Read last 8 bits *y = tmp; end_touch_read_write(); return true; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: getTouchRawZ ** Description: read raw pressure on touchpad and return Z value. ***************************************************************************************/ uint16_t TFT_eSPI::getTouchRawZ(void){ begin_touch_read_write(); // Z sample request int16_t tz = 0xFFF; spi.transfer(0xb0); // Start new Z1 conversion tz += spi.transfer16(0xc0) >> 3; // Read Z1 and start Z2 conversion tz -= spi.transfer16(0x00) >> 3; // Read Z2 end_touch_read_write(); if (tz == 4095) tz = 0; return (uint16_t)tz; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: validTouch ** Description: read validated position. Return false if not pressed. ***************************************************************************************/ #define _RAWERR 20 // Deadband error allowed in successive position samples uint8_t TFT_eSPI::validTouch(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y, uint16_t threshold){ uint16_t x_tmp, y_tmp, x_tmp2, y_tmp2; // Wait until pressure stops increasing to debounce pressure uint16_t z1 = 1; uint16_t z2 = 0; while (z1 > z2) { z2 = z1; z1 = getTouchRawZ(); delay(1); } // Serial.print("Z = ");Serial.println(z1); if (z1 <= threshold) return false; getTouchRaw(&x_tmp,&y_tmp); // Serial.print("Sample 1 x,y = "); Serial.print(x_tmp);Serial.print(",");Serial.print(y_tmp); // Serial.print(", Z = ");Serial.println(z1); delay(1); // Small delay to the next sample if (getTouchRawZ() <= threshold) return false; delay(2); // Small delay to the next sample getTouchRaw(&x_tmp2,&y_tmp2); // Serial.print("Sample 2 x,y = "); Serial.print(x_tmp2);Serial.print(",");Serial.println(y_tmp2); // Serial.print("Sample difference = ");Serial.print(abs(x_tmp - x_tmp2));Serial.print(",");Serial.println(abs(y_tmp - y_tmp2)); if (abs(x_tmp - x_tmp2) > _RAWERR) return false; if (abs(y_tmp - y_tmp2) > _RAWERR) return false; *x = x_tmp; *y = y_tmp; return true; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: getTouch ** Description: read callibrated position. Return false if not pressed. ***************************************************************************************/ #define Z_THRESHOLD 350 // Touch pressure threshold for validating touches uint8_t TFT_eSPI::getTouch(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y, uint16_t threshold){ uint16_t x_tmp, y_tmp; if (threshold<20) threshold = 20; if (_pressTime > millis()) threshold=20; uint8_t n = 5; uint8_t valid = 0; while (n--) { if (validTouch(&x_tmp, &y_tmp, threshold)) valid++;; } if (valid<1) { _pressTime = 0; return false; } _pressTime = millis() + 50; convertRawXY(&x_tmp, &y_tmp); if (x_tmp >= _width || y_tmp >= _height) return false; _pressX = x_tmp; _pressY = y_tmp; *x = _pressX; *y = _pressY; return valid; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: convertRawXY ** Description: convert raw touch x,y values to screen coordinates ***************************************************************************************/ void TFT_eSPI::convertRawXY(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y) { uint16_t x_tmp = *x, y_tmp = *y, xx, yy; if(!touchCalibration_rotate){ xx=(x_tmp-touchCalibration_x0)*_width/touchCalibration_x1; yy=(y_tmp-touchCalibration_y0)*_height/touchCalibration_y1; if(touchCalibration_invert_x) xx = _width - xx; if(touchCalibration_invert_y) yy = _height - yy; } else { xx=(y_tmp-touchCalibration_x0)*_width/touchCalibration_x1; yy=(x_tmp-touchCalibration_y0)*_height/touchCalibration_y1; if(touchCalibration_invert_x) xx = _width - xx; if(touchCalibration_invert_y) yy = _height - yy; } *x = xx; *y = yy; } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: calibrateTouch ** Description: generates calibration parameters for touchscreen. ***************************************************************************************/ void TFT_eSPI::calibrateTouch(uint16_t *parameters, uint32_t color_fg, uint32_t color_bg, uint8_t size){ int16_t values[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; uint16_t x_tmp, y_tmp; for(uint8_t i = 0; i<4; i++){ fillRect(0, 0, size+1, size+1, color_bg); fillRect(0, _height-size-1, size+1, size+1, color_bg); fillRect(_width-size-1, 0, size+1, size+1, color_bg); fillRect(_width-size-1, _height-size-1, size+1, size+1, color_bg); if (i == 5) break; // used to clear the arrows switch (i) { case 0: // up left drawLine(0, 0, 0, size, color_fg); drawLine(0, 0, size, 0, color_fg); drawLine(0, 0, size , size, color_fg); break; case 1: // bot left drawLine(0, _height-size-1, 0, _height-1, color_fg); drawLine(0, _height-1, size, _height-1, color_fg); drawLine(size, _height-size-1, 0, _height-1 , color_fg); break; case 2: // up right drawLine(_width-size-1, 0, _width-1, 0, color_fg); drawLine(_width-size-1, size, _width-1, 0, color_fg); drawLine(_width-1, size, _width-1, 0, color_fg); break; case 3: // bot right drawLine(_width-size-1, _height-size-1, _width-1, _height-1, color_fg); drawLine(_width-1, _height-1-size, _width-1, _height-1, color_fg); drawLine(_width-1-size, _height-1, _width-1, _height-1, color_fg); break; } // user has to get the chance to release if(i>0) delay(1000); for(uint8_t j= 0; j<8; j++){ // Use a lower detect threshold as corners tend to be less sensitive while(!validTouch(&x_tmp, &y_tmp, Z_THRESHOLD/2)); values[i*2 ] += x_tmp; values[i*2+1] += y_tmp; } values[i*2 ] /= 8; values[i*2+1] /= 8; } // from case 0 to case 1, the y value changed. // If the measured delta of the touch x axis is bigger than the delta of the y axis, the touch and TFT axes are switched. touchCalibration_rotate = false; if(abs(values[0]-values[2]) > abs(values[1]-values[3])){ touchCalibration_rotate = true; touchCalibration_x0 = (values[1] + values[3])/2; // calc min x touchCalibration_x1 = (values[5] + values[7])/2; // calc max x touchCalibration_y0 = (values[0] + values[4])/2; // calc min y touchCalibration_y1 = (values[2] + values[6])/2; // calc max y } else { touchCalibration_x0 = (values[0] + values[2])/2; // calc min x touchCalibration_x1 = (values[4] + values[6])/2; // calc max x touchCalibration_y0 = (values[1] + values[5])/2; // calc min y touchCalibration_y1 = (values[3] + values[7])/2; // calc max y } // in addition, the touch screen axis could be in the opposite direction of the TFT axis touchCalibration_invert_x = false; if(touchCalibration_x0 > touchCalibration_x1){ values[0]=touchCalibration_x0; touchCalibration_x0 = touchCalibration_x1; touchCalibration_x1 = values[0]; touchCalibration_invert_x = true; } touchCalibration_invert_y = false; if(touchCalibration_y0 > touchCalibration_y1){ values[0]=touchCalibration_y0; touchCalibration_y0 = touchCalibration_y1; touchCalibration_y1 = values[0]; touchCalibration_invert_y = true; } // pre calculate touchCalibration_x1 -= touchCalibration_x0; touchCalibration_y1 -= touchCalibration_y0; if(touchCalibration_x0 == 0) touchCalibration_x0 = 1; if(touchCalibration_x1 == 0) touchCalibration_x1 = 1; if(touchCalibration_y0 == 0) touchCalibration_y0 = 1; if(touchCalibration_y1 == 0) touchCalibration_y1 = 1; // export parameters, if pointer valid if(parameters != NULL){ parameters[0] = touchCalibration_x0; parameters[1] = touchCalibration_x1; parameters[2] = touchCalibration_y0; parameters[3] = touchCalibration_y1; parameters[4] = touchCalibration_rotate | (touchCalibration_invert_x <<1) | (touchCalibration_invert_y <<2); } } /*************************************************************************************** ** Function name: setTouch ** Description: imports calibration parameters for touchscreen. ***************************************************************************************/ void TFT_eSPI::setTouch(uint16_t *parameters){ touchCalibration_x0 = parameters[0]; touchCalibration_x1 = parameters[1]; touchCalibration_y0 = parameters[2]; touchCalibration_y1 = parameters[3]; if(touchCalibration_x0 == 0) touchCalibration_x0 = 1; if(touchCalibration_x1 == 0) touchCalibration_x1 = 1; if(touchCalibration_y0 == 0) touchCalibration_y0 = 1; if(touchCalibration_y1 == 0) touchCalibration_y1 = 1; touchCalibration_rotate = parameters[4] & 0x01; touchCalibration_invert_x = parameters[4] & 0x02; touchCalibration_invert_y = parameters[4] & 0x04; }