// Change the width and height if required (defined in portrait mode) // or use the constructor to over-ride defaults // RM68120_DRIVER #define TFT_WIDTH 480 #define TFT_HEIGHT 800 //Set driver type common to all TBD initialisation options #ifndef RM68120_DRIVER #define RM68120_DRIVER #endif // Delay between some initialisation commands #define TFT_INIT_DELAY 0x80 // Not used unless commandlist invoked // Generic commands used by TFT_eSPI.cpp #define TFT_NOP 0x0000 #define TFT_SWRST 0x0100 #define TFT_CASET 0x2A00 #define TFT_PASET 0x2B00 #define TFT_RAMWR 0x2C00 #define TFT_RAMRD 0x2E00 #define TFT_IDXRD 0xDD00 // ILI9341 only, indexed control register read #define TFT_MADCTL 0x3600 #define TFT_MAD_MY 0x80 #define TFT_MAD_MX 0x40 #define TFT_MAD_MV 0x20 #define TFT_MAD_ML 0x10 #define TFT_MAD_BGR 0x08 #define TFT_MAD_RGB 0x00 #define TFT_MAD_MH 0x04 #define TFT_MAD_H_FLIP 0x02 #define TFT_MAD_V_FLIP 0x01 #ifdef TFT_RGB_ORDER #if (TFT_RGB_ORDER == 1) #define TFT_MAD_COLOR_ORDER TFT_MAD_RGB #else #define TFT_MAD_COLOR_ORDER TFT_MAD_BGR #endif #else #define TFT_MAD_COLOR_ORDER TFT_MAD_RGB #endif #define TFT_INVOFF 0x2000 #define TFT_INVON 0x2100