// Coded by Bodmer 10/2/18, see license in root directory. // This is part of the TFT_eSPI class and is associated with the Touch Screen handlers public: // Get raw x,y ADC values from touch controller uint8_t getTouchRaw(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y); // Get raw z (i.e. pressure) ADC value from touch controller uint16_t getTouchRawZ(void); // Convert raw x,y values to calibrated and correctly rotated screen coordinates void convertRawXY(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y); // Get the screen touch coordinates, returns true if screen has been touched // if the touch coordinates are off screen then x and y are not updated // The returned value can be treated as a bool type, false or 0 means touch not detected // In future the function may return an 8 "quality" (jitter) value. uint8_t getTouch(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y, uint16_t threshold = 600); // Run screen calibration and test, report calibration values to the serial port void calibrateTouch(uint16_t *data, uint32_t color_fg, uint32_t color_bg, uint8_t size); // Set the screen calibration values void setTouch(uint16_t *data); private: // Legacy support only - deprecated TODO: delete void spi_begin_touch(); void spi_end_touch(); // Handlers for the touch controller bus settings inline void begin_touch_read_write() __attribute__((always_inline)); inline void end_touch_read_write() __attribute__((always_inline)); // Private function to validate a touch, allow settle time and reduce spurious coordinates uint8_t validTouch(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y, uint16_t threshold = 600); // Initialise with example calibration values so processor does not crash if setTouch() not called in setup() uint16_t touchCalibration_x0 = 300, touchCalibration_x1 = 3600, touchCalibration_y0 = 300, touchCalibration_y1 = 3600; uint8_t touchCalibration_rotate = 1, touchCalibration_invert_x = 2, touchCalibration_invert_y = 0; uint32_t _pressTime; // Press and hold time-out uint16_t _pressX, _pressY; // For future use (last sampled calibrated coordinates)