.\"Created with GNOME Manpages Editor .\"https://github.com/lucas-net-pl/ls-config .\"Replace with the program name, x with the Section Number .TH ls-config x "1" "" "Linux User's Manual" .SH NAME ls-config \- program to use libconfig9 configuration files in bash scripts ..SH SYNOPSIS .B ls-config [\fB\-f\fR \fIFILE\fR] .RI [ options ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION You can use libcongig9 files directly invoking ls-config. Remember to call ls-config always with -f parameter, wich give ls-config inormation wich config file use. Then this program operate in three based modes: -g (get) for reading values (default) -s (set) for store values -h (help) for display help message both parameter (-g and -s) nedd to give it variable path (internal configuration variable path) .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-f ", " \-\-file =\fIFILE\fR Configuration file to handle. .TP .BR \-s ", " \-\-set =\fIPATH\fR Set configuration variable of given path. .TP .BR \-d ", " \-\-data =\fIDATA\fR Configuration variable value (only with -s) .TP .BR \-p ", " \-\-type =\fITYPE\fR Configuration value type .TP .BR \-g ", " \-\-get =\fIPATH\fR Get configuration variable of given path. .TP .BR \-n ", " \-\-names Printout variables names. .TP .BR \-t ", " \-\-types Printout variables types. .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-values Printout variables values. .TP .BR \-i ", " \-\-indexes Printout variables indexes. .TP .BR \-c ", " \-\-count Printout elements count (only: array, list, group). .TP .BR \-b ", " \-\-bool\-string Printout boolean variables as text. .TP .BR \-q ", " \-\-quiet Quiet output to use in scripts. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Print this help message. .TP Variable \fITYPE\fRs: group - variables group, array - array of variables, list - list of variables, int - integer number, int64 - 64bit integer number, float - float point number, bool - boolean value, string - character string. .SH NOTES Exiting eerror codes: 0 - exit with no error 1 - Cen't access witch right mode (read or write) configuration file. 2 - (not used), 3 - Variable of given path not found (path not found). 4 - Variable path not given. 5 - Can't remove root element (cused if someone try to unset it) 6 - Can't find parent element 7 - Variable unset failed. 8 - Configuration file write failed. 9 - Variable value not given. 10 - Inconsistent value type (caused if set exisitng variablen and give type another then saved). 11 - Variable set failed. 12 - Incorrect data format. 13 - Variable type not given (in som cases tu set variable, giving his type are necesery). 14 - Inlegal data type (caused if user give type thet not known for libconfig9). 15 - Bad name of variable (curently chcecking only if enpty stringa are given). 16 - Inavlid configuration variable path. 17 - New named configuration variable can be added only to group element. 18 - Prohibited data type (caused when use type then connot be use in given case).