#include "irc.h" #include "util.h" #include "events.h" #include "module.h" #include #include #include #include #define HANDLERARRY_LEN 500 struct handler privmsg_self; struct handler privmsg_chan; struct handler chan_join; struct handler irc_connected; // TODO: // redo this module, unified api void init_events() { privmsg_self.type = PRIVMSG_SELF; privmsg_chan.type = PRIVMSG_CHAN; chan_join.type = JOIN; irc_connected.type = IRC_CONNECTED; privmsg_self.count = 0; privmsg_chan.count = 0; chan_join.count = 0; irc_connected.count = 0; privmsg_self.handlers = malloc(sizeof(void *) * HANDLERARRY_LEN); privmsg_chan.handlers = malloc(sizeof(void *) * HANDLERARRY_LEN); chan_join.handlers = malloc(sizeof(void *) * HANDLERARRY_LEN); irc_connected.handlers = malloc(sizeof(void *) * HANDLERARRY_LEN); } int add_handler(char *type, void *handler) { printf("Installing handler @ %p [type: %s]\n", handler, type); int handler_count; if (!strcmp(PRIVMSG_SELF, type)) { privmsg_self.handlers[privmsg_self.count] = handler; privmsg_self.count++; return privmsg_self.count - 1; } else if (!strcmp(PRIVMSG_CHAN, type)) { privmsg_chan.handlers[privmsg_chan.count] = handler; privmsg_chan.count++; return privmsg_chan.count - 1; } else if (!strcmp(JOIN, type)) { chan_join.handlers[chan_join.count] = handler; chan_join.count++; return chan_join.count - 1; } else if (!strcmp(IRC_CONNECTED, type)) { irc_connected.handlers[irc_connected.count] = handler; irc_connected.count++; return irc_connected.count - 1; } } void del_handler(int num, char *type) { if (type == PRIVMSG_SELF) privmsg_self.handlers[num] = NULL; else if (type == PRIVMSG_CHAN) privmsg_chan.handlers[num] = NULL; } void handle_connected(struct irc_conn *bot, char *text) { void (*handler)(); for (int i = 0; i < irc_connected.count; i++) { if ((handler = irc_connected.handlers[i]) != NULL) (*handler)(bot, text); } } void handle_chan_privmsg(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *chan, char *text) { void (*handler)(); for (int i = 0; i < privmsg_chan.count; i++) { if ((handler = privmsg_chan.handlers[i]) != NULL) (*handler)(bot, user, chan, text); } } void handle_self_privmsg(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *text) { void (*handler)(); int i; char *cmd, *arg, *modpath; cmd = text; arg = skip(cmd, ' '); modpath = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*500); for (i = 0; i < privmsg_self.count; i++) { handler = privmsg_self.handlers[i]; ((void(*)())handler)(bot, user, text); } if (!strcmp("JOIN", cmd)) { if (strcmp(bot->admin, user)) { irc_raw(bot, "JOIN %s", arg); } else { irc_notice(bot, user, "You are unauthorized to use this command."); } } if (!strcmp("PRINT_HANDLERS", cmd)) { if (strcmp(bot->admin, user)) { for (i = 0; i < privmsg_chan.count; i++) { irc_notice(bot, user, "handler[%i:%i]: %p", i, privmsg_chan.type, privmsg_chan.handlers[i]); } for (i = 0; i < privmsg_self.count; i++) { irc_notice(bot, user, "handler[%i:%i]: %p", i, privmsg_self.type, privmsg_self.handlers[i]); } } } if (!strcmp("LOADMOD", cmd)) { if (strcmp(bot->admin, user)) { irc_notice(bot, user, "Loading module: mods/%s.so", arg); sprintf(modpath, "./mods/%s.so", arg); load_module(bot, user, PRIVMSG_SELF, modpath); } else { irc_notice(bot, user, "You are unauthorized to use this command."); } } free(modpath); } void handle_join(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *chan) { void (*handler)(); for (int i = 0; i < chan_join.count; i++) { handler = chan_join.handlers[i]; ((void(*)())handler)(bot, user, chan); } } void free_events() { free(privmsg_self.handlers); free(privmsg_chan.handlers); free(chan_join.handlers); }