#include "util.h" #include "irc.h" #include "events.h" #include "module.h" #include "timers.h" #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #define MY_DLL_EXPORTS 1 #include #endif #include "lua.h" struct lua_interp lua; struct irc_conn *instance; char *scriptsfile = "./mods/lua/scripts"; int append_script(char *fname) { int i; FILE *fp; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); // check if the file is already in the list struct script_list list = get_scripts(); for (i = 0; i < list.count; i++) { if (strcmp(list.scripts[i], fname) == 0) { free(buf); return 0; } } if ((fp = fopen(scriptsfile, "a")) == NULL) { free(buf); return -1; } sprintf(buf, "%s\n", fname); fputs(buf, fp); fclose(fp); free(buf); return 0; } int remove_script(char *fname) { FILE *fp, *tmp; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); char *tmpfile = "./mods/lua/scripts.tmp"; if ((fp = fopen(scriptsfile, "r")) == NULL) { free(buf); return -1; } tmp = fopen(tmpfile, "w"); while (fgets(buf, 500, fp) != NULL) { if (strcmp(buf, fname) != 0) { fputs(buf, tmp); } } fclose(fp); fclose(tmp); remove(scriptsfile); rename(tmpfile, scriptsfile); free(buf); return 0; } struct script_list get_scripts() { FILE *fp; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); struct script_list list; int i = 0; if ((fp = fopen(scriptsfile, "r")) == NULL) { free(buf); list.count = 0; return list; } while (fgets(buf, 500, fp) != NULL) { list.scripts[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 150); strlcpy(list.scripts[i], buf, 150); // remove newline list.scripts[i][strlen(list.scripts[i]) - 1] = '\0'; i++; } list.count = i; free(buf); return list; } void lua_eval(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *host, char *chan, const char *text) { int res; block = 1; printf("lua eval called with %s\n", text); if (strstr(text, "!lua") != NULL) { text = skip(text, ' '); printf("lua: %s\n", text); res = luaL_loadstring(lua.L, text); if (res == LUA_OK) { res = lua_pcall(lua.L, 0, 0, 0); if (res != LUA_OK) { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error: %s", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); lua_pop(lua.L, 1); } } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error: %s", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); lua_pop(lua.L, 1); } } block = 0; } void lua_load_script(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *host, char *chan, const char *text) { char *name; char *script; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); if (strstr(text, "!load") != NULL) { text = skip((char *)text, ' '); sprintf(buf, "./scripts/%s", text); strlcpy(lua.scripts[lua.script_count].fname, buf, 150); if (luaL_loadfile(lua.L, buf) != LUA_OK) { if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("Error loading lua script: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error loading lua script: %s", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } return; } name = basename(buf); append_script(text); // execute the script if (lua_pcall(lua.L, 0, 0, 0) != LUA_OK) { if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("Error executing lua script: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error executing lua script: %s", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } return; } // get a ref to unload function if it exists and store it with luaL_ref lua_getglobal(lua.L, "unload"); if (lua_isfunction(lua.L, -1)) { lua.scripts[lua.script_count].unload = luaL_ref(lua.L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); printf("dbg: unload ref: %d\n", lua.scripts[lua.script_count].unload); } else { lua.scripts[lua.script_count].unload = -1; if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("No unload() function in %s\n", name); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "No unload() function in %s", name); } } // call the load function if it exists lua_getglobal(lua.L, "load"); if (lua_isfunction(lua.L, -1)) { if (lua_pcall(lua.L, 0, 0, 0) != LUA_OK) { if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("Error calling load() in %s: %s\n", buf, lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error calling load() in %s: %s", buf, lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); } return; } lua.script_count++; if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("Loaded %s\n", name); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Loaded %s", name); } } else { if (!strcmp(chan, "-stdio-")) { printf("Error: No load() function in %s\n", buf); } else { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error: No load() function in %s", buf); } } } free(buf); } void lua_unload_script(struct irc_conn *bot, char *user, char *host, char *chan, const char *text) { int i; char *name; char *script; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); if (strstr(text, "!unload") != NULL) { text = skip((char *)text, ' '); sprintf(buf, "./scripts/%s", text); irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Unloading %s", buf); for (i = 0; i < lua.script_count; i++) { if (strcmp(lua.scripts[i].fname, buf) == 0) { // call from the ref in .unload lua_rawgeti(lua.L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.scripts[i].unload); if (lua_pcall(lua.L, 0, 0, 0) != LUA_OK) { irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error calling unload() in %s: %s", buf, lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); return; } luaL_unref(lua.L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.scripts[i].unload); lua.scripts[i].unload = -1; remove_script(text); sprintf(buf, "Unloaded %s", text); irc_privmsg(bot, chan, buf); while (i < lua.script_count) { lua.scripts[i] = lua.scripts[i + 1]; i++; } lua.script_count--; free(buf); return; } } irc_privmsg(bot, chan, "Error: %s not loaded", text); } free(buf); } void lua_setvar(char *name, char *value) { lua_pushstring(lua.L, value); lua_setglobal(lua.L, name); } void mod_init() { int i; char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 500); struct script_list list = get_scripts(); instance = get_bot(); lua.scripts = calloc(512, sizeof(struct lua_script)); lua.events = calloc(1024, sizeof(struct lua_event)); lua.script_count = 0; lua.event_count = 0; lua.L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(lua.L); lua_init_wrappers(); lua_init_events(); lua_init_handlers(); register_module("lua", "Aaron Blakely", "v0.1", "Lua module"); // load init.lua if (luaL_loadfile(lua.L, "./mods/lua/init.lua") != LUA_OK) { printf("Error loading init.lua: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); return; } if (lua_pcall(lua.L, 0, 0, 0) != LUA_OK) { printf("Error executing init.lua: %s\n", lua_tostring(lua.L, -1)); return; } for (i = 0; i < list.count; i++) { printf("Loading %s\n", list.scripts[i]); sprintf(buf, "!load %s", list.scripts[i]); lua_load_script(instance, "lua", "localhost", "-stdio-", buf); } printf("Lua module loaded\n"); free(buf); } void mod_unload() { lua_close(lua.L); free(lua.scripts); free(lua.events); unregister_module("lua"); del_handler(PRIVMSG_CHAN, lua_eval); printf("Lua module unloaded\n"); }