
54 lines
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// Check if the message is user and respond via ai
use async_openai::{Client, types::{CreateCompletionRequestArgs}};
use regex::Regex;
use crate::modules::Command;
pub struct Ai;
impl Command for Ai {
fn handle(&self, message: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut responses = Vec::new();
if message.starts_with(":") && message.contains("PRIVMSG ") && message.contains("g1r") {
let channel = message.split("PRIVMSG ").nth(1).and_then(|s| s.splitn(2, ' ').next()).unwrap();
let user_message = "The following is a chat log:\n".to_owned() + message.split(&format!("PRIVMSG {} :", channel.to_string())).nth(1).unwrap() + "\nRespond funny, completely insane, and hyperactive as you are chatting as GIR from Invader Zim: \n\n";
let parts: Vec<&str> = message.splitn(2, ' ').collect();
let username = parts[0].trim_start_matches(':').split("!").next().unwrap();
let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
let result = rt.block_on(ai(&user_message, &username, &channel));
async fn ai(user_message: &str, username: &str, channel: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let api_key = "sk-*"; // set this from config and add rotatation
let client = Client::new().with_api_key(api_key);
println!("[?] PROMPT: {}: {}", username, user_message);
let chat_request = CreateCompletionRequestArgs::default()
let chat_response = client
println!("[+] RESPONSE: {}", chat_response.choices.first().unwrap().text);
let response_text = &chat_response.choices.first().unwrap().text;
let regex = Regex::new(r#""|[gG][1iI][rR]:\s*|[mM][eE]:?\s"#).unwrap();
let response_text = regex.replace_all(response_text, "").trim().to_string();
let response_lines = response_text.split("\n").filter(|line| !line.trim().is_empty());
let mut responses = Vec::new();
for line in response_lines {
responses.push(format!("PRIVMSG {} :{}: {}\r\n", channel, username, line));