![](https://github.com/lptstr/lptstr-images/blob/master/proj/fire/scrot.jpg?raw=true) # fire > The ancient DOOM fire animation in the terminal! ## what? `fire` is a remake of the PSX DOOM fire animation in the terminal, as seen in the [ly](https://github.com/nullgemm/ly) display manager. It's described nicely by Fabien Sanglard on his [blog](https://fabiensanglard.net/doom_fire_psx/index.html). ## where? ### supported platforms - Linux (musl/glibc) (*tested and supported*) - Windows (*should work, but not tested*) - (Dragonfly|Net|Free|Open)BSD: (*not tested, might work*) ### building from source You will need: - `git` - a c99 compiler (gcc or clang) - `gmake` (`bmake` is untested, but might work.) Retrieve the source: ``` $ # via git: $ git clone https://github.com/lptstr/fire --recurse ``` Build: ``` $ make ``` and install: ``` # make install ``` Uninstall, if you wish: ``` # make uninstall ``` ## how? ``` $ fire # no args for default animation $ fire -h # help message $ fire -Rw0 -f100 # matrix effect $ fire -l2 -w2 # small fire with wind blowing east $ fire -Rw0 -f1000000 # california animation $ fire -t -l2 -f3 # truecolor! ``` ### why? I'm bored ## credits This code was originally based on [`ly`](https://github.com/nullgemm/ly)'s animation code. ## license This project is licensed under the MIT license. View the [COPYING](COPYING) file for more information. ## contributing Prepare to see some of the worst C code in your life.