#!/usr/bin/env python # phalanx localhost bot - developed by acidvegas in python (https://git.acid.vegas/archive) import asyncio import random import re import sys import time class settings: admin = 'acidvegas!~stillfree@most.dangerous.motherfuck' # Can use wildcards (Must be in nick!user@host format) access = [admin,] oper_user = 'phalanx' oper_pass = 'simps0nsfAn420' # Formatting Control Characters / Color Codes bold = '\x02' reset = '\x0f' green = '03' red = '04' purple = '06' orange = '07' yellow = '08' light_green = '09' cyan = '10' light_cyan = '11' light_blue = '12' pink = '13' grey = '14' def color(msg, foreground, background=None): return f'\x03{foreground},{background}{msg}{reset}' if background else f'\x03{foreground}{msg}{reset}' def is_access(ident): result = False for item in settings.access: if re.compile(item.replace('*','.*')).search(ident): result = True return result def is_admin(ident): return re.compile(settings.admin.replace('*','.*')).search(ident) def rndip(): host = '' for i in range(3): host = host + ''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for n in range(8)]) + '.' return host + 'IP' def rndnick(): prefix = random.choice(['st','sn','cr','pl','pr','fr','fl','qu','br','gr','sh','sk','tr','kl','wr','bl']+list('bcdfgklmnprstvwz')) midfix = random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('aeiou'))+random.choice(('bcdfgklmnprstvwz')) suffix = random.choice(['ed','est','er','le','ly','y','ies','iest','ian','ion','est','ing','led','inger']+list('abcdfgklmnprstvwz')) return prefix+midfix+suffix class clone: def __init__(self, identity={'chan':'#phalanx','nick':'phalanx','user':'W','host':'R','real':'\x0304ROMAN WAR PHALANX\x03'}): self.identity = identity self.clones = dict() self.destroy = False self.reader = None self.write = None async def sendmsg(self, target, msg): await self.raw(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}') async def error(self, chan, data, reason=None): await self.sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}'.format(color('error', red), data, color(f'({reason})', grey))) if reason else await self.sendmsg(chan, '[{0}] {1}'.format(color('error', red), data)) async def run(self): await self.connect() async def raw(self, data): self.writer.write(data[:510].encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') await self.writer.drain() async def connect(self): while not self.destroy: try: options = {'host':'', 'port':6667, 'limit':1024, 'ssl':None, 'family':2} self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(**options), 5) del options await self.raw('USER {0} 0 * :{1}'.format(self.identity['user'], self.identity['real'])) await self.raw('NICK ' + self.identity['nick']) await self.listen() except Exception as ex: if self.identity['nick'] == 'phalanx': for item in self.clones: if self.clones[item]: self.clones[item].cancel() self.clones = dict() print('[!] - error occured (' + str(ex) + ')') await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(60,300)) async def listen(self): while True: try: data = await asyncio.wait_for(self.reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), 600) line = data.decode('utf-8').strip() if self.identity['nick'] == 'phalanx': print('[~] - ' + line) args = line.split() if args[0] == 'PING': await self.raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:]) elif args[1] == '001': await self.raw('MODE ' + self.identity['nick'] + ' +dD') await self.raw(f'OPER {settings.oper_user} {settings.oper_pass}') await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.raw('SETHOST ' + self.identity['host']) await self.raw('JOIN #phalanx') if self.identity['chan'] != '#phalanx': await self.raw('JOIN ' + self.identity['chan']) elif args[1] == '433': self.identity['nick'] = rndnick() await self.raw('NICK ' + self.identity['nick']) elif args[1] == 'KICK' and len(args) >= 4: chan = args[2] nick = args[3] if nick == self.identity['nick']: await asyncio.sleep(3) await self.raw('JOIN ' + chan) elif args[1] == 'NICK' and len(args) == 3: nick = args[0][1:] new = ' '.join(args[2:])[1:] if nick == self.identity['nick']: self.identity['nick'] = new elif args[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and len(args) >= 4: ident = args[0][1:] nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:] target = args[2] msg = ' '.join(args[3:])[1:] args = msg.split() if is_admin(ident): if args[0] == '.access' and self.identity['nick'] == 'phalanx' and len(args) == 2: action = args[1][:1] host = args[1][1:] if action == '+': if host not in settings.access: settings.access.append(host) await self.sendmsg(target, color('added', green)) elif action == '-': if host in settings.access: settings.access.remove(host) await self.sendmsg(target, color('removed', red)) elif action == '?': for item in settings.access: await self.sendmsg(target, color(item, yellow)) else: await self.error(chan, 'invalid command', 'usage: .access <+/->') if is_access(ident): if args[0] == '.create' and self.identity['nick'] == 'phalanx' and len(args) >= 2: if len(self.clones) < 500: chan = args[1] if len(args) >= 6: nick = rndnick() if args[2] == '%r' else args[2] user = rndnick() if args[3] == '%r' else args[3] host = rndip() if args[4] == '%r' else args[4] real = rndnick() if args[5] == '%r' else ' '.join(args[5:]) elif len(args) == 2: ident = random.choice(idents).split() nick = ident[0] user = ident[1] host = ident[2] real = ' '.join(ident[3:]) if nick != 'phalanx': options = {'chan':chan,'nick':nick,'user':user,'host':host,'real':real} self.clones[random.randint(1000,9999)] = asyncio.create_task(clone(identity=options).run()) else: self.error(target, 'max clones', 'for now...') elif args[0] == '.destroy' and self.identity['nick'] != 'phalanx' and len(args) == 2: target = args[1] if target == self.identity['nick'] or (target == '*' and is_admin(ident)): self.destroy = True await self.raw('QUIT :' + random.choice(('*.net *.split', f'Ping timeout: {random.randint(180,300)} seconds', 'Connection closed', 'G-line: User has been permanently banned from this network.'))) elif args[0] == '.raw' and len(args) >= 3: target = args[1] if target == 'phalanx' and not is_admin(ident): self.error(chan 'yeah right...') data = ' '.join(args[2:]) if '#5000' not in data: if target == self.identity['nick'] or (target == '*' and is_admin(ident)): if args[1] == '*': await asyncio.sleep(float('0.0'+str(random.randint(1111,9999)))) await self.raw(data) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass # Main idents = open('idents.txt').readlines() asyncio.run(clone().run())