#!/usr/bin/env python # LimitServ IRC Service Bot - Developed by acidvegas in Python (https://acid.vegas/random) import socket import threading import time # Configuration _connection = {'server':'irc.server.com', 'port':6697, 'ssl':True, 'ssl_verify':False, 'ipv6':False, 'vhost':None} _cert = {'file':None, 'key':None, 'password':None} _ident = {'nickname':'LimitServ', 'username':'services', 'realname':'Channel Limit Service'} _login = {'nickserv':'fartsimpson29', 'network':None, 'operator':'simps0nsfan69'} _throttle = {'limit':300, 'queue':0.5, 'voice':10} _settings = {'anope':False, 'honeypot':'#blackhole', 'limit':10, 'modes':None} def debug(msg): print(f'{get_time()} | [~] - {msg}') def error(msg, reason): print(f'{get_time()} | [!] - {msg} ({reason})') def get_time(): return time.strftime('%I:%M:%S') class IRC(object): def __init__(self): self._channels = list() self._names = list() self._queue = list() self._voices = dict() self._sock = None def _run(self): Loop._loops() self._connect() def _connect(self): try: self._create_socket() self._sock.connect((_connection['server'], _connection['port'])) self._register() except socket.error as ex: error('Failed to connect to IRC server.', ex) Event._disconnect() else: self._listen() def _create_socket(self): self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if _connection['ipv6'] else socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if _connection['vhost']: self._sock.bind((_connection['vhost'], 0)) if _connection['ssl']: ctx = ssl.SSLContext() if _cert['file']: ctx.load_cert_chain(_cert['file'], _cert['key'], _cert['password']) if _connection['ssl_verify']: ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ctx.load_default_certs() else: ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self._sock = ctx.wrap_socket(self._sock) def _listen(self): while True: try: data = self._sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') for line in (line for line in data.split('\r\n') if len(line.split()) >= 2): debug(line) Event._handle(line) except (UnicodeDecodeError,UnicodeEncodeError): pass except Exception as ex: error('Unexpected error occured.', ex) break Event._disconnect() def _register(self): if _login['network']: Bot._queue.append('PASS ' + _login['network']) Bot._queue.append('USER {0} 0 * :{1}'.format(_ident['username'], _ident['realname'])) Bot._queue.append('NICK ' + _ident['nickname']) class Command: def _join(chan, key=None): Bot._queue.append('JOIN {chan} {key}') if key else Bot._queue.append('JOIN ' + chan) def _kick(chan, nick, msg=None): Bot._queue.append(f'KICK {chan} {nick} {msg}') if msg else Bot._queue.append(f'KICK {chan} {nick}') def _mode(target, mode): Bot._queue.append(f'MODE {target} {mode}') def _raw(msg): Bot._sock.send(bytes(msg[:510] + '\r\n', 'utf-8')) def _sendmsg(target, msg): Bot._queue.append(f'PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}') class Event: def _connect(): if _settings['modes']: Command._mode(_ident['nickname'], '+' + _settings['modes']) if _login['nickserv']: Command._sendmsg('NickServ', 'IDENTIFY {0} {1}'.format(_ident['nickname'], _login['nickserv'])) if _login['operator']: Bot._queue.append('OPER {0} {1}'.format(_ident['username'], _login['operator'])) def _disconnect(): Bot._sock.close() Bot._names = list() Bot._queue = list() Bot._voices = dict() time.sleep(15) Bot.connect() def _end_of_names(chan): limit = str(len(Bot._names) + _settings['limit']) if settings['anope']: Command._sendmsg('ChanServ', 'MODE {0} LOCK ADD +lL {1} {2}'.format(chan, limit, _settings['honeypot'])) else: Command._mode(chan, '+lL {0} {1}'.format(limit, _settings['honeypot'])) Bot._names = list() def _join(nick, chan): if nick == _ident['nickname'].lower(): if chan not in Bot._channels: Bot._channels.append(chan) if chan not in Bot._voices: Bot._voices[chan] = dict() elif chan in Bot._channels: if nick not in Bot._voices[chan]: Bot._voices[chan][nick] = time.time() def _kick(nick, chan, kicked): if nick == _ident['nickname'].lower(): Bot._channels.remove(chan) del Bot._voices[chan] time.sleep(3) Command._join(chan) elif chan in Bot._channels: if nick in Bot._voices[chan]: del Bot._voices[chan][nick] def _names(chan, nicks): for name in nicks: if name[:1] in '~!@%&+': name = name[1:] Bot._names.append(name) def _nick(nick, new_nick): for chan in Bot._voices: if nick in Bot._voices[chan]: Bot._voices[chan][new_nick] = Bot._voices[chan][nick] del Bot._voices[chan][nick] def _no_such_nick(nick): for chan in Bot._voices: if nick in Bot._voices[chan]: del Bot.voices[chan][nick] def _part(nick, chan): if nick == _ident['nickname'].lower(): Bot._channels.remove(chan) del Bot._voices[chan] elif chan in Bot._channels: if nick in Bot._voices[chan]: del Bot._voices[chan][nick] def _quit(nick): for chan in Bot._voices: if nick in Bot._voices[chan]: del Bot._voices[chan][nick] def _handle(data): args = data.split() if data.startswith('ERROR :Closing Link:'): raise Exception('Connection has closed.') elif data.startswith('ERROR :Reconnecting too fast, throttled.'): raise Exception('Connection has closed. (throttled)') elif args[0] == 'PING': Command._raw('PONG ' + args[1][1:]) elif args[1] == '001': # RPL_WELCOME Event._connect() elif args[1] == '401': # ERR_NOSUCHNICK nick = args[3].lower() Event._no_such_nick(nick) elif args[1] == '433': # ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE raise Exception('Bot is already running or nick is in use.') elif args[1] == '353' and len(args) >= 6: #RPL_NAMREPLY chan = args[4].lower() names = ' '.join(args[5:]).lower()[1:].split() Event._names(chan, names) elif args[1] == '366' and len(args) >= 4: # RPL_ENDOFNAMES chan = args[3].lower() Event._end_of_names(chan) elif args[1] == 'JOIN' and len(args) == 3: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower() chan = args[2][1:].lower() Event._join(nick, chan) elif args[1] == 'KICK' and len(args) >= 4: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower() chan = args[2].lower() kicked = args[3].lower() Event._kick(nick, chan, kicked) elif args[1] == 'NICK' and len(args) == 3: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower() new_nick = args[2][1:].lower() Event._nick(nick, new_nick) elif args[1] == 'PART' and len(args) >= 3: nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower() chan = args[2].lower() Event._part(nick, chan) elif args[1] == 'QUIT': nick = args[0].split('!')[0][1:].lower() Event._quit(nick) class Loop: def _loops(): threading.Thread(target=Loop._queue).start() # start first to handle incoming data threading.Thread(target=Loop._limit).start() threading.Thread(target=Loop._voice).start() def _limit(): while True: try: for chan in Bot._channels: Bot._queue.append('NAMES ' + chan) except Exception as ex: error('Error occured in the loop!', ex) finally: time.sleep(_throttle['limit']) def _queue(): while True: try: if Bot._queue: Command._raw(Bot._queue.pop(0)) except Exception as ex: error('Error occured in the queue loop!', ex) finally: time.sleep(_throttle['queue']) def _voice(): while True: try: for chan in Bot._voices: nicks = [nick for nick in Bot._voices[chan] if time.time() - Bot._voices[chan][nick] > _throttle['voice']] for item in [nicks[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(nicks), 4)]: Command._mode(chan, '+{0} {1}'.format('v'*len(item), ' '.join(item))) for subitem in item: del Bot._voices[chan][subitem] except Exception as ex: error('Error occured in the voice loop!', ex) finally: time.sleep(1) # Main if _connection['ssl']: import ssl else: del cert, _connection['verify'] Bot = IRC() Bot._run()